Within the princeling's residence.

The crown prince of the crown prince, Nangong Lingyu said with a surprised face: "You said that Zhang Yiyun's prodigal son did not challenge Ye Xiaohu, but instead sold it to Ye Xiaohu?"

The crown princes have been developing not only themselves, but also digging up people from other camps.

So for every party, there are princelings.

For example, the man in front of Nangong Lingyu was one of the men who accompanied Zhang Yiyun and appeared in Ye Xiaohu's dormitory.

When he heard Nangong Lingyu's inquiry, he immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Brother Nangong, in fact this is the case. I had secretly said a lot of Ye Xiaohu's bad words in accordance with your instructions. , But do not know why, he finally chose to give up against Ye Xiaohu, and chose to support Ye Xiaohu. "

"Could you say something wrong?"

Hearing this person's instinct, Nangong Lingyu couldn't help but think about it: "So Zhang Yiyun was aware of our purpose, so he changed his original intention at the beginning."

"Absolutely impossible, because I always follow Zhang Yiyun's character and will never be seen by him."

"That would be strange."

Why did Zhang Yiyun's lawless prodigal son suddenly become conscious?

I saw Nangong Lingyu walking back and forth a few steps, it was difficult to understand Zhang Yiyun ’s changes, and he murmured to himself: "Did he just deliberately oppose our crown prince as he said? But he did this, and again What are the benefits? "

Nangong Lingyu doesn't believe that there is anything in this world that does not work out of interest, but from the heart.

But he couldn't figure it out, what Zhang Yiyun was because of.

Nangong Lingyu could only sigh, and then said to the man kneeling on the ground: "But since he didn't find out, then you have a chance to lurch!"

"But Brother Nangong, when can I return to the Prince's lineup?"

The man kneeling on the ground couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I have been lurking in the barbarians according to your instructions from Brother Nangong, and I have been following Zhang Yiyun's prodigal son every day for decades, if I continue this way , When was that head? "


Hearing this person's inquiry, Nangong Lingyu couldn't help but haha ​​a big voice: "To tell you the truth, this time when the prince went out, in addition to being ordered by the Sect Master, he was looking for a suitable place, and took the opportunity to complete the final The breakthrough made him into the level of Tianjun, and has since become the top strong man in my Helan Sect. By then, those of you who are lurking in other forces can naturally return. "

"How long is that?"

"It won't be too far, it should be achievable within ten years."

"Ten years?"

The man kneeling on the ground thought for a moment, then nodded cautiously, and then discussed things with Nangong Lingyu, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he left contentedly.


When the other party left, Nangong Lingyu directly spit at the place where the other party was kneeling, and then said with a look of contempt: "Just like you, but also want to join our crown prince party, it is really a delusion."

Nangong Lingyu's words won unanimous praise from the surrounding Crown Prince Party.

Because from the bottom of their hearts, they looked down on those with two sides and three swords, so they looked at the man's back with contempt.

At this time, Nangong Lingyu suddenly turned around and asked, "How is Xu Qianshan?"

"Brother Nangong, Xu Qianshan is already out."

Hearing Nangong Lingyu's inquiry, a confidant member of the Prince's Party immediately stepped forward to report: "Early today, Xu Qianshan has successfully completed the breakthrough and met our previous requirements."

"Okay, it's a well-known genius among the new generation."

Nangong Lingyu laughed happily and then told the right and left: "Go, call him to Lao Tzu."


I saw a confidante of Nangong Lingyu immediately turned around, and Xu Shou took a man with a face like a crown jade, and walked to Nangong Lingyu's side again: "Brother Nangong Ling, Xu Qianshan has come."

"it is good!"

Nangong Lingyu turned around and stared at Xu Qianshan carefully. She could not help being very satisfied.

Although Xu Qianshan did not directly cross the level and directly reached the fourth heaven of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, it has also met Nangong Lingyu's requirements.

I saw Nangong Lingyu nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Xu Qianshan: "Do you know that I called you this time?"

"Xu has already known."

Xu Qianshan nodded complacently, obviously he had his own channel to get news.

I saw Xu Qianshan looking at Nangong Lingyu with a murderous face, and promised: "Brother Nangong, don't worry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as I meet Ye Xiaohu, then I won't be polite with him. His head was unscrewed and sent to you, Brother Nangong. "

"Humph, not a lunatic, what do you want his head to do?"

Nangong Lingyu flicked her sleeves directly, then walked to the window sill and stared at the starry sky: "As long as you can kill him, then it's a great job."

"It's easy to kill a newcomer."

Xu Qianshan said indifferently: "If private fighting is not allowed in the inner door, then Lao Tzu will now take off Ye Xiaohu's head and send it to Brother Nangong for your appreciation."

"Don't care, since Ye Xiaohu can dominate the outside world, he must have a certain standard."

Nangong Lingyu shook his head and said: "The ancient and modern waves are people of the saint level, but they were killed by his sword."

"When I was outside the door, Gu Jinbo was just a little chatter under my hands, and there was no countertop at all."

Xu Qianshan said indifferently: "If you let me meet him now, then I can blow the ancient and modern waves to death with an immortal breath, so I can defeat the garbage like ancient and modern waves, and there is no big skill."

"It's good to be confident, but you can't be proud of it."

Nangong Lingyu sighed, but finally thought about it, and still seriously asked Xu Qianshan to say: "This time, to kill Ye Xiaohu, there must be no loss or accident, so I called you today, I hope Let you get out of the game early, take a good look at Ye Xiaohu, and then in the door game, kill me on the spot, and deal with it without knowing it. "

"Don't worry, I will handle this little thing for you."

Xu Qianshan nodded, then left Nangong Lingyu's mansion with a laugh.

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