Moko Bodo was dumbfounded.

He has seen the flame gold body, the blue wood gold body, and the earth gold body ... and so on.

But he had never seen a person who cultivated two or even three types of gold body.

So when Mo Keboduo saw Ye Xiaohu's movements, he was shocked, and then quickly turned around on the runway: "Come on, this man named Ye Xiaohu has some weirdness, I am afraid he is not a small person."

"Want to run now, don't you feel it's a little late?"

Since Ye Xiaohu shot, it is naturally impossible to let Moko Poto leave.

So when Mokopod escaped, Ye Xiaohu directly exhibited the means of turning against the sky.

The two golden bodies are superimposed together, and the crazy fairy force rolls towards Mokopoduo.

The other Mozu masters saw Ye Xiaohu's movements, and Mo Kebo's reminder, which dare to stay in place, so they turned around and ran.

It's a pity that their movements are obviously not as fast as Mokopod, even with Mokopod's reminder.

So under the care of Ye Xiaohu, they were quickly overwhelmed by Ye Xiaohu and swallowed them directly on the spot with Aoki Jinshen.

After this was done, Ye Xiaohu calmed his mind and tried to catch up with Mo Kebo Duo: "Now your men are all killed, I think how do you run?"

"Don't be too crazy, fairy boy."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu squeezing step by step, he didn't let go of his intentions at all, and Mo Kebodu could not help but have some sad words: "I tell you, if you make me rush, then don't blame me desperately for you."

"There are too many people who want to work hard with me, so I don't have too many of you, and there are not too many of you."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, without fear of Mokopodo's threats, and still chasing Mokopodo, and at the same time, his killing tricks were released one after another, as if he didn't want money.

In the face of Ye Xiaohu ’s indiscriminate bombing, Moko Poduo, who was madly running forward, could not help but smile bitterly, and at the same time exhibited a wonderful means to convey a message through the method of sound transmission through the air: "Morstone Master, I met Ye Xiaohu here in an ambush. He is not alone, and you have to plan early. "


As his voice fell, a wonderful voiced rune left.

Ye Xiaohu exhibited various mysterious methods, but there was no way to leave this transmission, which made Ye Xiaohu more interested in the demon cultivation method.

But that is the future. Ye Xiaohu's first task now is to win Moko Podo.

"Little miscellaneous fish, please lie down for me."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and the power of Aoki and Flame Golden Body added together, directly boosting Ye Xiaohu's energy by more than twice.

So Ye Xiaohu controlled his big hand, released a giant flame hand that would never go out, and slapped fiercely at Moko Podo not far away.

"Do not!"

Perceiving a powerful energy coming from behind him, Mokopodo's face could not help but become paler, and he felt a little weak.

But he didn't want to die, he didn't want to admit defeat, so he quickly turned around and returned to the strongest defense released, wanting to eat Ye Xiaohu's killing trick raw.

But it is a pity that Ye Xiaohu, who has strengthened at least four times the fighting power, is definitely not something he can resist.


With just a crunch, the defense, which seemed to be very strong, was destroyed by Ye Xiaohu.


I saw Mo Kebo Duo exclaimed, on the spot by Ye Xiaohu's flaming huge palm, directly reduced to a pile of coal.

After landing on the ground, the soul fly burst on the spot.


"All the demon masters are dead."

"Among them are the peak of the heaven, the realm of Daluo, and even Mokopoduo of the realm of the golden fairy. They are all dead in front of us at this moment."

"My God, this is definitely a big news. I am afraid that no one will believe it when it is spread."

"Ye Xiaohu deserves to be the genius academy of the Immortal Academy. Such fighting power is in the same generation. I'm afraid no one will be his opponent?"

Immortals standing on the ground for a while looked at Ye Xiaohu's figure, lowering their noble heads one by one, obviously feeling very weak.

Everyone is of the same generation, but Ye Xiaohu is so much stronger than them.

Just when they were overwhelmed, after solving Mokopoduo, Ye Xiaohu confiscated the celestial treasures in the hands of Mokopoduo, then returned to the ground and asked Zhang Xufeng to say: "How about, our Fairy Academy People, how many people are currently in this place? "

"There are currently sixteen people."

Zhang Xufeng glanced back, could not help but smiled bitterly: "In addition, there are some allies of our fairy academy, and the same class who have taken care of us a lot."

"Only 16 people?"

Ye Xiaohu said dissatisfiedly: "I remember there are a lot of people in our fairy academy. Why is there only 16 people in UU reading"

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, you do n’t know, the people from the previous Demon Race chased us crazy and searched for your trail. For this reason, they launched a lot of containment and chasing and killing the people of our fairy college. Such heavy casualties. "

Zhang Xufeng responded with a bitter smile, and then continued to Ye Xiaohu: "If it is not for you to leave the border suddenly, I am afraid all of us will die on this satellite."

"Are you targeted?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then narrowed his gaze, and then walked to the person who was captured by himself: "Tell me, who in the end made you target me at Ye Xiaohu."

"No one asked me to target you."

The captured master of the Demon Race said with disdain: "And we are just the captives of the noble generals. He put us in, and he only used us to hone you, how can we talk about it?"

"I'm still dead after I die, don't you dare to admit it?"

Seeing the demon captives, he had no intention of telling the truth, which made Ye Xiaohu's skin respond with a smile.

Immediately after a cold smile, a terrible fairy gas was released in his hand, and then he stared at the demon captive who he captured: "Since this is the case, then I guess I can only complete you and make you a pair of corpses. Believe it. By then, by my means, I can find the second, and even the third, master of the Demon Race, and I will show the way to survive. "


Facing Ye Xiaohu's torture and confession, the Demon master captured by Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but laugh bitterly, then took a deep breath and said uneasy: "I said, as long as you don't kill me, then I will tell you everything , Including who secretly targeted you. "

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