"Just him?"

When Master Hongyun saw Ye Xiaohu, he immediately shook his head to express his dissatisfaction.

Obviously Ye Xiaohu was too young to make him feel trust.

I saw Master Hongyun turn around Ye Xiaohu, and then said to Wang Yuanshi: "It's not that I look down on him. At his current age, the guards around me come out casually, I'm afraid they can all be easily taken down he."

At this moment, Master Hongyun distrusted Wang Yuanshi and Ye Xiaohu very much.

Even in his heart, he began to doubt whether Wang Yuanshi had deliberately dealt with himself, and wanted to let himself fall into the dead. I saw suspicion in Wang Yuanshi's eyes, waiting for Wang Yuanshi to reply.

If Wang Yuanshi's reply makes him dissatisfied, then he doesn't mind throwing his hands away and leaving to find someone else to replace Wang Yuanshi.

After all, his action this time is related to the whole fairyland.

"Master Wang Hongyun, someone who has been guarding the frontier for so many years, has never had a major problem in the past, and now it will not."

Wang Yuanshi directly ignored the things on the satellite, and then he added: "I recommend Ye Xiaohu for this mission, then he must be the one suitable for this mission. But I also know that there is nothing empty-mouthed. If you do n’t believe it, you can verify it yourself. "

After the words fell, Wang Yuanshi walked to Ye Xiaohu and patted Ye Xiaohu's shoulder heavily.

Ye Xiaohu can notice from Wang Yuanshi's movements that Wang Yuanshi is in a bad mood now.

While thinking in Ye Xiaohu's mind, Master Hongyun nodded across the room and nodded, using his own eyes directly to signal the guard behind him.

The guard responded immediately, and then walked out of the crowd, facing Ye Xiaohu directly: "Boy, I have been practicing for more than ten thousand years, so I will not bully you. I can stand on the spot and let You actively attack, I passively defend. "

"Let me take the initiative to attack?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then said calmly: "I Ye Xiaohu has been practicing for so many years, and you are still the first person to be so confident."

Ye Xiaohu is not an old-fashioned person, so when he heard someone actively beg him to attack, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Wang Yuansi, who saw Ye Xiaohu acting like this, suddenly knew that Ye Xiaohu was about to yin.

As expected, Ye Xiaohu walked directly to the provocateur and said to him: "Are you ready? If you are ready, then I will attack."

"Well, come on!"

Facing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Master Hongyun's guards had no sense of crisis at all, and he nodded calmly.

Almost as soon as he nodded, Ye Xiaohu's iron fist was like a cannonball, quickly, and fiercely cut towards the head of Master Hongyun's guard.


Master Hongyun's guard only heard a gust of wind, and saw Ye Xiaohu's iron fist, which had come to him.

He even has no way to make any side movements, but can only temporarily mobilize his own fairy spirit to form a protective enchantment.

But when this enchantment was just formed, Ye Xiaohu's iron fist hit it accurately.


Without any accident, Master Hongyun's self-protection enchantment was crushed by Ye Xiaohu on the spot and hit directly on his cheek.

Master Hongyun ’s guard, without any resistance, was directly punched by Ye Xiaohu. After landing on the ground, he even rolled for a few more days to stabilize his body. This shows the punch he just took. , How fierce the power.


The guard of Master Hongyun flew straight out after exclaiming.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu easily withdrew his fist, and then said to him: "Sorry, was my strength just a little stronger? If it is bigger, then I will try my best for the next round. Use half of the power, not 10% of the power. "

Half ... half-power?

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the guard of Master Hongyun could n’t help but look red: “Damn fucking, you dare to humiliate the old man, the old man fights with you.”

This buddy also crossed the heavens anyway, and cultivated to reach the level of the golden fairy, but unfortunately did not complete the integration of Daluo and Jinxian.

But such skill and cultivation are already a good master on the fairy road.

But such a master, when faced with Ye Xiaohu, was as weak as idle.

This was unacceptable to him, so he roared angrily and wanted to make a few moves with Ye Xiaohu again.

But this time his action was quickly stopped by Master Hongyun.


I saw Master Hongyun sighed, then walked to his guard and said: "Did you not see that the kid was deliberately irritating you?"

"But he ..."

The guard of Master Red Cloud ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is obviously still unwilling, but he is embarrassed to refuse in the face of the obstruction of his boss.

Just as he struggled, Master Hongyun added: "And what he said just now, although there is a little provocative behavior, but I believe what he said is far from the truth."

I saw Master Hongyun withdraw his gaze and said wisely: "Is it the big Luo Jinxianye Xiaohu?"


He is actually a real Daluo Jinxian, rather than ordinary Dinxian, or the state of Daluo?

If it is an ordinary person, say these words, then absolutely no one believes.

But Master Hongyun, who is noble, said that when he said these words, he chose to believe in Master Hongyun.

"It's okay, it was a fluke not long ago."

Ye Xiaohu did not deny this matter, only to see his face calmly said: "How, Master Hongyun still want to continue to test my combat effectiveness?"

"no need."

Master Hongyun smiled bitterly, and then said helplessly: "A real big Luo Jinxian can hang our entire **** team."

"it is good."

Seeing that Master Hongyun is not rejecting Ye Xiaohu, Wang Yuanshi took the initiative to stand up and said to Master Hongyun: "If you have no other objections, then you should go now."

"it is good."

Hongyun hesitated and finally nodded, accepting Wang Yuanshi's instructions, so he simply ordered his guards to let those guards wait for him in the barracks.

If he does not return within a year, then these guards can share his property and leave.

After determining the aftermath, Master Hongyun said goodbye to Wang Yuanshi and others, and took Ye Xiaohu directly away from the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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