Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1560: : I can kill you

"How can it be?"

"Obviously I have smashed your body and killed your soul, why can I still live?"

When Jin Shengqiang saw that the voice of the master of the king was still there, although the shape was slightly weird, it could also prove that he was still alive.

This made Jin Shengqiang look at the king's main road in disbelief: "No, you must not be him."

Jin Shengqiang roared, he naturally would not accept such a thing, so he attacked frantically and wanted to completely destroy the king.

But he bombarded several times in a row, but still had no effect.

I saw the black mist body of the main king, scattered again and again, and then reunited again.

Again and again, one after another

At the last moment, Jin Shengqiang had exhausted the immortal power in his body and could not win. Even the power of the ancestors in the body gradually began to dissipate.

"No, the power to return to ancestors is gone?"

"If at this time, the black mist form of the king's master fought back, I'm afraid that Jin Shengqiang would be worse."

"Damn, what the **** is going on, what form is the body of Lord Wang?"

"Who can kill the king's master?"

Everyone was worried about Jin Shengqiang, and even those who had previously surrendered to the master of the king's gate were confused at this moment.

Because they are very clear, as long as the king master died, then they can restore freedom.

The free body is what they long for.

Under such circumstances, the king master who they followed couldn't help but looked at Jin Shengqiang with pride: "Aren't you just rampant? Didn't you want to kill me? Now I'm standing where I have the ability to kill me." ? "

I saw the black mist body of the main king, always rotating around Jin Shengqiang, constantly impacting Jin Shengqiang. However, Jin Shengqiang did not continue to attack, but quietly observed the body of the king's master, trying to find a solution.

"Don't worry about studying, I can tell you the truth, you can't kill me at all."

"Because I am the demon master, I am the second ancestor of the demon world. And the second ancestor of the devil world rewards me with a drop of undead phoenix blood. Now I am equal to an undead phoenix, so mainly when I do n’t want to die, Then no one can kill me. "

"Don't say you Jin Shengqiang can't do it, even if the emperor comes, I won't be afraid."

"So I advise you to stop struggling and let me end your life!"

When speaking, the master of the king's door extended his hand directly and touched the forehead of Jin Shengqiang, wanting to squeeze Jin Shengqiang's head directly.

This time, Jin Shengqiang didn't fight back immediately, standing still and waiting for the final result.

At this time, a swordmang flew from a distance, directly cutting off the body of the king's master.

Immediately Ye Xiaohu walked in from the outside step by step, and said to the black mist state of the king's master: "Who told you that you are not dead?"

"I am the undead, what do you do?"

Lord Wang glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and then he knew his chest: "If I am not wrong, you should be the genius Ye Xiaohu from Helanzong, right?"

"It's just me."

Ye Xiaohu didn't deny it, but instead looked at the demonized king's main face calmly: "But now you recognize me, don't you dare feel that everything is too late?"

"What the **** do you want to say?"

The master of the king frowned: "Do you think you are stronger than that old man of Jin Shengqiang?"

"Yes, I am indeed not as strong as Jin Shengqiang, or even as strong as the king. If it is your peak moment, then I really have no way to take you, but now you are not my opponent."

Faced with the rebuttal of the master of the king, Ye Xiaohu said calmly: "Although your current state seems invincible, no one can kill you. But that is limited to the state and cultivation, if it exceeds you Too much cultivation, so you can still kill you. "


Lord Wang Men thought for a while and thought Ye Xiaohu was right, but he was not afraid, but calmly said: "But those who can kill me are not in this place."

"Yes, if you use Xiuwei to kill you, I really can't do it."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, admitting what the king said, and then said: "Since the people present, there is no way to use the cultivation base to kill you, then there is only the second way, which is to use something that is partial to the door Kill you. "

"Partial door?"

The main lord sneered: "Are you funny?"

"No, I'm serious."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, the picture in his mind returned to when he was in the ancient heaven.

Immortals live long, but they are not immortal.

Therefore, there are many people who are studying these immortal skills, including the current state of the king.

It's just that the people at that time, after researching it, felt that this state was not very meaningful and could not reach the point they demanded, so they gave up this secret method directly.

It happened that Ye Xiaohu knew this secret method, and it was precisely because of this that Ye Xiaohu's demons would also know this secret method, and experimented on the master of the king's body, and succeeded.

Since both people know this mystery, then Ye Xiaohu's demons can arrange this mystery, and Ye Xiaohu can remove this mystery.

This is Ye Xiaohu's self-confidence, so Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said: "Your condition is indeed good, it looks very invincible, but as long as I evaporate every drop of blood in your body, then what is your resurrection?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the master of the king couldn't help but startle, because his resurrection required liquid energy in the body.

In a sense, it is the blood of the undead Phoenix.

Almost when the master of the king was in fear, Jin Shengqiang suddenly raised his head, and said to Ye Xiaohu: "You are quite right ~ ~ We can try it out. So I will first use the means to seal him Get up, and you are responsible for refining him. "

"no problem."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and promised Jin Shengqiang.

"Do not……"

Hearing the conversation between Ye Xiaohu and Jin Shengqiang, the master Wangmen couldn't help worrying, so he quickly turned around and fled. But how is he in his current state?

So after Jin Shengqiang flashed, he caught up with the black mist state of the king's master and sealed him up to Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

Ye Xiaohu reached out and took over, then stared at the king's main road: "I hope you can stick to it for a while and let me see what your essence is while refining you."

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