Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1363: : The murderous demon captive

"Run quickly, the fierce demon captives are here again."

"Damn, if it wasn't me who was injured before, now I really want to kill them and keep them in armor pieces one by one to let them know that I'm awesome."

"Hateful, if there is a fair battle, they are definitely not our opponents."

"What nonsense is still there, and I'm not going to run until I'm dead."

Groups of recruits ran in the jungle above the satellite.

Their speed is very fast, but their bodies are covered with scars, and they cannot leave the satellite. Together with the suppression of gravity, they have no way to escape the enemy's pursuit, and they can only move step by step and seek vitality.

"No, there is no way ahead."

At this time, the person running at the front was blocked by an invisible enchantment.

The defense of the enchantment is not very strong. If you give them enough time, then he believes that he can find a way to solve the dilemma in front of him.

But they have no time, because the demon captives have already caught up from behind.

After being put into the satellite, the captives of those demons have completely liberated all kinds of shackles, and have returned to the peak level, which makes the new recruits of the barracks difficult to resist and can only passively escape.

"It's a dead end again, what the **** is going on?"

"I have never seen such a situation before, why is there such a situation?"

"Damn, why is there no way to contact the barracks and let the masters of the barracks come to rescue us?"

"Our amulets seem to have lost their function. Not only can we not contact many predecessors, but there is no way to break away from the satellite."

All of them had some despair for a while. Obviously the situation ahead made them struggle.

At this time, they saw black shadows flying over.

I saw that the movements of the shadows were not very fast, but they made people feel a trembling sense of fear. Obviously they were the captives of those demons.


At this time, the voice of a demon captive passed from far and near, saying: "Why don't the little sheep continue to run?"

"Lao Tzu hasn't played enough games to catch cats and mice, so show your unique skills as soon as possible and run towards the front."


With a rush, a former Demon captive immediately descended in front of the fairy recruits: "If you don't continue to run, then you are now my captive."

"Go to your ancestors, Lao Tzu is not a captive of your Demon Race."

Faced with the demonic abuse of the demons, an immortal recruit who was not very calm-hearted could not help but roar with a cry: "Laozi would rather die than be willing to be a captive."

I saw that the fairy recruit roared, his body suddenly sprinted, and came to the old Demon captive's side and said angrily: "Kill one and earn one, and I will not be killed even if I die!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The recruit made a series of killing moves, attacking desperately towards the front, vowing to die to kill a captive of the former Devil.

But in the face of his attack, the demon captive said very calmly: "If you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

I didn't see that the captive of the former Demon Clan had any complicated movements. It released a black light wave and flew towards the roaring fairy recruit.


The roaring fairy recruit was struggling to attack, never thinking about dodge, so he ate the devil captive's blow raw.

Without any fancy moves, the body of the fairy recruit was pierced on the spot.

"I can not be reconciled……"

The fairy recruit made a final sigh, and then fell from the void to the ground, completely becoming a dead body.

"Ling Chongzi ..."

The people who knew the killed fairy recruits rushed to the demon captives and said: "Anyway, they are dead, so I will fight with you."

For a time, all the people rushed into the void and blasted the demon captives.

The demon captives who came here will naturally not watch their companions being killed, so they also join the battle against the fairy recruits.

For a while, a lot of war broke out in the sky.

During the war, there were constantly being missed by immortal recruits, and the embarrassed fell from the void and became a corpse.

Under such circumstances, a man who was seriously injured and dying could not help but roar with a shout: "Even if I die today, I will pull a devil's cub back."

I saw him take a deep breath, say goodbye to his companions, and in the eyes of his comrades, he rushed across the face and hugged a demon captive.


The next moment, he detonated his body.

Coming to the end, this is the only way he can think of to kill the enemy.

For a time, the sky above ~ radiated a brilliant light, declaring how fierce and miserable the fighting was just now.

But after the explosion was introduced, it was found that the demon captive who had been hugged before, still stood above the void.

Except for some damage to his body, there was nothing wrong, which made the fairy recruits around him stunned one after another: "How could this be possible, he actually did not hurt a little, did he say ..."

Fairy recruits thought of a possibility, could not help but laugh bitterly.

Because people with such resistance, only the nobles above the legendary demon will have such terrifying defense and recovery.

Any fairy who meets such a terrible opponent will basically die, unless they have the same bloodline. But everyone on the scene obviously did not have such conditions.

For a while, they were ashamed, and it seemed that they could have foreseen the near future, and they would die in the end.

But just when they were desperate, the captive with the above blood lineage of the Demon Devil actually stopped his attack and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and then stared at the fairy recruits below, A prideful face said: "Stupid fairy people, don't blame Lao Tzu for not giving you the opportunity, as long as you tell me where the **** named Ye Xiaohu is, and if he is caught and sent over, then I might It can be seen in the face of your hard bones, giving you some preferential treatment, so as not to kill you on the spot. "

The demon captives looked down proudly, those fairy recruits who had become meat on the cutting board.

However, under such circumstances, those fairy people did not have any softness, and only saw their disdain: "It is absolutely impossible to let us betray our comrades. If you have the ability, you will kill us all."

(End of this chapter)

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