
Without any hesitation, Ye Xiaohu agreed to the request of the demon captives on the spot: "As long as you are not lying, I think you are telling the truth, then you will be let go."

"Okay, I must tell the truth."

Whether it is a demon or a fairy, there are always weaknesses.

It's just that the demons have always been unruly, so it's hard to see them getting soft.

But there are always one or two exceptions, so after seeing Ye Xiaohu agree to his request, the captive of the demon could not help but smile bitterly: "In fact, I don't know who gave the order. In short, this is the same One of our kings is related. "


Hearing this name, Ye Xiaohu could not help but emerge from his mind, the picture of himself fighting with the demon captives before.

When he killed the demon captive, the other party also had a relieved expression, and in his mind, the avatar of the devil was conceived.

As Ye Xiaohu thought about whether there was any connection between the two, the Demon who was captured by Ye Xiaohu could not help but laugh and continued to add: "At the beginning, our king was very eager, so he led our team in the two Boundary walk around the border, want to kill a few fairies for fun. As a result, during the battle, we encountered the deception of the fairies, the ambush of the fairies, and eventually the whole army was destroyed. Most of the group, and the great king , Were captured by immortals and held in different places in the barracks. "

"It doesn't matter if we die, but we hope that our king can live and return to the Demon Territory smoothly."

"So when someone named Jiang Baichuan found us, and wanted to make a deal with us."

The devil's captives were simply, so he introduced in detail what he knew.

But when he introduced the name of Jiang Baichuan, a person who had a strong relationship with Kirin College stood up and jumped on the spot to refute: "You are talking nonsense, Uncle Jiang Baichuan is a veteran from Kirin College. How can he do these things in secret. I think he must have had a holiday with Uncle Jiang Baichuan, so he set a trap at this time and wants to alienate our relationship. "

If it is an ordinary name, then Ye Xiaohu will not think much.

But when that person refuted the demon captives, he accidentally exclaimed a shocking news that Jiang Baichuan was a person of Qilin Academy.

Ye Xiaohu recalled the scene he experienced in the military camp.

Although Wang Yuanshi does not care about himself, it is inevitable that other people at Kirin Academy will care about himself.

For a while, some doubts in Ye Xiaohu's mind were relieved at this moment.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and stopped the person who rejected the demon captive before, and continued to face the demon captive: "Don't ignore him, what else do you know, you can continue to tell us."

"OK then!"

At first, there were some uneasiness in the demon captives.

But when he saw Ye Xiaohu, still trusting his expression, he couldn't help but hesitated and continued: "I didn't lie, that Jiang Baichuan was indeed the emissary behind the scenes, if you don't believe it, you can take a look at my memory. In my memory, I personally saw him explain this to our chief. And our chief, not long ago, was also called by this man named Jiang, so I went to meet him in person. "

"Alright, you let go of your brain, I'll go in and browse the memory."

Ye Xiaohu also knew that the words were unfounded, so Ye Xiaohu nodded and agreed to the demon captive's proposal.

I saw Ye Xiaohu instructed Zhang Xufeng and others to protect his body, and then in the incredible eyes of Qiu Baiyue and others, the soul directly left his body and entered the brain of the demon to explore.

I saw Ye Xiaohu browsing through the scenes, the previous content was basically over, but the content behind, let Ye Xiaohu stop to observe for a long time.

After a few minutes, he returned to his own body with a sigh.

"How about Ye Xiaohu?"

"Is he lying?"

"Yes, masters like Master Jiang Baichuan will definitely not secretly target us, right?"

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, are you saying a word when you arrive?"

Everyone looked at Ye Xiaohu and wanted to get some important information from Ye Xiaohu's expression.

But Ye Xiaohu apparently ignored them and said directly to the demon captive: "You can go now."

"You really let me go?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the demon captive could not help but asked anxiously: "Then I really left ..."


Ye Xiaohu frowned, then stared at the demon captive and said, "You only have a kung fu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you can escape my sight, then I won't be looking for you Trouble, otherwise don't talk about killing. "

"Thank you."

The demon captive heard Ye Xiaohu's words and could not help but turn around and ran away.

Looking at his back, Ye Xiaohu turned and said directly to Qiu Baiyue and others: "Although you used to be messed up by private letters, I was embarrassed by Zhang Xufeng and others, but my Immortal Academy upholds the virtue of a good life and can't bear to settle accounts for you. . So I will give you a chance now. If you can catch up and kill the Devil after a incense stick, the previous grudges will be cleared. "

Ye Xiaohu is a good man. The three generations of his ancestors were poor farmers.

But this does not mean that he is a soft-hearted saint, but he is a cruel man. As long as you have grievances with him, then he will surely find the place.

So when Ye Xiaohu said these words, after seeing Ye Xiaohu's expression, Qiu Baiyue and others laughed bitterly. Obviously they also knew that they had missed the best opportunity to win Ye Xiaohu, and they offended Ye because of their words and actions. Little tiger.

Under such circumstances, they can only do what Ye Xiaohu said.

So after an incense stick, they scrambled one after another to the demon race.

Fortunately, when the demon left, the physical injuries were not good, so they were given enough time to chase.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xufeng and others who did not leave walked to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Is Brother Ye Xiaohu really him?"

"Yes, neither."

After Ye Xiaohu stroked his nose, after thinking for a moment, he turned to Zhang Xufeng, who told the Immortal Academy to survive, and said, "We'll all clear it up. We'll leave the hall now and prepare to return to the barracks."

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