Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1382: : Big Luo Jinxian

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, what treasure did the general reward you this time?"

"Brother Ye Xiaohu's treasure must be more precious than ours."

"That is inevitable, it is estimated to be a supreme treasure."

"Will you give at least a sixth-grade fairy sword?"

When Ye Xiaohu returned to his station, Zhang Xufeng and others, who were already busy, immediately gathered to Ye Xiaohu's side and asked Ye Xiaohu with concern.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu pondered for a while: "Alright, this time the general did not treat me badly."

Ye Xiaohu did not deny their speculation, nor did they admit their speculation, which made Zhang Xufeng and others feel confused, but they also knew that Ye Xiaohu must have gotten something terrible.

"But I'm going to perform a special mission next, so there is no way to stay in the barracks to protect you."

Ye Xiaohu remembered the things before, so he thought carefully: "Before leaving the college, I promised the dean to protect you. So next, I hope that before I return to the barracks, you can safely Cultivate inside the barracks, don't go out at will, and avoid being caught. "

"Yes, we know what to do."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's command to be careful, Zhang Xufeng and others naturally dared not refuse, so they quickly agreed.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu ordered some things, and then returned to his room.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu would get the reward from Wang Yuanshi in front of him again.

"Five-grade fairy sword, this is a good baby."

Even in the ancient heavenly courts, Xiang Xianqi is rare.

So Ye Xiaohu refined Wupin Immortal Sword on the spot, then waved towards the front, immediately splitting a very hard fairy stone in half.

This made Ye Xiaohu very satisfied. I saw him staring at Wupin Xiandao: "No matter what your name was before, in short, you belong to me now, so it will be called Jiulong Youfengjian from now on."

Ye Xiaohu's words just fell down, and Jiuyou Youfengjian immediately released a beep, apparently he liked the name very much.

So Ye Xiaohu stroked Jiulong Youfengjian, and after confirming that there were no problems, he returned Jiulong Youfengjian to the storage space.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu came up with another reward and watched it carefully. I couldn't help but said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, after so many years, I actually got the concentrated version of Daluo Jinxian Hunyuan Dan again, and he was also the doctor of Bian Que Refined Elixir. "

Ye Xiaohu sighed with emotion, because Ye Xiaohu was also at the scene when Bian Que was refining this panacea.

At that time, Ye Xiaohu was nothing but an alchemist.

But Ye Xiaohu can still feel how focused he was when Bianque Shenhe refined this panacea.

Moreover, when Bianque's magician successfully refined this panacea, he personally tasted the taste and medicinal properties of panacea. By tasting Bianque's doctor, he can basically confirm that this panacea has no side effects, and the effect is amazing, and it is suitable for everyone.

"I remember that this panacea was only about 100 capsules successfully refined. Later, it was rewarded to many immortal descendants by the Jade Emperor Laoer, and it was directly used in seven, seven or eight."

Ye Xiaohu squeezed the panacea and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "After ten million years, I can still see one pill, which is really luck."

After feeling a sigh, Ye Xiaohu pinched the Elixir directly and put it in his mouth.

After Ye Xiaohu determined the refiner and effect of this medicine, he was finally able to eat it with confidence.


Along with Ye Xiaohu's operation, the magical elixir here follows Ye Xiaohu's mouth and flows into Ye Xiaohu's Dantian area. At the same time, it releases a huge fairy gas to help Ye Xiaohu continue to improve his For and combat effectiveness.

With the help of medicine, Ye Xiaohu's mental power and body are fully connected, and they approach each other differently, releasing the feeling of intimacy.

Ye Xiaohu, who was aware of this scene, couldn't help but feel happy on his face. He knew that his efforts would finally pay off.


I don't know how long the specific time has passed. In short, Ye Xiaohu has been urged by the medicine to continuously refine his body.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu's body and soul finally came to a perfect fusion.

The shielding of Daluo and Jinxian Realm, when Ye Xiaohu could perceive it, merged a little bit perfectly.


At the next moment, Ye Xiaohu felt that his whole body was filled with terrible power.

Big Luo Jinxian.

After a period of hard work, Ye Xiaohu finally completed a breakthrough in this realm ~ ~ reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian Realm, and became a master in the fairy world.

"After so much effort, I can finally stop worrying about being killed."

Ye Xiaohu clenched his fists, sensing his own terrifying power, then nodded with satisfaction, and then said again: "Now the Fifth Immortal Sword has been refined, and it has reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Mission now. "

Ye Xiaohu is a credible person. Once he agrees to something, he will never say anything. So when Ye Xiaohu had a stable judgment on his combat effectiveness, he immediately decided to go out to complete the mission.

It has been three days since he closed his door.

Ye Xiaohu came to the place designated by Wang Yuanshi according to his previous discussions with Wang Yuanshi.

"Everyone prepares quickly, don't miss anything."

"That thing is precious and important in the future, so there must be no damage."

"You few remember, you must always guard the master's side, don't have any failures, so that the master is in danger."

"There are a few of you. This is the healing remedy you carry. You must control the use to avoid the lack of healing remedies later."

I saw Zhu Xiaohui, Wang Yuanshi's confidant, explaining the key points of this task to one person after another to perform this task, and let them prepare for it.

At this time, he saw Ye Xiaohu coming.

So Zhu Xiaohui walked to the man who kept his eyes closed and reverent, and explained with respect and respect: "Master Hongyun, the captain of the **** team that our general formulated for you, has arrived at the scene. Let's start with combat power again, or immediately set off for thousands of destinations to perform this mission? "

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