Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1604: : Resident muscle 0 Yan Dan

Originally, the fairies were very satisfied when they heard Ye Xiaohu's words.

After all, thousands of years of fairy medicine are too difficult to find. Five thousand or six thousand years of fairy medicine is still relatively easy to find in the fairyland.

But when they heard Ye Xiaohu's words, their faces became ugly on the spot.


"Boy, you are so greedy."

"Do you know what Elixir Sister Simon is going to refine?"

"I don't know anything, so I want to use Laoshan Ginseng to coax Sister Simon to give you a medicine?"

The fairies beside Sister Ximen stood up and yelled at Ye Xiaohu.

But in their anger, Ye Xiaohu did not respond, and stared at Sister Ximen so quietly. Because he knew that only this senior sister Simon was the master of today. Only he agreed, then everything was easy to say.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu quietly looked at Sister Ximen.

Under Ye Xiaohu's wait and see, Sister Ximen couldn't help but blush and said: "Do you know what immortality I want to refine, I want ten?"

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then stared at Sister Ximen, said: "If I am not wrong, it should be the sacred face."

No one does not like to keep his face the same, so the fairy of Heranzong is always looking for a way to preserve his face.

But they have taken too many panacea, there is still no way.

Although as their cultivation practices continue to improve, their face guarantee time is also extended, but one day they will gradually grow old.

Fortunately, Sister Ximen had a chance, in the ancient ruins of the ancient court, got a special elixir formula, which can be used to refine a stasis pill, which can keep the appearance of the fairy for millions of years.

However, the refining requirements of this immortality medicine are too high, and the medicinal materials needed are all old fairy medicines for more than ten thousand years.

"Since you know that I am going to refine Phyto-Baiyan Pill, why do you need a panacea?"

Sister Simon did not understand: "You should know that the appearance of face is not necessarily a good thing for a man, and this immortality does not enhance the realm and the effect of cultivation."

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu understands this, he really has no high demand for this immortality.

The reason why he proposed this immortality is because someone needs it.

For example, his mother, or sister Xiang Qing ... etc., after all, they are women, and they are too late to practice, so in order to protect their appearance, Ye Xiaohu will only put forward this idea.

So Ye Xiaohu looked at Sister Ximen quietly and said seriously to him: "As long as you agree to my request, the old mountain ginseng will be yours."

"The deal."

After thinking for a while, Sister Simon finally agreed to Ye Xiaohu's request.

Because Laoshan ginseng is an indispensable medicine, if you miss Ye Xiaohu, you may meet higher requirements in the future.

So Senior Sister Ximen nodded directly and agreed to Ye Xiaohu's request. He handed over some five or six thousand years of fairy medicine to Ye Xiaohu, and handed a token to Ye Xiaohu: "This token is my communication order. Card, you can call me anytime and anywhere with this token. "

"The deal."

Ye Xiaohu received the items with satisfaction, and sent them into the floating island space, and then passed the old mountain ginseng to Sister Ximen, and then reminded in good faith: "I just saw that the magic medicine stored in your space magic weapon is no longer Less, but if you want to rely on these elixirs to refine the resident skin beauty, then it is not enough, it is best to look for a tens of thousands of years of erythrum, then refine the resident skin beauty Dan basically clasped his hands. "

Liuli Xiancao?

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Sister Ximen was a little stunned, because in her memory, there was no part about Liulixiancao.

But there was a piece missing in the prescription she obtained. Is that piece of celery grass?

Sister Simon has been cracking the last missing place, but it has never been cracked, but after hearing Ye Xiaohu's mention today, he couldn't help but turn around excitedly and walked: "If I can really refine the squat beauty , Then I will give you some more immortals in the future. "

"Thank you Sister Simon so much."

Ye Xiaohu arched his hands and then watched Sister Ximen leave.

After Sister Ximen's figure gradually disappeared from people's eyes, a disciple of the inner door sitting next to Ye Xiaohu could not help but leaned over and read to Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guan: "You two pack up quickly Let's run away! Otherwise, wait for today's events to spread, then you may lose your life at any time. "


Ye Xiaohu didn't speak, but Liu Guanyue said on the side: "Isn't that sister Ximen ~ ~ not very good at the inner door?"

"That's not true. Sister Simon is very good, but a few kind people."

The people who mentioned Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue shook their heads, and then added: "But Sister Simon is so beautiful that the entire Heranzong is left alone. So from the moment she entered Heranzong, she was given by the prince. Stared at and became the prince's sweetheart. Each time the prince went out of customs and every time they went out in these years, he would visit Sister Simon and invite Sister Simon to go out to play. Become a sister with Sister Simon, and then directly ascend to the throne. "

It turned out to be the woman the crown prince fancy, no wonder he would say so.

But is this related to Ye Xiaohu?

Obviously it does not matter, after all, this is the first time they met.

What's more, even if he didn't have contact with Sister Simon, the Prince's party wouldn't let Ye Xiaohu, so under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu's initiative to block the Prince's Party every day is also good.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu stretched lazily lazily, and then read to Liu Guan: "I want to meditate and rest for a while, then you are responsible for selling goods!"


Liu Guanyue nodded and said, "Brother Xiaohu, don't worry, I must have done my job well."


Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, and then sat cross-legged in the neighbor's shocked eyes.

Seeing this scene, the neighbor could not help shaking his head, and then turned back to his booth, put away his things directly, and passed by Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue: "Anyway, I have kindly reminded You guys, but you still do n’t leave, so if you get killed, do n’t blame me. ”

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