Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1598: : Cultivation is difficult

The fairy spirit of the inner door is really too abundant.

Therefore, after Ye Xiaohu's dormitory was quiet, he entered a closed state on the spot.

This retreat was completely closed for two or three months.

In the past two or three months, Ye Xiaohu did not take a step, but practiced the five elements of golden body in the room.

After getting enough heaven and earth fairy qi, Wuxing Jinshen Jue immediately exerted his greatest effect. I saw his continuous operation and refine the fairy qi in Ye Xiaohu's body.

After running like this for a few weeks, Ye Xiaohu finally felt that his Holy Breath had increased a bit.

He knew he had broken through.

In the early days of the Third Heaven of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, Ye Xiaohu finally reached this level.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu raised his hands and throws his feet, there is such a terrifying fairy power.

"it's time."

When Ye Xiaohu practiced before, he had always been very forbearing and dared not use his previous strength in the ancient heavenly court.

But now it is different. Ye Xiaohu already has enough self-protection ability.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu unblocked a part of his memory that had been blocked for a long time, and then carefully selected and said: "First of all, you must choose a good sword, a good fairy, a good body. Divine Skills ... "

Ye Xiaohu opened his memory treasure while thinking.

For Ye Xiaohu, his memory is everything and the foundation of everything.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu kept sliding down.

Soon Ye Xiaohu found a level of the Nine Saints Xuanxian in his memory, the best, powerful and powerful swordsmanship.

Nine Heavens Demon Sword.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu found the Nine Chongtian Thunder Boxing, as well as the ever-changing steps of the dragon, and some supporting immortals.

Ye Xiaohu re-absorbed these memories of his own fancy into his own consciousness sea, and re-sealed the remaining memories.

"about there."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then said melancholy: "The memory of this ancient heavenly court period, like my cheater, has been following me for many years. But I was too capricious, and I was too anxious to go home so much that I did not take these The memory is fully utilized, so there is not much left for me to remember later. "

With the improvement of cultivation, the memory in Ye Xiaohu's mind is increasingly lacking in practical things.

So nowadays, besides trying hard to cultivate and looking for the ancient heavenly court, Ye Xiaohu is to get out every fairy law carefully and find out what he wants from it.

After Ye Xiaohu had selected the fairy method he wanted, Ye Xiaohu was contented to stop the memory screening, and then impressed the fairy method he selected in his mind firmly, and let Ye Xiaohu instantly reach the point where the integration will be passed to you. No need to practice step by step.

If such a situation is spread, it is estimated that many people will be surprised and even crazy.

After all, each of them is continually training through the years and practicing step by step in order to cultivate all kinds of immortals to the level and level of Mahayana.

However, Ye Xiaohu can cultivate all kinds of mysterious and mysterious immortals to the level of Mahayana without any practice at all, which is simply evil spirits.

"When the ancestor created the Nine Heavens Demon Sword, it is estimated that he never thought that it would be in the late stage of ancient heaven. Will his swordsmanship shine in the fairy world?"

"There is also this footwork. If it works, it is common to say that the Nine Saints Xuanxian can't catch up with the third heaven, even if it is a higher-level person, they don't want to touch Ye Xiaohu's clothes."

"This body protector is also good, at least it can be invincible within the same realm."

"At this moment, my fighting power has improved several levels in an instant."

Ye Xiaohu carefully analyzed the fairy methods he selected. Each one is a leapfrog that can be challenged and even invincible within the same realm.

At least at the level of Nine Saints Xuanxian, Ye Xiaohu chose this set of immortal methods, undoubtedly all of them are top-level, not general immortal methods.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu perfectly overlapped these memories into his own soul, and then he sighed contentedly.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu opened his eyes, he was not obsessed with cultivation.

I saw Ye Xiaohu woke up from entering Dingding, and then walked out of his room.

As soon as Ye Xiaohu went out, he saw Liu Guanyue sneaking in and out, which made Ye Xiaohu stunned slightly: "Liu Guanyue, you are not practicing well, what the **** are you doing?"


Suddenly hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Liu Guanyue couldn't help but stunned slightly, and then waved his hand without looking back: "I didn't do anything, but I was a little tired recently. If you don't have anything, Xiaohu, then I'll go back Take a good rest, and come out to meet Brother Xiaohu some other day. "

When Liu Guanyue's words fell, he was ready to leave.

Ye Xiaohu didn't think much at the beginning, but when he saw Liu Guanyue turned around, a black face appeared on his face, which made Ye Xiaohu aware that something was wrong.

You have to know that Liu Guanyue is a master of Xuanxian level, which can make him few people injured, not to mention the fact that this kind of road mark injury is difficult to recover.


Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu yelled on the spot and stopped Liu Guanyue, who was about to leave: "Say, what's the matter with the injury on your face."

"A little injury."

Liu Guanyue couldn't help but laugh bitterly, and then explained to himself: "I touched it not long ago, but it will be fine soon."


It was almost when Liu Guanyue's words fell down ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu had already flashed up and came to him, so he stared at Liu Guanyue and said, "Are you a fool? Such obvious mental scar , Can't I see Ye Xiaohu? "


"What am I? You and I will go from the outside to the inside. Naturally, we should work together to grow together, instead of doing anything and covering up, then we can't make progress at all."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Liu Guanyue could n’t help but smile bitterly: “In fact, I really do n’t want to tell Brother Xiaohu, but since you must ask, then I will tell you the truth!”

It turned out that Liu Guanyue was not qualitative, so he went out after a few days of retreat, and knew a lot of friends and naturally a lot of enemies.

Not long ago, Liu Guanyue saw a defeated man who wanted to teach the other party to insult Ye Xiaohu.

As a result, when Liu Guanyue defeated the enemy, Xu Qianshan descended from the sky and brutally abused Liu Guanyue. He also ordered Liu Guanyue to take Ye Xiaohu to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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