Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1617: : Time flow rate

"Xiaohu is really on earth?"

Hearing Sister Xiang Qing, Wang Yalou had some unbelievable words: "Isn't he soaring?"


"But aren't people soaring so hard to land on Earth?"

"Others can't, but Brother Xiaohu can. And if you read the news carefully, you will definitely find that Brother Xiaohu is not the first time to return to the earth."


Wang Yalou recalled it carefully and found that it was indeed like this.

After all, what happened in the Yejia Farm a while ago, Wang Yalou was very concerned, and even offended many big figures for this.

However, in the end, Yejia Farm was able to handle it by himself, which made Wang Yalou feel more confident.

So after thinking about it, Wang Yalou said to Xiang Qing sister: "Lead the way ahead."

"it is good."

Sister Xiang Qing smiled slightly, and then took Wang Ruier's little hand, step by step toward the inside of the Lingxiao Baodian in Yejia Farm.

Wang Yalou has also been to the front hall and the like, so there is no big deal.

But walking along, Wang Yalou found that Xiang Qing didn't stay, and ran directly towards a wall, which made Wang Yalou stunned and said: "Xiang Qing, that's a wall, don't you die?"

"Relax, this wall won't kill me."

Sister Xiang Qing smiled slightly, and then continued to walk forward: "And if you want to see Xiaohu, then you can only pass this place."


When Sister Xiang Qing's words fell, she directly shone and plunged into the front wall, then Sister Xiang Qing disappeared into Wang Yalou's sight.


Wang Yalou touched his forehead a little bit embarrassed, because he was not a cultivator, but he didn't have the skills of Xiang Qingjie and others.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, this wall is not a real wall and will not cause you any danger."

"Dad, I'm going first, you come to me quickly!"

"Mr. Wang, we have to go first."

Wang Rui'er and others seemed to know the mystery of this place, so they greeted Wang Yalou one after another, and then rammed against the wall.


Seeing this scene, Wang Yalou couldn't help but glanced around awkwardly, and found that there was no one around him, which made him laugh with a bitter smile: "They can do it, should I?

With such an idea in mind, Wang Yalou directly gritted his teeth and slammed into the stone wall.


Then Wang Yalou heard a sound of water, and then his body appeared in a special space.

"I am still alive?"

After landing safely, Wang Yalou checked his body and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of breath. The whole person became relaxed and said: "This is really great."

While Wang Yalou muttered to himself, a group of people approached from not far away.

These people Wang Yalou knew, there were Ye Xiaohu's partners and Ye Xiaohu's relatives.

"Master Wang, are you here too?"

"Sir Wang, one time in Xijing, we haven't met in a few years?"

"Master Wang, you have a good daughter, it's so cute."

"Master Wang, is your body okay?"

Li Longrui and others took the initiative to greet Wang Yalou because they were all in the business, so they were more familiar with Wang Yalou.

Today, Li Longrui and others, following Ye Xiaohu, have become the world's top tycoons. Even if Wang Yalou's identity is noble, he does not dare to neglect, so he quickly responded to Li Longrui and others.

What everyone communicated with for a while was fairly cheerful, and there was no hindrance.

Such a group of people came to a hall in a special space and continued to sit in chairs and communicate.

After a few more minutes, Wang Yalou asked confusedly: "Xiaohu? Isn't it that he is back? Why haven't he seen him yet?"

"Little Brother Hu is refining a panacea."

Hearing Wang Yalou's inquiry, she explained to Ye Xiaohu: "When he has finished refining the panacea, then the opportunity will come out to meet you. But before that, you still have to eat in front of yourself. Fruit. "


Wang Yalou confusedly said: "What's the point of eating fruits at this time?"

"Sir Wang, you may not know that this space is more special, but it is a space that Brother Xiaohu carries with him. In this space, the time flow rate is particularly fast. So if you continue to do so according to the normal time tassel, then You may not wait for Brother Xiaohu to come out, you will be tortured to death by time. "

Sister Xiang Qing pointed to the cheeks of Wang Yalou and others: "If you don't believe it, you can take out your mobile phone, or look at your cheeks in the mirror, you will find your body, and then super fast Speed ​​grows old. "

"Our cheeks?"

Wang Yalou did not understand what Sister Qing said, but he was very obedient.

I saw that he took out his mobile phone ~ ~ and turned on the camera function, and took a closer look at his cheek on the phone screen.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you are taken aback.

In the camera lens, Wang Yalou felt his skin, and after a little aging, his hair continued to turn white.

"My God, why am I getting old so fast?"

"I feel in an instant, I have reached the level of seventy and eighty?"

"I haven't lived enough."

"I haven't married a wife yet!"

After all, Wang Yalou has been an official for many years, so his character is better, so he is not too surprised.

But others did not have his character, so they exclaimed.

Seeing this scene, Sister Xiang Qing was not surprised, but instead, as expected, she smiled and said: "Everyone can rest assured that as long as you keep eating the fruits on the table, you can maintain the flow of time and the nutrients you need."


"What are you waiting for, hurry and eat!"

Those who were surprised picked up the fruit on the table and enjoyed it happily.

As expected, they had just eaten a few grapes, and their lifespan began to decline, even younger at first.

However, people on earth now have resistance to these people and know the role of fruits, so they didn't yell at first.

So they ate fruit for a while, and then heard a footstep in their ears.

Then they saw a person, came in from the outside, and looked at them with a smile on their faces.

This made Wang Yalou and others sit seriously, looking forward to each one.

Under such circumstances, the man who suddenly walked in and smiled at them: "I'm sorry, because of the immortality, I have made you wait a long time."

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