Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1381: : Accept the task

The many lieutenants and generals present were actually not suitable for this mission.

Because these people either have their own tasks, or have some problems in their bodies, or they have different personalities, it is easy to affect this special task.

So when Wang Yuanshi heard that Ye Xiaohu was coming, he immediately commanded the generals and deputy generals to say: "I already have a candidate in my heart for this matter, you go to rest first."


Hearing Wang Yuanshi's words, although the lieutenants and generals didn't quite understand it, they still left Wang Yuanshi's order.

After they left, Wang Yuanshi asked her soldiers to summon Ye Xiaohu.

Xu Shou.

Ye Xiaohu, greeting at the forehead, came in with questions.

"Please sit down."

After seeing Ye Xiaohu, Wang Yuanshi first invited Ye Xiaohu to take a seat, and then asked with concern: "How is your body, is it now back to its peak state?"

"Thanks for the general's worry, I have recovered now."

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly, and then said again: "This time I came, mainly to receive the rewards of the previous rookie training program."

"That thing is easy to say."

Wang Yuanshi smiled faintly, and then looked at Ye Xiaohu, said: "I look at your aura, it seems that both spirit and body have been consummated?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu didn't deny it and said directly: "Not long ago, fluke completed the breakthrough."

"You really are the genius of the Immortal Academy. I am afraid that you can be ranked in the entire fairyland."

Wang Yuanshi gave Ye Xiaohu a glance of approval, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "But in front of the way to reward, I have something to tell you."

"General, please."

Ye Xiaohu didn't think much, so he asked directly.

In such a situation, Wang Yuanshi was not polite, so he said directly: "Now before you, there are two options. One of the options is to accept the previous reward, but that reward is for Jinxian and Da For Luo Shuangyuan, you basically have no meaning. But if you can continue this reward and accept me a task, then I can reward you with a special medicine to help you physically and mentally integrate , To achieve the perfect Daluo Jinxian Realm, there will be no side effects. "

"Is there such a good thing?"

Ye Xiaohu had some unbelievable words: "General, I am afraid this mission is not very easy?"

"Yes, if it is an easy task, then such a huge reward cannot be obtained at all."

Wang Yuanshi did not conceal Ye Xiaohu, and simply introduced the task this time.

Immediately afterwards, regardless of whether Ye Xiaohu agreed or not, he continued: "Although this time the mission is more dangerous, but the so-called wealth and insurance are sought, so it is worth your fight."

Although Ye Xiaohu believes in his talents and savvy, sooner or later he will be able to reach the perfect state of Daluo Jinxian.

But that efficiency will undoubtedly affect Ye Xiaohu's future.

This was unacceptable to Ye Xiaohu, so Ye Xiaohu stared at Wang Yuanshi and said: "Excuse me, what is the mission of General this time?"

"An **** mission."

Wang Yuanshi hesitated for a while, and finally said without concealment: "Although the Demon Race and our Immortal Realm have recently launched a series of battles, according to the report, it is because of the friction between us. Special information, that is what the demon is planning. But our people are stationed here to prevent the demon from attacking, so there is not enough manpower to talk about the search and find out the specific actions of the demon. So we need You **** a person who is responsible for research and investigation, go deep into the hinterland of the Demon Race, and investigate the matter specifically. "

Said it was an investigation, but it was no different from death.

After all, where they want to go deep, that is the territory of the Demon Race.

As long as one accidentally reveals his identity, it will inevitably be sacked by the Devil, and it is basically difficult to survive by then.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu pondered for a moment: "How long is this task, and what if it fails?"

"Fate between life and death."

Wang Yuanshi directly destroyed the fluke in Ye Xiaohu's heart, and said directly: "But if it really fails, then just come back safely, and I will not blame you. After all, this time the task is really too difficult. . "

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu thought about it seriously, taking a risk and earning more than ten years.

Still timid and cautious, wasting ten years.

After repeated measurements, Ye Xiaohu finally took a deep breath and nodded: "I can accept this task, but I hope I can get the reward this time, and only then can I have the confidence to carry out this time. task."

This is obviously not in line with the rules, so Wang Yuanshi stared at Ye Xiaohu quietly for a while ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu did not take a soft look, and looked back positively.

In this way, the two people stared at each other for a long time. After glaring for more than an hour, Wang Yuanshi finally sighed: "I can promise you, as long as the task can be completed this time."

"Thank you General for your trust."

Ye Xiaohu didn't expect Wang Yuanshi to promise himself, and could not help but smile with a cheerful face: "As long as I can reward in advance, then I have at least 50% hope to complete this task."


This number seems to be nothing, but for Wang Yuanshi, it is already a very large probability.

So Wang Yuanshi turned around and returned to his bedroom. He directly took two precious rewards directly to Ye Xiaohu and said to Ye Xiaohu: "Three days later, I will gather on the square. I will arrange for you to follow this time. The key figures of the secondary mission will be reconciled. "

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, indicating that he understood.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu took the reward from Wang Yuanshi and then took a deep breath to leave.

After Ye Xiaohu left, Zhu Xiaohui came by and asked Wang Yuanshi directly: "General, do you really think he is more suitable than us?"

"Yes, he is more suitable."

Wang Yuanshi withdrew his gaze placed on Ye Xiaohu, and then said to his confidant Zhu Xiaohui: "Because I believe this person named Ye Xiaohu is not just a simple character on the surface, otherwise how could he defeat the devil so easily The captives and Jiang Baichuan and others, and come back safe and sound? "

Hearing Wang Yuanshi's words, Zhu Xiaohui nodded, apparently agreeing with Wang Yuanshi's speculation. Wang Yuanshi did not continue to explain this, and directly led Zhu Xiaohui to complete the specific arrangements for this task.

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