Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1364: : Last hope

"Okay, such a tough guy."

Faced with the angry rebuke of the fairy recruits, the demon captives laughed loudly: "What are you still doing? Let's grab them all together in the past, and then interrogate one by one to see if they have such fighting spirit."

Obviously, the demon captives did not eat the fairy recruits at all.

So they rushed up one after another, and once again a terrifying battle of weeping ghosts and gods broke out.

After this war, a new recruit was taken prisoner.

Their bodies were covered with scars, and they tried their best to fight.

But they are afraid of death.

They dare not explode their bodies.

Because they still wanted to live, they eventually became captives.

Under such circumstances, the captive of the demon walked in front of the fairy recruit who refused to say: "Now you and I have changed your identity, do you still not want to tell me the answer I want to know?"

"Not to mention that I don't know, but even if I do, I won't tell you."

Facing the question and inquiry of the demon captives, the fairy recruit still gritted his teeth and refused: "I am not afraid of death, I just hate not killing a few more demon captives."

"Since you are not afraid of death, then you should die."

The second time it was rejected, the demon prisoner who was previously interrogated was obviously also dissatisfied. So he stretched out his hand directly, and on the spot he would reject his fairy recruit twice in a row and kill his soul.

After finishing this, he continued to point at the second fairy recruit: "What about you? Like him, don't you want to tell me what I want to know?"


The second fairy recruit, who still gritted his teeth, said: "Shishi can not be humiliated. You can kill me if you have the ability. Someone will avenge me in the future."

"Relax, I will fulfill you."

The demon's patience is obviously not very high.

So when the fairy recruit answered, he immediately squeezed the body of the fairy recruit and did not give him a second chance to speak.

In this way, he went on trial all the way, and as a result, one after another immortal recruits, his body was squeezed by him one after another.

The kung fu in the blink of an eye was dead, seven or eight, and there was little left.


Seeing this scene, a rather majestic demon captive walked slowly and said: "Moko Podo, if you are going to kill, our captives are all killed, how to figure out the mystery we need to know."


Moko Poto, who was in charge of the interrogation before, couldn't help but spread his hands: "Morleystone, what do you say we should do?"

"Exploring their souls directly will always find something we need."

The rather majestic Morrison thought briefly: "And this way, it is also easier to interrogate one by one than us."

"You are right, I wanted to do this already."

Mokopoto's eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted several companions, and began to explore the captives one by one.

Under such circumstances, the memories of the fairy recruits passed into their minds.

Faced with this situation, those captive fairy recruits glanced one after another.

Finally, dignity conquered everything, so they took care of themselves and completely interrupted the transmission of soul.

Seeing this scene, Morrison could not help but frown: "How about, did we get what we need to know?"


Facing Morrison's inquiry, Mokopod couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Maybe they really don't know where Ye Xiaohu is."


Obviously this answer is not the answer they desire.

So Mollystone rubbed his temple, and then cautiously said: "The king must go back to the demon world, and only then can we avenge our revenge. So we must complete the tasks entrusted to us by the fairies anyway , And in exchange for an opportunity to leave this place and return to the Devil Realm. "


Mokopodho responded and thought for a while: "But General, although I didn't get the exact whereabouts of Ye Xiaohu, but after our previous pursuit and their memories, I can probably calculate that Ye Xiaohu Approximate location. "

"There is such a thing, why didn't you say it early?"

Mosleyton couldn't help but shining, and quickly asked: "You talk about your own ideas?"

"From the memories of those people, I noticed that they were running in many places one after another after our chase, and I saw a lot of strange things. But they are in an ancient hall, but there is nothing stay."


"The reason is because there are so many prohibitions in that hall that they cannot rest and breathe."

"I understand."

Mosleyton thought for a while, and then walked back and forth a few steps before saying seriously: "That hall, but in the center of this planet?"

"Yes ~ ~ Mokopod nodded and said:" The general is wise. "

"That's right."

Mosley Tong breathed a long breath and then said to the other demon captives: "In order to find the fairy named Ye Xiaohu as soon as possible, we were squeezed from all sides. Now most of the outer areas have been all It was cleaned up by us, so only the core is left. "

I saw that Mosleyton paused for a moment, and then added another sentence: "Next we will leave half of the people, continue to explore according to the original plan, and clean up the miscellaneous fish encountered. The remaining half of people, follow me directly Going to that hall, I want to see if I can catch Ye Xiaohu in that place. "


The demon captives immediately split into two parts.

at the same time.

At the core of the satellite, after continuous efforts, a group of people finally broke through the encirclement of the demon captives, and finally infiltrated into the center of the satellite, and saw the Xianyuan Temple.

"This place has not suffered any losses. It should be the secret treasure left by the legendary ancient heaven."

Looking at the main hall not far away, if there are not so many disasters, then the fairy recruits they are present will be very happy.

After all, it means that they have to find the secret treasure, but at this moment, they do not have such an idea, and they only want to find a safe place to avoid.

Therefore, the person who spoke before could not help but swallow a sip of foam and continued to add: "As long as everyone breaks the ban on this place and uses the defense of this hall to block those demon captives, we can certainly insist on the master of the military camp to rescue us . "

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