Originally Jin Shengqiang thought that he would win, so his mind was relaxed and began to pay attention to other battlefields.

But at this time, the king master, who was originally suppressed by him, actually radiated a cold air.

This breath is very cold, very evil ... People look very disturbed at first glance.

"I am an invincible existence, no one can kill me, even if you Jin Shengqiang reaches the realm of Heavenly King, there is no way to kill me."

The master of the king snorted, and a black gas mask appeared on his body.

Originally Jin Shengqiang had some doubts, so when he saw the changes in the main body of the king, he immediately understood what was going on.

I saw that Jin Shengqiang's face changed greatly, and he said to the king: "You are crazy, for your own selfish desires, you have to ruin our Golden Dragon Gate?"

Hearing Jin Shengqiang's voice, everyone looked over.

It doesn't matter at all, everyone is stunned.

"Enchanted, the king's master actually enchanted."

"My God, he is really crazy. He chose to turn to the Demon Race and betray our Immortal Race. What the **** is going on?"

"If you let the emperor know that our gatekeeper of the Golden Dragon Gate has turned to the Demon Race, what will the emperor think?"

"I don't know what the emperor thinks, but I know a little. Everyone will start to censor at that time. This is certain."

For a time, people who had turned to the Wang family because of their interests and secrets felt regret. As for those who have not surrendered to the Wang family, they are fortunate one by one, because they know that they are safe.

"The Golden Dragon Gate belongs to the Jin family, not my Wang family."

Which Chengcheng wanted to hear Jin Shengqiang ’s question, the master of the king could n’t help but sneered: “No matter how hard our royal family works, there are still more than half of the people who are always grateful to your Jin family. It ’s like this time the change I initiated is still There are so many people supporting you. "


"In the past, I did n’t understand it. I did n’t understand it until I became enchanted. It is based on strength. As long as you are strong, then you can control the life and death of any person. Then you can do whatever you want No one can stop you. "

The Master Wang laughed, and then stared at Jin Shengqiang, saying: "Now as long as I kill you and kill those who do not want to take refuge with me, who else will say what happened today. By then, I can directly Change the door court, create a king door, or a king dragon door, and everyone will remember the goodness of my royal family. "


The master of the king must be crazy, otherwise he would not do such a thing.

Not to mention the king, this incident will definitely arouse the attention of many people today. The king's master will definitely not stop outsiders from investigating.

Under such circumstances, Jin Shengqiang couldn't help but smile: "Originally, I still wanted to capture you, but now I have to see that you have to die today."


I saw that Jin Shengqiang took off his coat, then pinched out a handprint, and pressed it on his chest.

Immediately after the blood vein in Jin Shengqiang was activated, a strong golden dragon breath was born from his body, and eventually circulated into the body's hundred skeletons.

At the next moment, Jin Shengqiang made the sound of a dragon sound, and the whole person was bathed in the golden light, giving people a sacred and inviolable breath.

"This is the ancestor?"

"Jin Shengqiang actually activated the blood of the ancestor to return to the ancestor?"

"No wonder, he can break through to reach Tianjun's cultivation practice. It turns out that he has returned to his ancestors. Under such circumstances, he may even exceed Tianjun's level in the future."

"We, the Golden Dragon Gate, are finally going to give birth to a peerless powerhouse. This is how many years we have been looking forward to, so we must not let the King Gate Master destroy all this."

All of them screamed for a while, and they desperately blocked the supporters of the king's master, and wanted to support Jin Shengqiang as soon as possible.

Under such circumstances, Jin Shengqiang walked toward the king's main road step by step: "Now you can accept my death trial."

"I admit that you surprised me and even reached a level that I can't match. Although I don't know what happened to you in the last hundred years, I want to tell you that even if you reach such a level , And there is no way to kill me, because after I was enchanted, I was invincible. "

The master of the king snorted, and the black mist on his body thickened again: "So there is only one person to die, and that is you Jin Shengqiang."


The master of the king snorted and killed Xiang Shengqiang directly.

Under such circumstances, Jin Shengqiang also manipulated his own behavior to counterattack and kill the master.

The two sides collided together and each stepped back.

However, there are obviously many problems with the body of the king ’s master, and even a few black blood squirted out, which surprised the king ’s master: "How is this possible, why you are so powerful, you have to go more than I did powerful?"

"Because my power comes from my body. And your power is the power you borrowed through external power and rent. Naturally, there is no way to fit you perfectly, so as to reach the peak level."

Jin Shengqiang sighed: "Don't you still understand this after so many years, instead you have gone further and further on this road of lending external power, and even walked into a desperate place."

"I don't believe it, I won't lose."

The master of the king roared, obviously he was not willing to encounter such a situation.

So the master of the king yelled directly, and once again killed Jin Shengqiang.

Jin Shengqiang also counterattacked and killed toward the king. Because both of them know that this battle will only have one result, not a second result.

So at this moment, they are all showing off, and the direct killing is dim and dark, and the sun and moon are dark.


But Jin Shengqiang's power to return to his ancestors ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is undoubtedly a higher power, so after several rounds of collision, Jin Shengqiang directly screamed and broke the body of the king.


Seeing this scene, Jin Shengqiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Obviously, he also had some lingering fears about the demon king master.

But just when he thought it was over, he found one of his companions, pointing in fright behind Jin Shengqiang.

This made Jin Shengqiang perceptively aware of something, so he quickly turned around.

As a result, when he turned his head, he suddenly saw a mass of black mist rushing towards himself, spread all over the head of the king ’s gate, and said recklessly: "I said you ca n’t kill me, so now it ’s my turn. You are dead. "

(End of this chapter) (https: //) "Shen Nong, the Return of Cultivation of Immortals" only represents the views of the author of the Northern Han Dynasty. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. To provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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