Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1590: : The highest standard inner disciple

Heranzong's inner and outer doors must be promoted through a quiz door.

At this moment, the location of the door of the quiz has gathered many disciples who do not know how many outsiders.

After all, such big news, no outside disciple can miss it, or ignore it.

"Have you heard?"

"This time the candidates for the promotion of inner disciples can be divided into three, six, nine, etc. to share different levels of resources."

"How to divide?"

"It is said that the worst inner disciples can only enjoy the resources of top disciples. The highest inner disciples can enjoy the resources of top disciples."

"As for the specific division, it depends on the inner door elder who is responsible for testing."

Liu Guanyue and others who stood among the crowd naturally inquired enough content.

So they gathered together and did not test as anxiously as others, but quietly waited for Ye Xiaohu to come over.

After waiting for a while, they finally saw Ye Xiaohu, so they stood up and walked to Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Xiaohu, we have made it clear that this time is indeed an opportunity to promote the inner door, and the requirements have been reduced a lot compared to previous years."

"Not to mention you, even Senior Brother Liu Guanyue is eligible to sprint, but our brothers' talents are too bad, I am afraid it is difficult to enter the inner door.

"But you can rest assured that if this is the case in the future, then our brothers will certainly be able to enter the inner door next time."

"Brother Xiaohu, do you think you are going to test now, or?"

I saw Liu Guanyue and others looking at Ye Xiaohu with expectation.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu stroked his chin and said: "My Master said that there is no problem, so that we can handle it ourselves."

"What about you, little tiger?"

"I naturally have to enter the inner door."

"Then we also test."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, so he walked forward with everyone, and soon came to the test site.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu saw the previous person, and after a brief test, he successfully passed the inner door test and became the lowest inner door disciple.

Immediately after that, it should be Ye Xiaohu ’s turn, but Liu Guanyue was worried about Ye Xiaohu ’s problems, so he took the lead in taking the test.

As a result, after Liu Guanyue had tested for about ten minutes, the elder of the inner door responsible for the test directly raised a sign and announced that Liu Guanyue had been successfully promoted.

Then the two Gao Qingquan brothers also went to test.

However, as estimated at the beginning, the cultivation of the two Gao Qingquan brothers was too poor, so they were not eligible to enter the inner door.

However, with their test, Ye Xiaohu knew the test, so he took the initiative to take the next step.

But when Ye Xiaohu walked up, the person in charge of the test glanced at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Are you Ye Xiaohu?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said, "Is there any enlightenment from the elders?"

"There is no enlightenment, just to recognize the face."

The elder of the inner door stared at Ye Xiaohu carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, he could not help but laughed evilly, and ordered his genius to arrange it.

Soon it was Ye Xiaohu's test level, which had already appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu.

"Elder, is this wrong?"

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the test and couldn't help frowning: "According to the rules of the previous test, they played against an eight-star monster and passed the level as long as they could overcome it. Why did it turn into a nine when it was my turn? Demon race at the level of Saint Xuanxian? "

"Because you are Ye Xiaohu."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the elder on the opposite side said in a cruel way: “You are the first person outside, so you ca n’t naturally follow the rules of the past, but change to a rule that suits you, so as to highlight your identity, you Say it?

Ye Xiaohu glanced at each other, and then the mortal came to life.

Apparently the Crown Prince wanted him to enter the inner door, but he wanted him to die even more.

Therefore, they arranged a powerful test for Ye Xiaohu. If they could pass, then there would naturally be a princeling to deal with Ye Xiaohu at the door.

If Ye Xiaohu couldn't get through it, then he died directly in the hands of those demon tribes, and the crown prince is even more happy to see.

So after looking at the arrangements of the elders of the inner door, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help laughing: "I am Ye Xiaohu willing to accept the inner door test."

"In this case, then you go to test!"

The elder of the inner door snorted quietly, and then quietly looked at Ye Xiaohu to test, wanting to see Ye Xiaohu die in the hands of the demon vassal.

Because he is very clear that the Devil vassal is not a general Devil vassal, and many true inner disciples are not his opponents.

Under the attention of the elders in the inner door, Ye Xiaohu walked quietly toward the demon vassal, and at the same time said to the devil vassal: "Kneel down."

"Crazy, **** fairy, you still want me to kneel?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words ~ ~ Not only the members of Heranzong who were tested around were shocked, but even the devil's vassal said with a shocked face: "If you do not take medicine, then Go back and take the medicine as soon as possible, otherwise, after a while, I will do it, then you will have to die. "

"Are you dead?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and then directly released his breath.

Feeling the breath of Ye Xiaohu, he actually reached the second heaven of the Nine Saints Xuanxian. After entering the Saint Level, the opposite tribe vassal members could not help but slightly shocked: "No wonder, you dare to be so rampant, originally you already have The qualification of the door. But I have played against many inner door disciples in the inner door. They are more powerful than you, but they still cannot beat me. "

"You are feeling it carefully."

Facing the attention of the demon vassals, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but snorted, and then released the mirror image of the demon.

When the demon vassals saw the mirror image of the heart demons released by Ye Xiaohu, they could not help but widen their eyes and stunned: "You, you are ..."


After all, Ye Xiaohu is one with the heart demons, so the mood moves directly to use the heart demons.

Feeling the pressure that Ye Xiaohu brought to the other party, the demon vassals could not help but kneel on the spot on the spot and no longer dared to stare directly at Ye Xiaohu.

"Very good, you are very interesting."

Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, then turned and walked back to the elder of the inner door, staring with a smile on his face and looking serious, who did n’t know how to deal with himself, said: "I do n’t know, I ’m not finished Test task? "

"Forget it, forget it!"

The elder of the inner gate laughed bitterly, and then handed a token to Ye Xiaohu: "From now on, you are my highest-ranking inner disciple of Heranzong."

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