Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1380: : Special tasks


Daluo Jinxian Realm has two small levels.

Da Luo and Jin Xian, these two small levels, can be in any order, and you can practice any one first, and you can reach the peak of the two levels of body and spirit.

But after both are cultivated to the peak, it is necessary to fuse the two together. This process is slow, and it is difficult for people to merge successfully.

Even if it was Ye Xiaohu's talent, Ye Xiaohu's insight could not be fully integrated at one time.

However, Ye Xiaohu believes that as long as he is given enough time, he will be able to fuse the two together perfectly and successfully reach the real Daluo Jinxian Realm.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, switched out of closed-door practice, and took control of his body again.

I saw Ye Xiaohu looked around and found that he was inside the barracks, and the whole tense nerve could finally relax.

I saw that he stood up, simply activated his body, and after confirming that there were no problems, he walked out of the room with satisfaction.

"In that day, we were on the satellite and encountered the siege of the Demon Race. We were fighting on the spot, and we were about to be destroyed."

"At this time, Brother Ye Xiaohu of our Immortal Academy, like a comet, suddenly came to our side and helped me to slay those demons one by one."

"And he led us all the way to the teleportation station and cracked the defensive borders around. Unfortunately, when we felt the satellite military station, the place was already bleeding."

"Fortunately, we have Brother Ye Xiaohu, so under the leadership of Brother Ye Xiaohu, we launched a violent attack and defeated all the demons in one fell swoop. Eventually, we successfully waited for the rescue of the military department and finally returned to the barracks."

I saw a group of people surrounding Zhang Xufeng, listening to his grand talk, telling what happened on the satellite at the time.

It's just that many people don't agree with his remarks, so when he introduced, he came forward to question his introduction.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Xufeng could only explain sentence after sentence.


Facing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help crying and coughing.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, are you out?"

Suddenly saw Ye Xiaohu, so Zhang Xufeng walked to Ye Xiaohu and said: "You said I bragging, don't believe what I said, since this is the case, you can personally ask my brother Ye Xiaohu."

Hearing Zhang Xufeng, everyone looked at Ye Xiaohu.

At this time, their eyes are slightly complicated.

"Okay, those things have passed, and it doesn't make any sense to talk about it again."

Ye Xiaohu did n’t bother much on this topic, and directly interrupted Zhang Xufeng ’s remarks, asking on the spot: “Since I have returned to the military camp, then obviously the mission this time should be over, so have my prizes been distributed, And in whose hands? "


Suddenly hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Zhang Xufeng couldn't help but patted his head, and suddenly remembered something, so he quickly said to Ye Xiaohu: "Brother, it's all my fault. I was so happy to see you. This important thing. "

I saw Zhang Xufeng organized the conversation and continued to add: "When we returned to the barracks, we asked them about it on the day we received the mission reward. The person who was responsible for issuing the reward said at the beginning, because Brother Ye Xiaohu Your performance this time is too good, so the military camp decided to increase the reward and want to change a reward, let us wait. "

"After waiting for a day, when I went to ask again this morning, the person responsible for the task reward, let me continue to wait, and at the same time, let me wait for Brother Ye Xiaohu to wake up and tell you, let you go to the general as soon as possible. House. "

"I know."

The reward for the satellite trip is actually not particularly important.

In particular, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice, after it has been carried out, is less dependent on that reward.

But Ye Xiaohu was dissatisfied with Wang Yuanshi's actions, so he nodded immediately after hearing Zhang Xufeng, and then walked past Zhang Xufeng directly to Wang Yuanshi's mansion: "Zhang Xufeng, brother, please help me Clean up the room. "


At this moment in the General's Mansion, Wang Yuanshi, who had just returned, looked at the generals and deputy generals one after another.

I saw his gaze and sighed after a continuous glance.

"This time the commander explained to us a special task, let us protect a fairy from the headquarters, secretly sneak into the Demon Territory, observe the demon's behavior, and make a small investigation by the way."

I saw Wang Yuanshi's gaze, swept through the body of each general and lieutenant, and then said with a serious expression: "I don't know you, who is willing to take this difficult task?"

This remark ~ ~ immediately made everyone bow their heads.

Because everyone knows that going to the Mozu hinterland, then there is definitely a mission of life and death. If they can, they really do not want to accept it.

"This time the mission rewards are very generous. If you can return safely, then you are undoubtedly very happy."

Wang Yuanshi encouraged again: "So you better think carefully about the gains and losses, and then reject me."

"What's the general reward?"

I saw a confidant of Wang Yuanshi and asked uneasy: "We are all generals of yours, and you know the dangers of this mission, so please ask the generals to be famous."

"Okay, since you asked so, I won't be so sloppy."

Facing the confidant inquiry, Wang Yuanshi pondered for a while, and took the lead in stating: "There are two kinds of reward tasks this time. One is the fifth-grade fairy, and the other is the upgraded version of Daluo Jinxian Hundred Yuan Dan. Help those who ca n’t complete the fusion, instantly become Daluo Jinxian without any sequelae. "

Hearing Wang Yuanshi's words, everyone's generals and lieutenants lit up, and obviously they were all interested in this thing.

Because their cultivation practices have reached the peak of Daluo and Jinxian, but they have never been able to complete the fusion, which makes them more interested in Daluo Jinxian.

But most sensible people still haven't accepted this task. Only those who are not sensible, or have to fight at a critical moment, will choose to work hard for the promotion of the big Luo Jinxian Hundred Yuan Dan at this time.

These people are obviously not the ideal characters in Wang Yuanshi's mind. When Wang Yuanshi could not make up his mind for a time, the soldiers came to report Ye Xiaohu's arrival, which made Wang Yuanshi's eyes shine.

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