Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1386: : 1 person fell


After all, flying monsters are monsters and flesh and blood.

So after being hit hard, it fell directly from the sky at a very high speed.


"Everyone is alert."

"Damn, it seems that our whereabouts have been predicted by the demon people in advance."

"Everyone will quickly arrange their defense, and we must ensure the safety of Master Hongyun."

I saw Ye Xiaohu and other five-person **** teams. When they encountered the attack, they immediately made their own judgments and acted independently.

Good at defense, good at flying, good at healing.

But watching Ye Xiaohu, when they were about to stabilize, on a mountain not far away, they shot another sharp arrow one after another.

The first time he was hit by a sudden attack, so Ye Xiaohu and others were not prepared.

But when he was attacked for the first time, Ye Xiaohu and others saw that it was not a sharp arrow, but a spike on the back of a hedgehog.

However, this hedgehog has apparently been completely demonized, and turned into a very terrifying Warcraft, at the same time released a terrifying attack.

"That's a demon king."

After judging the identity of the hedgehog, except for Ye Xiaohu's unexpected face, all of them became very difficult to look at. Obviously they met a difficult opponent.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the Demon King is not in front of himself, but on the distant mountain peaks, in a random way, in a direction, constantly releasing the spikes on his back to be a tentative. s attack.

So Ye Xiaohu and others immediately responded and released one after another immortal method to avoid the past attack of the Demon King of the Demon Territory and finally sat on the ground smoothly.

However, the size of the flying monster is too large. Even with the help of Ye Xiaohu and others, it has no way to protect its body. Eventually, it is shot by the demon king to become a fake hedgehog.

"Damn, these demons must have known the news in advance, so they will arrange for a demon thorn king to wait again and insult us."

"Fortunately, our response was more timely, otherwise the previous round of attacks, even if we are not dead, will have a skin."

"Fortunately, we are safe and sound so that we can continue our mission."

"Don't care, everyone should check their injuries."

I saw Master Hongyun and others looked at each other, then checked their bodies one after another.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't check his body like this, instead he looked around quietly, then said helplessly: "Don't you find that we are missing a person?"

"One two three four five ..."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Master Hongyun couldn't help but stunned. Then he came out and counted the number of people. He was shocked in his heart: "We should be six talented pairs, who are we missing now?"

"I am Ye Xiaohu."

"Wang Gui is falling."

"My Dou Chunxiang is still alive."

"Wang Shide is also alive."

Everyone talked, and burst into identity.

Hearing the identity of Ye Xiaohu and others, Master Hongyun could not help but frown, and then asked: "Where is Zhao Yiyan now?"

Upon hearing Master Hongyun's inquiry, Ye Xiaohu and others immediately understood that the one missing was Zhao Yiyan.

So everyone looked for it immediately, and after a minute, Ye Xiaohu stopped and pointed to something not far in front of him, like a quiver: "Zhao Yiyan seems to be there."

"Where is Zhao Yiyan?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Master Hongyun and others ran over and inquired quickly.

As a result, they looked in the direction of Ye Xiaohu's fingers. As a result, Zhao Yiyan's clothes and blood that had slowly penetrated were found in the place where the arrow was suspected.

"Zhao Yiyan is dead ..."

Ye Xiaohu and others could not help but sigh. This time the dangerous mission has just begun, and everything is not over. As a result, such a big crisis was encountered, and a powerful helper fell.

Just when Ye Xiaohu and others were moved, Master Hongyun could not help but propose: "If there is no me and there is no mission this time, then Zhao Yiyan will not die, why not find a place to bury him?"

Wang Shide and others nodded. Obviously they supported this decision, but Ye Xiaohu opposed it: "The previous round of arrow rain has let Demon Thorn King discover our whereabouts. I believe they must appoint someone now. We are chasing us. So I suggest that we should not continue to waste time, but should leave this place immediately and arrange some traps to confuse the demon chase. "

Ye Xiaohu was calm, so he thought about it for a moment and then judged the current situation, so he knew it was definitely not the time for them to celebrate their survival.

Sure enough, when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, Master Hongyun and others nodded, knowing that Ye Xiaohu was right. So they could only collect Zhao Yiyan's body and bury him after finding a safe place later.

After confirming the unified thoughts ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu and others immediately followed Master Hongyun and arranged one way after another to hide their figure while leading others to quickly escape in the opposite direction of the trap.


At this moment, the demon king on the mountain is on the mountain.

A master of the demon, walked behind the demon king of the devil, and said respectfully: "Sir king, have you investigated the direction of the target?"

"The investigation is clear."

The Demon King without any denial, directly admitted: "You lead your team, following the point where I just shot out of the spike, probably running for more than an hour, I believe you can find the trace of the target. If not To find the whereabouts of the other party, then you are looking for it. I believe there must be a wounded among them. If the wounded person is found, or the things carried on his body, then people will be brought back to me immediately, when I have another secret method , Can help you find your goal. "

"A journey of an hour?"

The person who came to inquire about the demon king of the devil could not help but bowed his head and thought for a moment, then immediately stated: "Then the subordinates will arrange it first, and strive to win Hongyun and others as soon as possible."


The Demon King of the Domain responded briefly, then took back his gaze, walked to the top of the mountain, and quietly looked at the starry sky: "It is really a mystery that we just discovered when the mountain is raining and the wind is full. Without time to confirm, those in the fairy world got the news, and appointed experts to enter here to find clues. Obviously, there are some people with double identities hidden in our team. "

(End of this chapter)

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