Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1387: : Countermeasures

There is no absolute security anywhere, and absolute information is not disclosed.

Therefore, when the Demon King of Sorrows sighed, Ye Xiaohu and other survivors gathered together and arranged a secret formation to discuss the matter.

"Our flying monsters have always been equipped with cover-up formations. It is said that, unless a demon comes, no one can find our whereabouts."

"And the demon king is far away, according to common sense, it is impossible to crack our formation and sense our whereabouts."

"Along the way, I tried to arrange all kinds of secret hands to avoid this, so I was confident that no one would find us on the road."

"That is to say, when we set off, our goals and whereabouts were already exposed, and we might even be manipulated."

After Master Hongyun said his guess, his eyes immediately swept over everyone. Obviously, he was also not sure whether among the survivors like Ye Xiaohu, there were also dark piles.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu thought for a while: "We all self-examine the body and take a look at the tracking methods without enemies."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, everyone nodded together.

Under such circumstances, they quickly took out their equipment and checked them one by one. The result was no camouflage or monitoring equipment. Obviously Ye Xiaohu and others were not the source of the message transmission.

Faced with this result, Ye Xiaohu could not help but look back at Master Hongyun and said, "Master, it's your turn."


Master Hongyun was stunned for a while, obviously he had not considered this issue from the beginning.

But faced with Ye Xiaohu's questioning and other people's attention, Master Hongyun could only nod his head and take out his storage space, and summoned the contents inside one by one.

These things are placed in front of Ye Xiaohu and others. Ye Xiaohu's image is better, without any change. After all, he is a person who has seen the big scene.

But when Ye Xiaohu carefully observed, when others looked at Master Hongyun's treasures, they felt greedy.

After all, relying on their abilities, even in their lifetime, they can't make up so many treasures.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu, who had been squatting on the ground to consult, suddenly took out a black and slippery thing, turned around and asked Master Hongyun, "Master, what is this thing?"

"This thing?"

Master Hongyun, while taking back his stuff, responded cautiously to Ye Xiaohu, saying: "That thing is a secret treasure I obtained from the treasure I dug when I experienced it again, but it has never been thoroughly studied, so I do n’t know what it ’s called and what it does. ”

When the words fell, Master Hongyun's things had been put away almost, and only the black ball in Ye Xiaohu's hand was left, so Master Hongyun reached out his hand to reach the black ball in Ye Xiaohu's hand.

Which Cheng Xiang thought Ye Xiaohu didn't give Master Hongyun, but took a trail back: "Master Hongyun, I'm afraid I can't give this thing back to you."

"what do you mean?"

When Master Hongyun heard Ye Xiaohu ’s words, he thought Ye Xiaohu was as greedy as everyone else and wanted to take it for himself, so he was dissatisfied and said: “You know you do this, once I return to the military Report to Wang Yuanshi as soon as you are destroyed. "

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu did not reject, but said calmly: "But if General Wang Yuanshi knows my reason, then he will not reject me and punish me."

"What reason?"

"This is a demon artifact."

"You bullshit, I have been studying for so long, if he is a demon artifact, how could I not know?"

"That's your inability."

After arguing with Master Hongyun for a while, Ye Xiaohu threw this black bead directly into the void, and at the same time pulled out his big sword, Ling Tianyi stabbed it.

"Do not……"

Seeing this scene, Master Hongyun quickly exclaimed, wanting to display his own means, and wanting to block Ye Xiaohu's move.

But when he was about to start, he saw Ye Xiaohu's movements faster than him, and he had already slashed the black beads with a sword.

Zi Zi.

The black beads broke apart in response to the sound, and then a burst of black gas was released.

"Is this ..."

Master Hongyun, who was originally very angry, couldn't help but look ugly when he saw this scene: "Isn't this the legendary magic energy?"

"Yes, this is magic."

Who is Ye Xiaohu?

It was a man who had been mixing with the gods of heaven and heaven for thousands of years, so he saw the problem of black beads at a glance, and through a special method ~ ~ figured out the origin of black beads, so just now Using that trick, it just cracked the mystery of the black beads and exposed the truth to people.

Sure enough, when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, Master Hongyun's anger immediately vanished, and then he smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that the demon people were so savvy, not only created such a weird magic weapon, but also had the function of transmitting messages. After returning to Immortal Realm after a mission, I must give you all the immortal emperors to explain this matter, and make them immediately ready to deal with it, to avoid more outbreaks. "

"Master Hongyun is that thing in the future, we should mainly face the situation here now."

Hearing Master Hongyun's words, Ye Xiaohu had to interrupt his thinking, and then said to him: "If I haven't guessed wrong, at this moment the Demon Race has already attacked our location. And that Demon Spur The location where Wang is located is where we have to go, so we have to find a way to mix it up. "

"What are your ideas?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Master Hongyun could n’t help but nodded slightly. Obviously he accepted Ye Xiaohu ’s speculation, so he looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: “You say your own thoughts, everyone listen together to see if there is anything wrong . "

"My idea is very simple, just enter in another identity."

After thinking for a while, Ye Xiaohu said solemnly: "In the territory of the Demon Race, the number of Devil Races is not very much. On the contrary, many fairy people who practiced the Demon Race practice stationed and survived in this place. , And left a lot of descendants, so as long as we pretend to be part of them, then we must be able to mix in silently and reach our destination. "

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