Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1589: : Advancement of the inner door


Early the next morning, Ye Xiaohu just got up and heard a noise.

"What happened?"

I saw Ye Xiaohu simply washed, and then walked out of the room, asking Liu Guanyue and others to say: "Why are you so happy?"

"Brother Hu, the selection date for the inner door is ahead of schedule."

Liu Guanyue had not yet responded, and Gao Qingshan on the side had already taken the lead and responded: "According to the notice issued by the elders, all outside disciples can now participate in this inner door test."

"Is there such a good thing?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, according to what he learned.

Newcomers like them, if they want to become disciples of the inner disciples, it will take at least a few years of polishing. They have to pass heavy tests, and they must pass after they have no problems.

So Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, and said to Liu Guanyue and others: "You go to the queue first, I will ask Elder Li Xianfeng, if there is no problem, then I will find you in the place where the inner door is promoted."

"it is good."

Liu Guanyue and others nodded one after another, and then went directly to the place where they were promoted to the inner gate.

As for Ye Xiaohu who came directly to Elder Li Xianfeng's residence, the elder Li Xianfeng's doorman naturally knew Ye Xiaohu.

So they faced Ye Xiaohu with a respectful look and did not dare to stop Ye Xiaohu.

After all, Ye Xiaohu created a myth, which is something that no one can believe.

"Brother Xiaohu, come and go in the future!"

"Elder residence, we will give you a green light if you come."

"Oh, can Brother Xiaohu teach me cultivation in the future?"

"I want to be like you, to be the strongest person in the outside world."

Elder Li Xianfeng's doorman, it was also a tuberculosis.

So he finally caught Ye Xiaohu, he would not miss this opportunity, so he kept asking Ye Xiaohu. Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu had to answer them one by one.

After answering for a few minutes in this way, Ye Xiaohu finally saw Li Xianfeng, so he quickly met and said, "The disciples meet Master."

"Well, get up!"

I saw Li Xianfeng looked up at Ye Xiaohu, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "You did not make me wrong, actually created such a huge miracle. To be honest, when you beat the ancient and modern waves, I am very happy , But more is hard to believe. "

Ye Xiaohu knows that he has just started, so there are some things that are difficult to explain, but Ye Xiaohu doesn't care because he believes in himself.

So when he heard Li Xianfeng's words, he immediately smiled slightly: "I stand on my own initiative, cultivation is high, and the ancient and modern waves forcibly break through, so I lost the time and geographical advantages and the winner must belong to me Ye Xiaohu.

"Yeah! Since ancient and modern waves were in your cave house, when you were forced to issue a life-and-death challenge, he has fallen behind every step and has completely lost the opportunity to defeat."

Li Xianfeng nodded, then looked at Ye Xiaohu again: "You came to see me this time, isn't it just to come to me to report this?"

"Is such that!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded and reported the matter faithfully, and then said again: "The disciples didn't quite understand why the requirements for the inner door suddenly dropped, as if urging us to enter the inner door as soon as possible."

"You're right, they are really urging you to enter the inner door."

When Li Xianfeng heard Ye Xiaohu's words, he could not help laughing on the spot, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "The outer door is the foundation of everything. Most of the core members of the princelings join the princelings outside the door. So whether it is The prince, or the person in charge of the princeling party, understands the importance of the outside door one by one, so they must not allow any changes to the outside door, to ensure the safety of the outside door. "

"But you easily defeated the ancient and modern waves on the battlefield of life and death yesterday, which greatly defeated the arrogance of the princelings and made the princes dare not continue to look at you. If it develops like this, then the princelings are in You ca n’t stand your head in front of you, and there is no longer the glory of the past. This is unacceptable to the prince. "

"So he desperately hopes that you can leave the outer door and enter the inner door as soon as possible. On the one hand, there is a prince in the inner door, he believes that he can suppress you, so that you will never be able to set off any storms. At the same time because of your departure, then Prince Dan is just one less threat from the outside, which allows the crown prince to re-select candidates in a short period of time and cultivate a brand-new prince.

Li Xianfeng deserved to be the one who dared to compete with the suzerain, so after hearing Ye Xiaohu's intention, he briefly analyzed the situation and guessed the ideas of Prince and others.

After listening to Li Xianfeng's introduction, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help thinking seriously: "So Master, do you think I should leave the outside door now?"

"Must leave ~ ~ Li Xianfeng did not hesitate to say:" If you do not leave now, then you may not be able to leave within a short time. And within ten years, the prince will succeed. At that time, if you are an outside disciple, you will be suppressed everywhere, and you will have no chance to make the decision at all, nor will you be able to fight against the prince. And even if you do n’t leave, they will find a way to let you leave. "

"If this is the case, why not just leave at the beginning?"

Li Xianfeng thought for a moment, and then added a sentence: "And the prince went out to practice, so it must be at least a few years. In the past few years, if you join the inner door, then you will get more cultivation resources. In the future, even when the prince returns, you do n’t have to be afraid? "

"Disciples understand."

Ye Xiaohu is not a stupid person, so he listens to Li Xianfeng's analysis while thinking whether it is feasible.

After thinking for a while like this, Ye Xiaohu finally figured out his purpose, so he said to Elder Li Xianfeng: "But will the disciples be restricted once they enter the inner door?"

"Will not."

Li Xianfeng sighed: "Because I promised someone, I will also enter the inner gate tomorrow, as a casual elder of the inner gate, when I have a seat for you, they will not dare to deal with you."


Although Ye Xiaohu did n’t know, why Li Xianfeng would give up outside door

But when he believes that this must be related to himself, otherwise Li Xianfeng will not be so melancholy when he speaks.

So Ye Xiaohu looked at Li Xianfeng and said on the spot: "Master, you can rest assured that even if you enter the inner door, I will be invincible in Ye Xiaohu."

(End of this chapter)

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