Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1609: : 9 turn shocking sword

"He is Ye Xiaohu?"

"Isn't it similar?"

"Yeah! At first glance, it's a normal newcomer. Is there anything special about it?"

"A genius like that, shouldn't it be like a nostril, no one should enter?"

Hearing Qian Yuanqian's analysis, all the old people in the inner door all showed surprise expressions. Obviously they felt something incredible.

Under such circumstances, they are confused one by one.

Seeing such a scene, Qian Yuanqian couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Although I was poor before Qian Yuanqian, through unremitting efforts, Xiu Wei barely reached the level of Nine Saints Xuanxian. I couldn't get it, but he was easily divided by him. Do you think it's easy to do? "

Everyone looked at the place where Ye Xiaohu had just taken away the Xian Fa, and could not help but take a deep breath, then shook his head.

Obviously they can't do it, because their practice is not as good as Qian Yuan.

Under such circumstances, they thought about it for a moment, and then stated: "It seems that this kid has some skills, no wonder they dare to confront the Crown Prince."


"He does have some skills."

"But this kid doesn't seem to understand the rules."

Qian Yuanqian mumbled, then glanced at the second floor of the Xianfa Pavilion, then turned to his companion and said, "If someone like him, if he doesn't know how to calm his temper, be gentle when doing things. , Then definitely not going far in the future. I have seen too many geniuses, like Ye Xiaohu, but inexplicably died, and eventually became a pile of loess. Even if their talent is high, there is no way to achieve it, completely Makes no sense. "

Everyone nodded and agreed with Qian Yuanyuan's analysis.

After all, they are not newcomers anymore. Many people who are better than their talents eventually died in front of them and became their stepping stones.

"But anyway, once he enters the inner door, the inner door will not be as quiet as before."

"When has the inner door been quiet? Over the years, several parties have squeezed each other and formed an offensive and defensive alliance with each other. On the one hand, they fight against the prince, on the one hand, they fight against each other internally, and they have never stopped."

"But now with Ye Xiaohu, a violent dragon crossing the river, the inner door, which has been slightly stable, will once again make waves, and this time the waves will be worse than in the past."

"Yes, I have gotten news from the bad prince party. They have been trying to get rid of Ye Xiaohu and released the secretly cultivated Xu Qianshan just for the coming of this day."

"Princeling wants to kill Ye Xiaohu, but other parties don't want to kill Ye Xiaohu, because they don't want to make the Prince's life too comfortable, so they are arranging and supporting ... Ye Xiaohu and restricting the Prince The party's actions. "

"No matter how, once involved in this storm, even if we have been practicing inside for many years, I am afraid it is difficult to protect myself."

"So I plan to declare the retreat directly after going back today and put an end to this matter. If you believe me, it is best to go back to retreat like me, no matter who comes to visit."

Qian Yuanqian and others analyzed the incident after Ye Xiaohu came to the inner door in detail.

I saw that they each expressed their opinions, and published their ideas one after another. After discussing for a while, they basically reached a unified situation.

So they took the immortal Fa that they liked and left the Immortal Fa Pavilion.


"No wonder Zhang Yiyuan and others want to woo me. It turns out that the conflict between the Prince's Party and other parties has reached such a similar level."

It turns out that although Ye Xiaohuren left the first floor of the Xianfa Pavilion, the spirit still observed Qian Yuanqian and others, and naturally they could hear Qian Yuanqian's conversation.

I saw Ye Xiaohu frowned, and then thought about it seriously: "But the conflict between me and the Prince's Party, there is no way to stay. So if a party like the Barbarians Party provides me with funding, then He Leer Why not? "

Ye Xiaohu couldn't help laughing, then glanced around and continued to explore in the Xianfa Pavilion.

The second floor of the Xianfa Pavilion is different from the first floor. Many of the Xianfa pavilions are the three-fourth heaven-level Xianfa of the Nine Saints Xuanxian. .

So Ye Xiaohu didn't leave immediately, but looked at each of the immortal methods and learned a little about the special places of those immortal methods, so as to choose which one to choose.

"Strange, why are these immortals all fast-track immortals, and there always seems to be something missing?"

"But what is missing?"

Ye Xiaohu was a little confused, and didn't quite understand what happened. ~ Ye Xiaohu was looking for something different while watching.

Soon Ye Xiaohu discovered some special places and could n’t help but say: “I understand that the geniuses of later generations lacked the precipitation and time-honing of the immortals in the ancient Tianting period. Therefore, they created all the immortals. Some of the products of the scene cannot be polished through the years. "

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and continued with a bitter smile: "However, some of the immortals only need to use the methods of the ancient heaven to fill in the missing areas, and then they will become a powerful immortal."

After thinking about it, Ye Xiaohu quickly understood the key.

"Haoyue Heavenly Dao, the second grade Xuan Shengxian Fa, the sword can cut the sun and the moon."

"Wufang Shenlong Quan, Sanpin Xuan Shengxian Fa, a fist that uses the power of the immortals in the body to release a terrible shock wave."

"Long Xiao Kyushu leg, quasi-four-grade Xuan Shengxian method, a light power immortal method, can make people instantly go to their destination, the speed is not weaker than teleportation."

"Dragon Demon's September sword, one knife out, and September will be extinct.

Ye Xiaohu carefully observed what he needed after a while.

So Ye Xiaohu put down all the immortals he didn't need, and finally chose a sword technique.

Nine turn shocking sword.

According to the introduction above, the master who created this swordsmanship directly led to the Thunder when the swordsmanship creation was completed, and gave his life for it.

Ye Xiaohu, aware of this, could not help but lifted up the corners of his mouth slightly, and then said with a smug face: "It seems that today's Heavenly Dao is really incomplete, so this will happen. Otherwise, if Heavenly Dao is complete, it will not follow. Just drop down the Thunder for a mysterious spell at the level of mystery. "

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