Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1608: : Starting with the Fa

I saw that Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him. He was afraid that this immortal method would be cut off by others, so he reached out and grabbed his hand.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu did not exhibit to practice, and reached out indifferently, as if no fairy power was used.

Such actions are stupid in the eyes of others.

"Idiot, do you think the inner door is the outer door? All the immortals can be read casually? I just reminded you in good faith, and even performed it for you personally, but the result is still not in my heart. disgrace."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's actions like this, Qian Yuanqian was even more dissatisfied.

I saw his face black and smelly, staring at Ye Xiaohu, and said sarcastically: "I want to see if you can't break the enchantment in a while, or even how to deal with it when it is bounced ? "

While Brother Qian Yuanqian was sarcastic, Ye Xiaohu's right hand finally touched the enchantment.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu felt that his arm was as if he was deep in the water world. He was not at the bottom, and there was no way to touch all kinds of things.

This made Ye Xiaohu's brow furrowed, and he felt the difference of this enchantment.

Most of the enchantment is strong and gives people an indestructible feeling.

Generally encountered that kind of enchantment, most people are strong crack.

Such a scheme works well, but it also has a drawback, it is easy to destroy the things inside the enchantment, causing some precious things to be damaged.

However, if it is replaced with such a soft immortal enchantment, then the means of acquisition can be reduced, so as to protect the immortal immortal inside.

After understanding the meaning and truth of the enchantment, Ye Xiaohu could not help lifting the corners of his mouth slightly, and then in the attention of Qian Yuanqian and others, a little bit of fairy power was added to his palm, while continuing to keep his own Press down with your right hand.

"It's really overwhelming. Brother Qian Yuan just did just that, but the enchantment was bounced back mercilessly. As a result, this kid did it again, was it just to insult him?"

"Perhaps this kid already knew that he could not succeed, so he wanted to use Brother Qian Yuanqian's method and struggled one last time. If it succeeds, it is good, if it fails, then it is also the crime of Brother Qian Yuanqian, and he has nothing to do with him. relationship."

"It's really a scheming bitch, if you don't have your analysis, we can't think of it."

"Yes, it must be like this. He was so mean. He actually used and cultivated the kindness of Brother Qian Yuanqian. It is estimated that it was Brother Qian Yuanqian. If it was replaced by another brother, it would have been good to him. "

The members of Qian Yuanqian looked at Ye Xiaohu's actions one after another, and sincerely expressed their sarcasm, thinking that Ye Xiaohu could not accomplish his goal.

But Ye Xiaohu had no distracted thoughts, as if he didn't hear what they said, and cautiously probed forward.

In fact, with Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice, this method can be completely destroyed by destroying the enchantment on the spot.

But Ye Xiaohu was worried about destroying the immortal law inside, so he has been trying out carefully.

After a few minutes of trial and error, Ye Xiaohu finally felt the best chance, so the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and suddenly increased a bit of fairy power towards a corner of the fairy enchantment.


Under the control of Ye Xiaohu, the enchantment above the fairy law was pinched by Ye Xiaohu, and there was no way to stop Ye Xiaohu from exploring the fairy law.

"Oh my god, am I blind?"

"It must be like this, otherwise how could this newcomer break the enchantment of the immortal dharma at once?"

"It's so weird, how can a newcomer do this?"

"No, he must not be able to do it. I estimate that the enchantment of the Immortal Dharma has been cracked by Qian Qianyuan before, so he is just in danger. Otherwise, with his cultivation method, how could the enchantment be cracked? What about? "

Those inner disciples with long hair and short knowledge have expressed their opinions and are reluctant to believe this fact.

Only Qian Qianqian knew that the enchantment of the fairy law had not been damaged by any situation at all.

Although he exerted a lot of pressure before, he did not destroy the protection and integrity of the immortal enchantment.

In other words, Ye Xiaohu completely cracked the enchantment of this fairy law through his own abilities.

This made Qian Yuanqian take a deep breath and looked at Ye Xiaohu again.

But Ye Xiaohu did not look up at him. I saw Ye Xiaohu briefly looked at the Fa, and after confirming that it was the Fa Fa he needed, he looked up with satisfaction: "Thank you, Brother Qian Yuan, for your guidance. If you want to move, you will not be here with you brothers. "

After the words fell ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu no matter what the other party thought, continue to walk towards the front and explore the magic method behind.

As a result, the fairy law behind it no longer made Ye Xiaohu's eyes shine, so he took the initiative to leave the first floor and went to the second floor of the fairy law pavilion.

In the middle of the first and second floors, Ye Xiaohu encountered another obstacle.

However, after the previous induction of the immortal method, Ye Xiaohu already understood the key to the formation method, so Ye Xiaohu directly used a small means and successfully entered the second floor.

"My God, did he actually pass the first and second floors?"

"How did he do it?"

"How can a newcomer do this?"

"I don't think he is a newcomer, but he is more like an old man than us. How can he be an unknown?"

When I heard this, Qian Yuan, who had been watching Ye Xiaohu leaving the direction, couldn't help but blinked, suddenly thought of something, so he said to his fellow robe: "When I was just out of the customs, did you follow I said, someone who defeated Gu Jinbo and successfully entered the inner door? "

"It is true."

Hearing Qian Yuanqian's inquiry, the person who introduced Ye Xiaohu to Qian Yuanqian immediately responded: "But that person, although I haven't seen it, but he must have something different, maybe even With some ancient blood. "

"No, he doesn't necessarily have an ancient bloodline, but more like a demon."

Qian Yuanqian was very smart. The reason why he asked so much just now was just to make sure.

So after he heard the introduction of his companion, he knew his guess was right on the spot, so he smiled bitterly and said to his fellow party: "You must not ridicule that person in the future, because he is probably the Ye Xiaohu, the new disciple of the inner gate who defeated the ancient and modern waves. "

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