Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1605: : Woman is self-improvement

At the inner gate of Heranzong, there are two peaks with the most people.

One mountain is the mountain where the prince is, and one mountain is the mountain where Ximen Qingxue is located.

At this moment, on top of the mountain where Ximen Qingxue was located, Sister Ximen returned to the mountain with a smile on her face. Cultivating fairies around her saw the expression of Sister Ximen and came forward.

"Sister Simon, what's wrong with you today, why are you so happy?"

"Sister Simon is so happy, is it because the prince is coming back?"

"Yes, Sister Simon will only be so happy when Brother Prince is back."

"Haha, before the prince left, he made a speech. This time he is going to be married to Sister Simon. This will definitely be a beautiful talk for our Herlanzong in the future."

Fairies, express their views.

But hearing their opinion, Sister Simon's complexion gradually became low.

Everyone in the world thinks that she should be married to the prince, Simon, because the two of them are very talented.

But few people know that, in fact, Ximen Qingxue doesn't like the prince at all, and even some hate the arrogant prince.

It's just that the prince's cultivation base is too high, and he is already invincible among the insiders, and he can challenge the elders of the inner door, let alone those who are Ximen Qingxue, even the elders of the inner door dare not provoke them.

After all, the prince is still growing, and his future achievements are limitless.

"You don't know, Sister Simon is angry now."

"Yes, in fact, the elder prince didn't come back at all, but Sister Ximen encountered a ten-year-old ginseng. It should have been a happy thing. As a result, he met a black-hearted inner disciple and blackmailed Sister Simon Thousand years of elixir, and ten elixir. "

"That man's imagination is abominable. If it wasn't for Senior Sister Simon's anxiety, then I really wanted to rush over and teach him a hard meal."

"That is, so precious immortals, so many precious immortals, he really dare to speak."

I saw the fairies who followed Ximen Qingxue to buy Ye Xiaohu's ten-year-old mountain ginseng, and they stood up and blamed Ye Xiaohu's discomfort.

If Ye Xiaohu is in this place, he will be very angry.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't even know what was happening here, so naturally he wouldn't be angry.

I saw that Senior Sister Ximen stirred her hair, and then said to her companions: "Well, that old mountain ginseng is indeed worth the price, so it is understandable that he made so many requests. Not to mention that this matter has passed. No more mentioning it. "


Seeing that Ximen Qingxue didn't want to mention this matter anymore, the other people glanced at each other, and naturally would not touch Ximen Qingxue's brow.

After they nodded, they stood quietly behind Ximen Qingxue.

Immediately after that, Ximen Qingxue walked to a fairy and asked seriously: "Sister Liuyun, please tell me the fairy medicine I asked you to find. What's your eyebrow now?"

"Sister Simon, you will tell you what I have already done."

Hearing Ximen Qingxue's inquiry, the fairy named Liuyun couldn't help but laugh, and then took out several fairy medicines from his storage magic weapon and handed it to Ximen Qingxue: "Sister, look See if these immortals are? "

"Ten thousand years of exquisite fairy medicine, and at least more than nine thousand years of snow fairy lotus ..."

Ximen Qingxue took a closer look, and found that the fairy medicine he was looking for was actually found by Liuyun Fairy, which shocked Ximen Qingxue.

Obviously she hadn't thought of it before, there would be such a result.

I saw that Ximen Qingxue brought those herbs and asked Liuyun fairy: "Liuyun, these fairy medicines are so precious, how did you get them in such a short time?"

"Sister Simon is right. This fairy medicine is indeed too precious. Although I had some eyebrows before, when I went looking for it, no one was willing to sell it to me."

Fairy Liuyun smiled bitterly, and then proudly said in front of everyone: "But then I turned around and suddenly discovered that the person who possessed these fairy medicines had a close relationship with the Crown Party, so I took the initiative to go I contacted Brother Huangfu and got rid of him to help me get these fairy medicines. "


Hearing Liuyun ’s words, Sister Simon could n’t help but look gangsterly: “Did I not say that our women should be self-reliant and should not rely on them to stink men? Why did you go against our original vow and actually contact the Crown Prince people?"


Fairy Fairy Liu said wrongly: "The Crown Prince is not someone else's house, is that not the force of your future husband, Senior Sister Simon? Even if I go to them, how can I ask them to help us?"


Ximen Qingxue didn't like to rely on men, not to mention that he was very dissatisfied with the princelings, but now his own people are liaising with the princelings. How can Ximen Qingxue be happy?

I saw him screaming on the spot, and he was ready to teach the Fairy Liuyun a hard meal.

But the person standing next to Sister Ximen, at this time, stopped Sister Ximen and said, "Sister, although we should be self-improving, it is no big deal to take advantage of those men occasionally."


Ximen Qingxue glanced at the person who blocked him, and was originally very dissatisfied.

But he soon discovered a problem, that the expressions of these people in front of him are actually disapproving ~ ~ He didn't listen to what he said at all, which made Ximen Qingxue unable to sit in a chair decadently, and then To the fairy around me: "Well, since you have no independent consciousness, then I will say nothing, I hope you can do it yourself!"

After briefly speaking, Ximen Qingxue glanced at the fairy medicine brought back by Liuyun, and then directly put those fairy medicines into his space magic weapon.

Immediately after that, Ximen Qingxue let the people around to help him collect some special Danding and some auxiliary fairy medicine.

After tossing for about a quarter of an hour like this, Ximen Qingxue was finally ready, and after confirming that there were no omissions, she satisfactorily turned and walked towards her closed place, and at the same time said to the fairies on the left and right: "Next, I want Retreat is about a year. During this time, I hope you can reflect on yourself and think about it carefully. Every sentence I said before, after all, your own destiny in the future should be controlled by you, not I ’ll help you build. "

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