Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1588: : Every thought

"Under the prince's metaphor, the outer door is the foundation of our crown prince party. There must be no loss. It must be protected."

"However, in view of the fact that the outer door is a joint effort of Elder Li Xianfeng and Ye Xiaohu, and Gu Jinbo has died on the spot, there is no pillar in the outer door, so the Prince's outer door branch should not plan to recover too quickly.

"So the prince thought for a long time and decided to personally select some geniuses, secretly send them to the outside door, and stay with me in Helanzong next year."

"Before these geniuses, before entering our Helanzong outer door, the prince did not want to be in the outer door and continue to see Ye Xiaohu doing things of power and good fortune."

The crane looked up at the sky, and the tone of the prince's speech perfectly described what the prince said.

Seeing this scene, many high-ranking princelings felt very dissatisfied.

Although Xianhe represents the crown prince, Xianhe doesn't even take them into consideration, even when they talk, they don't look at them. How can they accept them one by one?

Fortunately, Huangfu Nanshan is here, so others did not express any dissatisfaction.

I saw Huangfu Nanshan listened to Xianhe ’s report, and immediately thought about it: "Nanshan knows what Prince Ma means, so in the next year I will immediately arrange all the things outside the door, as well as the problems between the inside door, quiet Wait for the Prince to return. "

"Very good, you are very relieved to deal with the prince."

The crown prince's crane nodded with satisfaction, then spread the wings of the crane, and flew away directly.


When Xianhe was not present, everyone had no worries, so they all expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Who does it think it is?"

"It's just a beast. If it wasn't for the Prince's face, Lao Tzu would have caught him and roasted it and eaten it."

"Forget it, after all, it is the Prince's beast, and we have to give the Prince some face anyway."

After seeing these people briefly talking for a while, they looked at Huangfu Nanshan one after another.

Because Xianhe confessed the task, then Huangfu Nanshan will naturally complete the task.

But Huangfu Nanshan alone could not complete too many tasks, so he had to allocate.

Under such circumstances, Huangfu Nanshan thought for a while: "Where is Zhang Jin?"

"I am here."

I saw a man who had just reprimanded the fairy crane, buckled his ears and said: "Every time you have to put on this scene, are you tired?"

Upon hearing Zhang Jin's rebuttal, Huangfu Nanshan's face was a little ugly.

But in order to complete the task, he finally endured.

Because he knew his identity was like a crane, he actually did not value these people, so he pressed this matter to his heart and continued: "Teacher Zhang Jin, please tell the elder responsible for the internal audit and tell him The test for the entrance of the outer door into the inner door is held in advance, and in any case, Ye Xiaohu will be brought to the inner door in this test. "

"a piece of cake."

Zhang Jin thought for a while and knew the meaning of Huangfu Nanshan's words, so he immediately said: "Later, I will tell the elder of the inner door responsible for the test, just because his old man still owes me a jar of good wine."

Huangfu Nanshan nodded with satisfaction. Although these people didn't look good on him, they never backed off when performing the task.

So Huangfu Nanshan glanced at other people and said, "Brother Wang Yanyi, please tell the elders of the outside gate to recruit the disciples from the outside gate this time, and urge them in advance. Know, and must take away the position of the elder responsible for the test, control those new people in our hands, and obey our orders. "

"It's difficult at this time."

Wang Yanyi thought for a while and said: "After all, our outsiders have far less power of speaking than Elder Li Xianfeng."

"I understand this truth."

Huangfu Nanshan thought for a while, and then said, "You can do this with confidence. Later, I will personally visit the lord, and help the prince to send a message to his old man, and then plead with his old man, and return Li Xianfeng. The inner door, so that there is no influence of him in the outer door. "

"If there is no Li Xianfeng, then our people in the outside door must be no problem."

Wang Yanyi's most worried problem, Huangfu Nanshan helped him solve it, then he naturally didn't have any worry, so he took over his task readily.

In this way, Huangfu Nanshan stood up, walked a few steps, and then said to everyone: "Although we can't destroy the forces inside the inner door and fight against us. But we can also eliminate some small forces first. Put down some good forces to deal with, and wait for Prince Edward to return. "

"Simple, I'm here ~ ~ Hearing Huangfu Nanshan's words, a very belligerent prince party head of the inner door, stood up and said on the spot:" I have long seen some people dislike, since this is the case Then, as a pioneer, I will first find a chance to kill a few. "

"I'm at ease when you do business."

Huangfu Nanshan nodded with satisfaction, and then assigned some tasks, so those people successively received their own tasks, and then turned around and left the meeting room.

After everyone left, Huangfu Nanshan sat alone in the conference room and stroked his temple: "We must continue to be patient, wait for the Prince to return to determine his identity and status, then Laozi will never There is no need to endure the bullying of these old bastards. At that time, I will ask the prince for a big blood exchange to make them understand the end of offending Lao Tzu today. "

Everyone has their own dissatisfaction, but it can be seen at a glance above someone's cheeks and in spoken language.

But some people know how to endure, just like Huangfu Nanshan, everything is in their hearts. But as long as he finds a chance, he will definitely retaliate against each other.

Therefore, when Huangfu Nanshan planned how to revenge in the future and find the lost place today, Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue, who were outside the sect, had already completed this celebration.

And spent extravagantly millions of elixir, only looking at the members of the outside door, one by one envy.

But for Ye Xiaohu, these elixir is just a number. If it can't be used to buy things and can't be used to make yourself happy, then it doesn't make any sense to him.

After the celebration was over, Ye Xiaohu sent Liu Guanyue and others back to his room, and then returned to his room alone and re-entered the cultivation state.

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