Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1607: : Half-step Xuan Shengxian Method

"Come again. Mobile side"

"It seems to be a newcomer."

"I just got out of the border, or was this the first time I saw this person, presumably the one who joined the inner door this time?"

"In retrospect, when we first joined the inner door, we were so excited to search for the immortal method, but found that one after another, no one can choose."

As soon as Ye Xiaohu came in, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Some people smiled, and some sarcastically waited to see Ye Xiaohu's jokes.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't care, and saw him quietly wandering in the Xianfa Pavilion.

I saw a copy of the Fa Xian Fa. He had no interest in the Fa Xian Fa on the first floor, but when he went to the second floor, when Ye Xiaohu passed by, he stumbled upon a special Fa Xian Fa. Body, ready to consult.

Seeing this scene, the person who was watching Ye Xiaohu's joke before could not help but ridicule: "Boy, I advise you, if you don't have enough strength, it is best not to go through the content, otherwise you will regret it."


Ye Xiaohu entered the Xianfa Pavilion for the first time, so he did not understand and asked: "Is there any difference in this Xianfa?"

"You newcomers really don't understand anything."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the words that ridiculed Ye Xiaohu before, could not help but explain to Ye Xiaohu, "I will give you a lesson today."

I saw those who ridiculed Ye Xiaohu and took the initiative to walk next to a fairy law.

"Break me."

I saw him sip, breaking the protective enchantment of Immortal Famen on the spot, and then revealing the immortal Jade Jane.

After seeing this scene, he turned contentedly and glanced at Ye Xiaohudao: "Did you see clearly? The fairy law in the Xian Fa Pavilion is not free to be manipulated. If you want to read a certain fairy law, then It must be like me, with strong mana, destroy the protective measures on the spot, in order to be recognized by the immortal law, and practice this immortal law. Otherwise you can not break the immortal law, even if you like, even this immortal Fate with you, you can't take it away. "

After all, Xian Fa is a precious thing, and every force cannot allow Xian Fa to suffer losses.

Even the lowest-level fairy law must be carefully protected.

What's more, Heranzong wears thousands of centuries, and there are many immortals, which are all secret methods obtained from the ancient heaven court period, and it is impossible to allow any loss, so as not to affect them in the future. .

Therefore, a layer of protection is added to the immortal law, so that people have no way to check the levels at will, so as to avoid any loss.

Hearing this person's explanation, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help smiling slightly, instantly understood its meaning, and then said to the old man: "Thank you, Brother, for your guidance, now I understand what should be done."


Seeing that Ye Xiaohu was so polite, the other party thought that Ye Xiaohu's suit was soft and planned to pat his ass, so his nostrils said to heaven: "Well, seeing that you are a newcomer, or should I personally help you get the fairy method! "

Hearing this person's words, Ye Xiaohu froze a little, apparently feeling some strange.

But when Ye Xiaohu was hesitant, the other party had walked in front of Ye Xiaohu: "You cut first."

I saw that the other party gently pushed Ye Xiaohu, forcing Ye Xiaohu to give up a position, only to be satisfied with the secret method that the whole body grasped and looked at Ye Xiaohu.


But he never imagined that when he reached out and grabbed it, he didn't catch anything, and he caught an air directly, and the fairy law was still stored in place.

"How is this going?"

"Sister Qian Yuanqian's cultivation practice, that's a ruthless person in our group. Why can't even the Xian Fa on the first floor get it?"

"Brother Qian Yuan must be teasing us, otherwise how could he fail to complete?"

"It's not necessarily. Don't forget that on the first floor of this Immortal Pavilion, there are also some precious immortal laws, which are not opened casually."

"You mean, those half-step Xuan Sheng's immortals?"

"On the opposite side, only the half-step Xuan Sheng's immortal method can prevent Brother Qian Yuanqian's exploration. Otherwise, it will be replaced by another level of immortal method, even if Brother Qian Yuanqian didn't do his best, then you can touch the fairy method."

"This ... if that is the case, then aren't we all looking away and failing to recognize the immortal essence of immortality?"

When others talked, the money that stood up stood in wax.

Originally he wanted to pretend to show his ability in front of Ye Xiaohu.

Which Cheng Xiang thought he had just finished loading this, and hadn't waited for someone to come and support him, he encountered such a Waterloo.

"I do n’t believe it, even if you are a half-step mysterious magic law, I will break you off before Qianyuan, take a look at what you are ~~ ~ Qian Yuanqian pressed Inner anger, and a low sip, exhibited all the cultivation behaviors, and grabbed the immortal method that Ye Xiaohu valued.

Ye Xiaohu was shocked to see this scene.

Because the other party ’s opinion was released as much as the cultivation of the saint level, Ye Xiaohu was afraid that the other party would accidentally destroy the fairy law he saw, so he quickly exhibited the fairy law and prepared to protect the fairy at any time. law.

However, when Ye Xiaohu was vigilant, he found that Qian Yuan went down one stroke and collided with the enchantment passport of the immortal dharma, he still did not splash any storms, or was as safe as the beginning.

Under such circumstances, Qian Yuanqian's face was even darker. Obviously, he knew that he had failed to pretend today.

But this result made him somewhat unacceptable.

When he thought about how to resolve the embarrassment.

He saw Ye Xiaohu coming out from behind him, and stared at the fairy law: "It is the fairy law I see, the connection world is so powerful, it seems that you must have something different."

Ye Xiaohu was originally just a psychological sensory, but now he understands this fairy law, there must be something he does not understand.

So Ye Xiaohu is anxious to know what mysterious mystery is.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu said to Qian Yuanqian: "Thank you, Brother, for your kindness, but for this fairy law, I still want to pick it up personally, so I won't trouble you."

When the words fell, Ye Xiaohu gave a little effort and pushed Qian Qianqian away on the spot. When he saw this scene, Qianyuan couldn't help but look black and stinky: "You ..."

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