Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1586: :500 million

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

After a sudden attack by Ye Xiaohu, Gu Jinbo finally couldn't hold it anymore, only to see his body fall backwards, and finally fell to the ground.

The blood spewed out of Gu and Jinbo ’s mouth like a fountain, followed by Gu and Jinbo ’s blurry voice: “Let me go, my future is bright, I do n’t want to die in this place.”

"I am an outside genius, a core member of the Prince's Party, and I am destined to become a peerless genius to assist the Prince, I don't want to die!"

"Please, let me go this time, don't kill me."

"As long as you don't kill me, I can promise you what you want to do."

Ancient and modern waves begged painfully, longing for Ye Xiaohu to let him go.

But in the face of his begging for mercy, Ye Xiaohu showed no mercy. I saw Ye Xiaohu sighed: "If you and I think differently, I become like you, do you think you will let me go?"


Gu Jinbo, who was still begging for mercy, suddenly turned pale when he heard Ye Xiaohu's assumption.

Needless to say, Ye Xiaohu can guess.

If the victory is replaced by ancient and modern waves, then he will never let go of him, so naturally Ye Xiaohu will not let him go.

When Ye Xiaohu's remarks began, Gu Jinbo knew that no matter how much he asked for mercy, it didn't make any sense, so he closed his eyes directly.


As he closed his eyes, Ye Xiaohu punched him directly.

At the next moment, a generation of outside door geniuses, known as the invincible opponents of the outside door, now and then, under the eyes of everyone, Ye Xiaohu was killed in public.

"Brother Gu Jinbo is dead?"

"Yes, and still die under Ye Xiaohu's hands, there is basically no confrontation, which is really disappointing."

"Fuck, he will die if he dies, but don't pit us!"

"My mind learning, my martial art contribution, my elixir ... This time, it was completely beaten back to its original form, how to cultivate in the future?"

For a time, all the betting people cried and cried, and the curse could not survive after the death of ancient and modern waves.

But Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to care what they thought, and saw that Ye Xiaohu put away the formation he had arranged, and then walked directly out of the boundary of the life and death battle ring.

But after Ye Xiaohu fell to the ground, he was immediately surrounded by Gao Qingquan and others.

"Brother Xiaohu, you are doing a great job today."

"To be honest, Xiaohu, I didn't believe you won at the beginning, but you really performed so well. You actually staged such a terrible reversal of weeping ghosts and gods, which really made us look at each other!"

"I won, and I won so calmly. I have to say that Brother Xiaohu has created a miracle, a miracle that no one has ever created. We will be more at ease when we mix with you in the future."

Gao Qingshan and others slapped one by one, which made Ye Xiaohu shrug his shoulders and look calm.

At this time, Gu Yueshan and others had already rushed up, and walked down holding Gu Jinbo's body.

When they left, they glared at Ye Xiaohu one by one.

If they can beat Ye Xiaohu, I believe they must have rushed up and beat Ye Xiaohu fiercely. But they did not act because they knew their depth.

Ancient and modern waves can not beat Ye Xiaohu, and were killed by Ye Xiaohu, then they will naturally not be Ye Xiaohu's opponent.

Even if they united, they could not beat Ye Xiaohu alone.

"Bah, what is arrogance?"

"Huh, now Brother Xiaohu is the first person outside the door. If they want to be so chattering before, then ask Brother Xiaohu to take action and teach them a meal."

"Brother Hu, let me have a big meal today."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not reject Gao Qingshan's proposal.

At this time, Liu Guanyue snapped his forehead and said: "Brother Xiaohu, the fairy you bet on before, can now be recovered."

"Can it be recycled?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, and could not help glancing around.

As a result, when Ye Xiaohu found out that the crown prince was sitting in Zhuangzhuang, the other party also saw Ye Xiaohu's figure, so they quickly packed up their bags and prepared to turn around to run.


Seeing this scene, Liu Guanyue waited for Ye Xiaohu to speak, and immediately shouted, "Why, don't you, the Prince's Party can't afford to lose, and you can't do it without going straight?"

"Fart, our prince party represents the prince, how can you rely on you a little elixir."

I saw the person in charge of the Prince's Party, and couldn't help but look black and stinky: "As long as you can take out the bill, then I can rely on the bill to exchange your elixir."

Hearing the head of the Prince's Party, Liu Guanyue glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and Ye Xiaohu immediately took out the bills he had made before.

At that time, the person in charge of the Crown Prince's gambling game did not think that Gu and Jinbo would lose, because they knew that Gu and Jinbo had a violent **** pill awarded by the prince.

Therefore, Gu and Jinbo will not lose, so they assured Ye Xiaohu to bet, and gave a high odds. But they never thought of it, but the result did not operate according to their own initial thoughts.


Moreover, they lost so much, they set up such high odds for Ye Xiaohu before, and they are still hundreds of millions of elixir.

This gave them a moment, where to go to gather so many elixir?

I saw the person in charge of the prince's gamble, glanced at Ye Xiaohu's bills, his mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu hadn't spoken yet, and Liu Guanyue sneered: "Don't think about it, destroy our bills, because we have backups, and all eyes are on, I think you know What a serious consequence. "

"Relax, our Prince Dan will not do such a thing that damages the reputation of the organization ~ ~ the head of the Prince's Party, and then asked his deputy back.

Immediately afterwards, he handed a storage magic weapon directly to Ye Xiaohu Road: "There are 500 million elixir in total. As for the remaining 500 million, when we return to the headquarters, we will apply to the Crown Prince and let him Grant you money and send it back to you later. "

Ye Xiaohu said before the villain and the gentleman: "If not sent? After all, my relationship with your princelings is not very friendly, what if you do not pay?"

"Relax, our princelings will not be delinquent."

The person in charge of the gambling game directly took out something and put it in the hands of Ye Xiaohu: "We take pride in our honor, the reputation of the organization, and the trust of the Prince, I believe you will not think that we will run the order. ? "

"It's about the same."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, collected 500 million elixir and pledged, and then turned back to the aisle: "Go, let's go and celebrate."

(End of this chapter)

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