Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1599: : Against boxing

"Brother Xu Qianshan is powerful and domineering."

"It is estimated that only Brother Xu Qianshan dared to deal with the kid named Ye.

"Yes, like we don't have the courage of Brother Xu Qianshan, we can only be suppressed by the kid named Ye."

"Since that kid entered the inner door, we members of the princeling party, one by one, are too brave to dare to fight against it. It is really painful."

In the inner door restaurant, Xu Qianshan sat alone on the bench, quietly tasting the fairy wine.

Beside him, there is a group of inside members of the Prince's Party.

These people either joined the inner door together with Xu Qianshan, or joined the inner door later than him. Of course, some of them entered the inner door, and their talents have not shown the poor students.

Therefore, after Xu Qianshan showed his talents and got the middle-ranking senior princes such as Nangong Lingyu, they all came together to pat Xu Qianshan's **** and wanted to get benefits from Xu Qianshan.

Xu Qianshan was very proud of being flat-footed by them.

"Relax everyone, as long as I have Xu Qianshan in the future, the kid with the surname Ye will not be able to lift the storm."

Xu Qianshan laughed loudly, patted his chest proudly, and after a brief expression, he said to the people around him: "In a moment, I will be angry for you and let the kid named Ye know that our prince The power of the party. "


But just as Xu Qianshan said these words, a huge stone flew from a distance, pierced through the restaurant where Xu Qianshan was located, and hit the table in front of Xu Qianshan accurately.

The dishes on the table directly sprayed Xu Qianshan's face, which made Xu Qianshan's face look ugly. He screamed on the spot: "Who is it?"

"Ye Xiaohu."

Facing Xu Qianshan's inquiry, Ye Xiaohu flew from a distance, and sneered: "Aren't you asking Liu Guanyu to find me? Now that I'm here, what do you want to do, just draw it down and say it!"

"You are Ye Xiaohu?"

Xu Qianshan froze for a moment, he never thought he would meet Ye Xiaohu like this.

Under such circumstances, Xu Qianshan could not help but carefully looked at Ye Xiaohu, wanting to see what special place Ye Xiaohu had.

However, after observing for a long time, he did not find any difference in Ye Xiaohu's body. It was no different from an ordinary inner disciple.

This made Xu Qianshan could not help but sneer, and said with disdain: "I originally had three heads and six arms and many magical powers, so I dared to be an enemy of our princeling. But I never imagined that you are such an ordinary person I really do n’t know how Gujinbo did what they did, and actually let you, an ordinary person, kill them. "

"Perhaps it was my destiny?"

Ye Xiaohu laughed, and then stared at Xu Qianshan, saying: "So all the people who opposed me and dealt with me secretly were killed by me. I don't know if Brother Xu Qianshan will be the next one."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I never hit a sloppy eye, so I'm just telling the truth."


Xu Qianshan snorted coldly, and he would believe that Ye Xiaohu's lies were strange.

I saw that he used the leaves of the vegetables to blow them in front of Ye Xiaohu, and then pointed to the leaves of the vegetables and said: "The boy named Ye, I don't care who you are, who you are with ... In short, now you Kneel on the ground and lick all the leaves of the vegetables to Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu can save you from death, otherwise Lao Tzu will peel your skin today and let you know that you are offending Lao Tzu. "

"Haha, the last person who said so, has become a pile of loess."

Ye Xiaohu laughed a lot, and recalled it carefully in his mind, then said to Xu Qianshan: "What is the ability, although you come to me, I will be afraid of you. Ye Xiaohu will be strange."

"court death."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu was unconvinced, this made Xu Qianshan, who had just left the border and wanted to stand up, feel very dissatisfied.

What's more, he was very clear about his mission this time, so when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, he snarled on the spot.

I saw Xu Qianshan running the fairy power above the double fist on the spot, and punched the face of Ye Xiaohu with a punch: "Boy surnamed Ye, let me die!"

Seeing Xu Qianshan's attack, Ye Xiaohu didn't have any fear at all. I saw Ye Xiaohu backhanded and greeted Xu Qianshan directly.


The fists of the two sides collided on the spot. Xu Qianshan did not take a step back, but Ye Xiaohu took two or three steps back to stabilize his body.


Xu Qianshan couldn't help being surprised when he saw Ye Xiaohu's action.

He just exerted 50% of his strength just now. He originally thought that even if there is no way to kill Ye Xiaohu, he can also fly Ye Xiaohu ~ ~ But he never thought that this punch did not do What he thought in his heart, only made Ye Xiaohu back two or three steps.

This was different from his original intention at the beginning, so Xu Qianshan snorted: "It can catch my first punch, no big deal, I see how you take my second punch."

Xu Qianshan luckily tried the immortal method, and then the power of the double fist suddenly increased a few points, directly improving to Qicheng's cultivation behavior.

"Ape Dragon Fist."

This time Xu Qianshan was no longer a simple attack, but instead exhibited a set of immortals.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, naturally dare not care.

After all, Xu Qianshan's cultivation practice is higher than that of Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu quietly ran the nine-layer sky thunder fist, accompanied by the sound of thunder, and fought back with a weak momentum.

"This Ye Xiaohu really doesn't open his eyes!"

"Obviously I know that I can't beat Xu Qianshan, but I still don't want to be soft. I have to confront Xu Qianshan hard. Doesn't he know that when Xu Qianshan was young, he practiced physical exercises and wasn't afraid of Ye Xiaohu's fist?"

"Forgive him! After all, he is a newcomer, and he was still promoted to the inner door by the elder Zongmen, so there is no fear of the inner door, and it is justifiable."

"But as soon as today passes, I believe this kid will grow a lot."

Hearing the comments of these people, Liu Guanyue's face was ugly. Obviously he had noticed that something was wrong.

Just when Liu Guanyue was worried about Ye Xiaohu, the two sides collided again.

This time, Ye Xiaohu's body did not want to take a step back, nor did Xu Qianshan.

But when Liu Guanyue and others saw the result of this scene, they all pointed to Xu Qianshan bursting into laughter, which made Xu Qianshan's face change slightly: "Are you laughing at me?"

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