Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1610: : Perfect Immortal Law


When Ye Xiaohu walked back and handed the swordsmanship of Jiujiantianjian to the elder in charge of guarding the Xianfa Pavilion, the elder immediately looked up at Ye Xiaohu.

Because he was not a member of the Crown Prince Party, but a member of the Barbarians Party, he had long been ordered to let him take care of Ye Xiaohu as much as possible.

Under such circumstances, when he saw that Ye Xiaohu chose Jiujian Jingtianjian, he immediately pointed to Ye Xiaohu: "Boy, you may not understand it when you first arrived, so I chose this Jiujian Jiantianjian, so I will try again. To give you a chance, you can go back to the second floor of the Xianfa Pavilion, and at the last position in the first row, pick a magic dragon heart sutra and bring it back to practice well, which will definitely make you feel that you are overpaid. "

The elder's words were very clear. Even a fool can understand the meaning.

Ye Xiaohu naturally understands this truth, so he gratefully glanced at the elders who guarded the immortal pavilion and smiled at the elders: "Thank you for the elders' concern, but the magic method that the kid has been practicing, can still be used now. So, for the time being, there is no lack of mental skills, only the lack of attack type swordsmanship, so this swordmanship will be selected. "

"That won't work either. Since the creation of this swordsmanship, it has been difficult to cultivate itself. Even if someone occasionally succeeds in practice, there is no way to live too long, and the chance will die inexplicably, so I advise you to say this, it is better to give up this Swordsmanship. "

The elder responsible for guarding the Immortal Dharma Pavilion reminded Ye Xiaohu in good faith, and then added a sentence: "If you really do not lack the mental skills, if you have to choose the sword method, then you can go to the middle of the third row on the second floor. The location, there is a sword that cuts the sky, and it is also a good sword, which can definitely greatly enhance your combat effectiveness. "

Ye Xiaohu sighed when he heard the elder's persuasion.

Because he knew that the other party was concerned about himself, but Ye Xiaohu could not accept it, because it was his own choice.

And he feels that the nine-turn shocking sword is not complete, as long as he completes him, then it will definitely be a good swordsmanship.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu insisted on his own opinion: "Thank you Elder for your reminder, but I feel that this swordsmanship has something to do with me, so I must choose to keep this swordsmanship."


The elder responsible for guarding the Xianfa Pavilion carefully looked at Ye Xiaohu and saw Ye Xiaohu responding unwillingly.

So the elders guarding the Xianfa Pavilion can only sigh quietly: "Elder Li Xianfeng also said that you are a wise and understandable person, but when the old man saw it today, you were just a reckless husband, there was no way to go mesa."

The elders who had been guarding the Xianfa Pavilion thought that if he said this, Ye Xiaohu would change his mind as soon as he heard the elder Li Xianfeng's name.

But after he finished talking, he saw Ye Xiaohu still had no response, just looked at himself, he knew he had failed.

So he sighed helplessly, and then stared at Ye Xiaohu said: "Well, I have done my best to save you, but you still don't want to stop, then you will take the fairy law jade to leave!"

"Thank you elders for your success."

After leaving this sentence, Ye Xiaohu directly took the Xian Fa Yu Jian and said, "However, you can rest assured, Elder, Ye Xiaohu will never let you down and let Master Li Xianfeng disappointed. Not in the past, nor now, You wo n’t be called home. "

"I hope so!"

The elder responsible for guarding the Xian Fa Pavilion, but he did n’t believe what Ye Xiaohu said, when he saw that Ye Xiaohu ’s heart was decided, he immediately helped Ye Xiaohu to complete the determination according to the rules of Heranzong, and then closed his own Eyes, don't know what to think about.

Ye Xiaohu could perceive this scene naturally, but he didn't take it seriously.

I saw Ye Xiaohu holding two immortals, so he swaggered away.


"He is Ye Xiaohu. It is said that in the Xianfa Pavilion, many enchantments of the Xianfa are cracked."

"Genius, this is really a genius, he can actually do this step, if he can really grow up, then it will be very exciting in the future."

"But he is too hard, too strong, and refuses to be soft, just afraid that there is no future in the future."

In the voice of an individual, Ye Xiaohu returned to his dormitory.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu woke up Liu Guanyue just after returning, which made Ye Xiaohu stunned slightly: "Aren't you retreating and practicing?"

"I originally planned this way, but when I practiced just now, I found that the aura of heaven and earth in this place is too abundant, so that I need to adapt continuously before I can step into the cultivation state step by step."

Liu Guanyue smiled bitterly, if he was not cautious, then directly starting cultivation would easily lead to a lot of immortal power flowing into his meridians. By then Liu Guanyue would have to lose a layer of skin even if he didn't die.

After Liu Guanyue finished the explanation, he immediately looked up and said to Ye Xiaohu: "How are you, Xiaohu, what can you gain from going to the Xianfa Pavilion this time?"

"Luck is pretty good, barely gaining two good secrets."

Ye Xiaohu shook the nine-turn shocking sword and read to Liu Guan: "However, these two mental methods are incomplete mental methods, so in order to have any problems, I must leave the retreat and correct them. They will start cultivation later. "

"Need to be corrected?"

Liu Guanyue heard Ye Xiaohu's words ~ ~ could not help but frown tightly, and worriedly said: "Brother Xiao, are you fooled, so you picked these two secret skills? I know, we have more time, even if you really perfect these two secret skills, then you have less time to practice. "

"Relax, I know."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, rejected Liu Guanyue's speculation, and seriously analyzed: "I did not get fooled, but after careful thinking, I rented these two sets of immortals from the Immortal Pavilion. Because I am confident , You can change these two immortals and completely release them. "


Seeing Ye Xiaohu's unrelenting look in the Yellow River, Liu Guanyue smiled bitterly: "Brother Xiaohu, sooner or later you will have to pay a heavy price for your strong character."

"Maybe there will be a day, but it will not be now."

Ye Xiaohu laughed loudly, then walked to his room and said: "Liu Guanyue, after I have perfected this fairy law, you will be my first practitioner."

(End of this chapter)

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