Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1385: :Surprise attack

Flying above the monster.

There are five people including Ye Xiaohu.

These five people looked at each other quietly, their eyes full of vigilance.

Although their goals are the same, their minds are different.

Some are for tremendous benefits, some are for military industry, some are for rewards, or some beliefs ... In short, various benefits.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu and his party flew to the site occupied by the Mozu.

After observing the closer and closer to the destination, Master Hongyun, who has been silent, finally opened his eyes and then said to Ye Xiaohu five humanities: "You know this mission, you may be killed?"

"we know."

"The so-called rich and expensive insurance seeks, so when we decided to accept this task, we were ready for everything."

"Master Hongyun, what do you have to say, then please do so."

"If you don't have a big Luo Jinxian, then there is no future for a lifetime, so we have already prepared everything."

Ye Xiaohu didn't make a statement, but others spoke one by one and said their thoughts.

So Master Hongyun nodded, then looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "So what do you think?"


After seeing that everyone put their own eyes on themselves, Ye Xiaohu pondered for a while and said: "To tell the truth, I am Ye Xiaohuo still young. So once when I judge that the task cannot be completed, I must Will leave in desperation, give up this task and return to a safe place. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, a brawny of five big and three thick men, dissatisfiedly retorted: "Does the mentor in the Immortal Academy teach you how to cultivate immortals, how to fight, how to defend the fairy world?"

"The tutor hasn't explained these things yet."

Faced with the question of this person, Ye Xiaohu said calmly: "Because the mentor of the college trusts me, he knows that the decision I made will definitely be right."


Another man who participated in this mission also looked at Ye Xiaohu: "As long as Master Hongyun can complete the mission, then I will not be afraid even if I sacrifice."

"What do you mean by your sacrifice?"

Faced with one question after another, Ye Xiaohu confirmed his belief: "If you encounter a character or task that I can't deal with, then you think you are a big Luo, or a guard of the ordinary Golden Fairy Realm, What are the qualifications to resist and protect Master Hongyun from harm? "


Faced with Ye Xiaohu's refutation, the people who came forward to question Ye Xiaohu were speechless by Ye Xiaohu's refutation. They didn't know how to justify for a while.

So in such a situation, Ye Xiaohu continued to say: "Only if we survive, can we avenge our dead brothers and continue to kill the demons' enemies. If we all die in the territory of the demons for a mission, then Wouldn't it be a person who is against the Demon Race? "

There are some arguments that everyone can't refuse.

Just when they were dumbfounded and didn't know how to argue, Master Red Cloud sitting at the scene pondered: "So what do you do, according to you?"

"In my opinion, it is very simple, it is to determine the core of the goal. If you are killed in the Red Cloud Master, you can also try to get the goal and leave."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, and then said his thoughts: "Of course, if there is no way to complete the task, you can only choose to retreat, and report this matter to your superiors, so that they can send more powerful people to come and explore in person. "

"Speak the mission?"

Master Hongyun said aloud, then suddenly raised his head and said: "You said a lot, in order to complete this task, we really can't put all our hopes on me alone, otherwise if I really hang up, Then even if you reach your destination, there is no way to complete this mission. "

Seeing Master Hongyun listen to what he said, Ye Xiaohu was relieved, and the whole person was comfortable.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was comfortable, Master Hongyun's eyes swept away from everyone: "I don't know if you have heard a sentence, that all things are mutually exclusive. For example, the opposite of our fairyland, there is a fierce, and nothing Unemotional Demon Realm. Because of this argument, we have been looking for ways to crack the Demon Race for thousands of years, but there has been no progress. But not long ago, an accidental opportunity let us know a shocking The news is that Demon Realm seems to have discovered something that can have a profound impact on our immortals and even make our cultivation backwards, so the above will only delegate me to come. "

It can make the immortals cultivate backwards, obviously this thing is a little scary.

Think about it for a while. If the two demons released such a terrible thing when the two armies confronted each other, would n’t the fairyland lose a lot of time?

So after hearing the introduction of Master Hongyun ~ ~ everyone can't help but shine, and at the same time have a deep understanding of this task.

"But that is just a legend, there is no way to determine it yet."

Master Hongyun sighed: "So when performing this mission, we actively cooperated with the Zhang family of the Qilin Academy to launch this fierce attack, and the demons who fought were defeated, distracting their attention. At the same time let us sneak in and perform this mission. "

Even if everyone is stupid, they understand the meaning of Hongyun's words.

Under such circumstances, the people were silent.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu thought for a while and asked first: "So please ask Master Hongyun, what is that specific thing, and how should I find it?"

"That thing is said to be a plant with nine leaves and a unique smell, but the yield is very low."

Facing the inquiry of Ye Xiaohu, Master Hongyun finally introduced what he knew, and wanted to share it with everyone, and then let everyone find it.

But not long after he finished speaking, he had been flying steadily, and the flying monsters hidden in the white clouds suddenly made a sad roar.

This caused Ye Xiaohu and others to frown, and they immediately became alert because they knew that this meant that there must be something wrong with the flying monster.

But just when they were just vigilant, the result was a spear, which came directly into the sky and was directly stuck in the belly of the flying monster.

(End of this chapter)

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