Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1359: : Capture the house

But no one heeded his call, as if he were a transparent person.

Everyone is still fighting, still fighting each other, as if their opponents are all their own killing fathers and enemies.

"Fuck, that's your fellow disciple!"

"And you, did you forget the time when the two of you were close to each other?"

"Damn, how can you start with me, but I am your teacher!"

"Don't do it anymore, otherwise you will kill all your colleagues."

In a blink of an eye, the genius recruits of Qilin Academy have already died by half.

Such a huge loss, no matter how lofty his status, is estimated to have to pay a lot of costs to calm down the anger of the top management.

Just when he felt helpless, a genius recruit at the Kirin Academy walked to the side of Chen Shibo and said: "Sir, the situation is already difficult to control. We can't drag on anymore. Let's go for a batch and save the vitality. . "

"It can only be so."

Although Uncle Chen didn't want to leave, he thought about it and found out that this was indeed the case.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Chen patted the proposed nephew next to him, then turned around and walked away, wanting to leave the hall temporarily to see if it would be better.

But when he turned around, he suddenly thought of something.

That is, everyone is in a state of chaos and is in chaos. Why would the teacher-nephew be okay and take the initiative to propose to him?

"Is it ..."

Chen Shibo suddenly thought of something, so his heart tightened slightly.

At this moment, he felt a strong murderous opportunity behind him.

Under such circumstances, how can Shi Uncle Chen know what happened?

So at such a critical moment, Mr. Chen quickly released his passport, and at the same time punched his own heart and said, "Give me death!"

"Jian Jie, you are lucky, and I discovered my flaws."


A cold voice came from behind Mr. Chen.

Immediately after the counterattack, Chen Shibo shot back the master nephew into fragments, and then scolded: "Who are you, why should you target me at Kirin Academy?"

"Is it very important to know who I am?"

It seemed that in response to Chen Shibo, all the apprentices of the Qilin Academy in battle flashed a cold light in their eyes.

Immediately after the black and white pupils turned into blood red eyes.

Under such circumstances, they stopped their attacks one after another, and like the walking dead, they stepped towards Chen Shibo: "But you are about to die, so I am not afraid to tell you that I am called Wuxin."


Hearing this name, Chen Shibo was slightly surprised.

Obviously he didn't know the name, so he frowned: "Who the **** are you, why do you want to start with me at Kirin Academy?"

"You don't know me?"

Wuxin smiled faintly, and then said to Chen Shibo: "Yes, after all, it is tens of thousands of years later, and the times have changed now."

"Ten million years ago?"

Suddenly hearing this vocabulary, Chen Shibo was shocked: "Are you the man who survived in the ancient heavens thousands of years ago?"

"Now that I know my identity, I have not obediently bowed my head to admit defeat?"

Wuxin smiled coldly, then said to Master Chen: "Otherwise, as soon as the deity shot, you can destroy all the spirits you hit."

"Haha, I see."

When Wuxin didn't speak, Mr. Chen still had some uneasiness in his heart.

But after he spoke, Shi Uncle Chen was quite stable. He saw him staring around and said, "Although I don't know what happened to you, I guess you haven't shown up so far, and I still use my teacher. The inner rift between the door nieces and nephews allowed them to kill each other, and now they want to confuse me to surrender. It can be seen that you must have suffered some tens of thousands of years ago, so there are some problems in your body, which leads to your cultivation Only by lowering it, can we use this kind of tricks to confuse us. "


Unintentionally hidden in the dark, he smiled faintly: "For me, as long as you can kill you and take away your flesh, then you can leave this **** place, and the sky is vast, let me be free Fly away. "

"Are you going to take me away?"

Master Chen was shocked and retreated towards the back one after another: "Come on, even if I die, I won't fulfill you."

Uncle Chen turned around and wanted to leave this land of right and wrong. After finding other players, he came back to solve his unconsciousness.

"Want to run now, don't you feel everything is too late?"

Unintentionally fancying Chen Shibo's flesh, naturally will not let unintentionally leave.

Under such circumstances, he directly controlled the talented recruits of Qilin Academy, rushed towards Chen Shibo, and blocked the route of Chen Shibo's departure ~ ~ all to Laozi. "

Faced with this situation, Uncle Chen was not soft-hearted, so he shot directly in front of him with a punch.

The talented recruits at the unicorn academy in front cannot be Chen Shibo's opponent.

So he was shot directly by Chen Shibo, and a vacancy was directly leaked.

However, this vacancy did not last long, and I saw genius recruits from one Kirin Academy after another, rushing from all directions to fill up the vacant position.

Under such circumstances, the route that Uncle Chen left was heavily surrounded.

In the face of such a situation, there were still some kind-hearted Chen Shibo, who could no longer bear it, and showed up to kill one after another, pushing the enemies one after another back.

But the hungry tiger couldn't stand the pack of wolves. Under such circumstances, he was still hit by some genius recruits from the Kirin Academy.

After being hit again and again, Uncle Chen's body suffered various degrees of damage.

This made Master Shi's fighting power continue to decline.

Soon Uncle Chen's body was difficult to continue fighting.

Under such circumstances, Uncle Chen could not help but look gangster: "Hateful, if I fled from the beginning, relying on their power, you have no way to stop me."

"No matter how you argue, in short you have fallen into my hands now."

Unintentionally, he laughed proudly, and then he released a cheerful laugh.

Immediately after the genius recruits of the controlled Kirin Academy, they all screamed and fell to the ground in pain.

At the same time, a red mist came out of their bodies and slowly gathered into a human form: "Now you, there is no one-tenth of the power of the peak moment, I see what you use to prevent you from occupying you. body of."

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