Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1587: : Fairy Crane


Inside the inner door headquarters of the Prince's Party, a group of people sat in their place with a very surprised expression.

Because not long ago, they got the news.

The Crown Prince ’s branch outside Heranzong was completely taken away not long ago.


Immediately after the death of the ancient and modern waves, the power of the Prince's outside door collapsed immediately.

Although there are some two or three big and small cats, but for the entire outer door, it has no meaning anymore, and it can't afford any storms at all.

In addition, Ye Xiaohu suppressed the outside door, and there were other outside door forces that contained the resurgence of the crown prince. This made everyone inside the prince party headquarters feel surprised.

After all, one day ago, they still ruled all directions, the first major force of the entire Heranzong, and as a result, such a big variable appeared overnight.

Therefore, the head of the inner prince party is very ugly, because this is his negligence.

I saw him growl in anger, and then asked loudly to the people around him: "I'm just going out and traveling, and we have encountered such an important event inside Heranzong. This is giving us eye drops. It ’s a war note for my crown prince, we must not allow this to happen again. "

As the future crown prince of Helanzong, the prince, besides helping the suzerain to maintain the daily affairs of Helanzong, is to act as the hallmark of Helanzong and travel out of the fairyland.

Therefore, the crown prince is often not within the Helanzong, so the entire Helanzong princeling party is basically responsible for the deputy Huangfu Nanshan.

"Nanshan, don't worry too much. After all, this matter has not reached such a serious point."

"The outer door was destroyed overnight, but it was not completely destroyed, and it can still be used and reorganized, but there is no way to restore the past to the point of unification in a short time."

"The outer door is very important, but now the inner door is controlled by our palms, so as long as there is no problem with the inner door and we don't chaos ourselves, then even if the enemy has the intention to engage in things, we can control it instead of Let things expand. "

"Good, so I think that our next focus should not be placed on the outer door, but on the inner door."

"Yes, the inner door is now intricately complex. Those hostile guys can easily follow the storm of the outer door and start a **** storm."

I saw that the people around Huangfu Nanshan, regardless of Huangfu Nanshan's ideas, directly discussed how to deal with the inner door, which made Huangfu Nanshan's face ugly.

Although he was nominally the head of the inner-prince prince party, there were many people with real power or senior qualifications in the prince-party who did not give him Huangfu Nanshan's face.

Especially those who follow the prince from the outer door to the inner door, all are ruthless people in the inner door prince party.

When Huangfu Nanshan saw them, he had to deal with them carefully.

So when Huangfu Nanshan heard that they were reluctant to talk to the outside door, they could only sigh helplessly and actively asked: "Since you are not willing to talk about the outside door, then discuss the next door together. Things. "

Seeing Huangfu Nanshan inquiring about the inner door, an veteran princeling member stood up and said on the spot: "Since our princeling system dominates the world, other organizations have been difficult to recruit people, and our princelings have always been Repression, but recently, the mode of dealing with things with some people has become too domineering, leading some people to turn to those small forces. Although it has not affected us much, it is also a disaster sooner or later, so I think our past Huairou The policy should not be continued, but the small forces should be directly destroyed by thunder. "

"Yes, I also support such a move."

Hearing this person's analysis, a person immediately responded: "In the past when we were outside the door, the prince was too Huairou. Let's take a look at what is happening at the outside door. A group of people are constantly encircling and suppressing our crown prince. There is a crisis of annihilation. If we destroy those organizations early in the morning, no one will impact our crown prince at all. "

"We have thought about this method long ago, but it is not feasible at all."

Huangfu Nanshan shook his head and said in a negative voice: "Don't you think that Prince Edward doesn't want to do this? No, I tell you, Prince Prince also thought of doing this, but couldn't do it. On the one hand, Prince Prince, it's not me. Lan Zong ’s patriarch, so if the inner and outer doors are reunified prematurely, what do you think of the patriarch? There are also many elders in the elder group who do n’t like the overlord of the crown prince and set restrictions everywhere. If Once Prince Edward controls the inside and outside, do you think they will sit still and will not stop? "

"The small forces among those outside the door, a large part of them, are the elders behind them."

Huangfu Nanshan sighed, and then tapped on the table with his finger: "For example, this time Ye Xiaohu, which caused great damage to our outside prince party, we have reason to suspect that he is the outside elder Li Xianfeng training, curb our prince party Tool. "

Hearing Li Xianfeng's name, everyone was shocked.

After all, all disciples at the inner gate have to go through the baptism of the outer gate.

Therefore, these people were basically mixed with Li Xianfeng's men, so they knew Li Xianfeng's horror.

So they all went silent, without speaking for a while.

Just when they didn't know how to be good ~ ~ A huge crane had been flying in from the outside.

"No one is absent from the meeting?"

When Xianhe walked in, he immediately glanced around and said coldly: "Master Prince, I feel very dissatisfied with the affairs of the outside door, so I deliberately let me come back."

Everyone has something they like.

For example, the prince likes cranes, so he takes the cranes in front of everyone everywhere he goes. And if he had any orders, he would let Xianhe speak.

And this fairy crane is also really eager. Although the variety is very general, but through his own efforts and the support of the prince, he has become a crane of the Xuanxian level.

However, it is unwilling to transform, only willing to accompany the crown prince with the body of a crane, and does not want to leave for a moment.

Therefore, when Huangfu Nanshan and others saw the immortal crane, it was equivalent to seeing the prince, so they all said in awe of respect: "Please also show me the immortal crane."

(End of this chapter)

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