Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1618: : Destiny and Pursuit

"Xiaohu, you really are back."

"Xiaohu, it's been a long time!"

"The last time Yejia Farm had an accident, although we hurriedly arrived, but you have already got things done, and we haven't seen you."

"Xiaohu, what does the fairyland look like, you tell us about it."

The person who suddenly arrived was naturally Ye Xiaohu, who refined the panacea.

So when Ye Xiaohu came, everyone started to surround Ye Xiaohu and asked about various things.

Even Wang Rui'er, who was always at Yejia Farm, was looking at Ye Xiaohu curiously at this moment, waiting for Ye Xiaohu to answer.

"A fairyland?"

"It's a vast expanse, I don't know how much space there is. In that place, the ordinary immortal can only be said to be a vulgar. The real master is the real fairy, and it is still a very powerful fairy."

"People like me, after entering the fairy realm, can only practice from each sect, fighting for a little space for survival."

"There is no spirit fruit in the fairy world. All fruits, vegetables, herbs ... all are fairy medicines. Taking one can make your body go further."

"But Immortal Realm is not a peaceful place, because this place is full of wars, everywhere are cheating, and there are terrible demons, watching every inch of the territory of Immortal Realm, and war may break out at any time."

"But overall, the core of the fairyland is still a peaceful space, suitable for us to live in."

After closing his eyes and contemplating for a while, Ye Xiaohu directly explained the pictures in his mind.

Then he waved his hand again, relying on the power of the soul, to simulate a rough world, so that Wang Yalou and others could have a full understanding.

In this way, Wang Yalou and others, just like watching a movie, slowly became familiar with the situation of the fairy world, and then fell into silence.

"Is fairyland so dangerous?"

"Is the cultivation of immortals already powerful?"

"That's really a way of breathing, you can take your life, and sprinkle some beans to become a soldier?"

"Fortunately, immortals cannot come to the earth at will, otherwise our lives may end at any time."

Everyone was filled with emotion, and at the same time felt a crisis in the future of the earth.

Because Ye Xiaohu can return to the earth, it means that there is a buffer zone between the fairy world and others, and they can also freely travel, as long as they can find a way.

Under such circumstances, they have to think about what if the doors of the fairy world and the earth are reopened one day, and the two realms can freely enter and exit?

At the thought of this issue, Wang Yalou couldn't sit up and stood up directly from the chair and said, "No, I have to go back and discuss some ideas with the leaders above, and arrange some means, otherwise once those fairies come, we will It's tricky. "

"Don't worry about Big Brother Wang."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, stopped the impetuous Wang Yalou, and then said to everyone: "First of all, do n’t worry, the channel between the fairy world and the earth is currently only owned by me. Others have no way to find the channel, let alone come. Go to earth and come to the world. So you do n’t have to worry about it, you will meet the people in the picture. Secondly, I come back this time, I hope that through my help, you can go directly to the sky and become a fairy. When you come, you can have super fighting power like me. Even if you encounter a real fairy, you can also have the ability to protect yourself. What ’s more, even if you ca n’t beat those fairy, it ’s not me Yejiazhuang, there is me Is Ye Xiaohu here? "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, they thought about it, and it was really the same thing.

However, Wang Yalou was keenly aware of a problem, so he stared at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Xiaohu, what did you just say about letting us become immortals?"

"This is the case. I stumbled upon a fairy law. That fairy law can help mortals improve their cultivation skills as soon as possible and complete breakthroughs to become a fairy."

I saw Ye Xiaohu facing everyone with a serious expression: "That's why, today I want to make everyone anxious. If you want to live forever and become a fairy who doesn't know how many Shouyuan, you can go to Qingqing Sister received the Elixir, and asked them to teach you the Immortal Dharma and instruct you to practice. "

"Has this good thing?"

"That's Li Longrui."

"me too."

I saw that Li Longrui and others stepped forward to find Sister Xiang Qing.

After a while, most of the people on the scene walked for more than half, but there were still some people left, still sitting on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frowned and walked over and said: "Uncle Dog Egg, what's wrong with you, don't you want to be immortal?"

"Old man thinks!"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words ~ ~ Uncle Dog Egg couldn't help grinning, showing his mouth full of big yellow teeth.

Then he knocked the cigarette bag in his hand, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "But I thought that my wife who passed away early, maybe still waiting for me in the mansion, intending to reincarnate with me, I will I do n’t want to live forever. "

Uncle Dog Egg said very relaxed, but the tone was very firm, Ye Xiaohu believes that he will never change his mind.

This made Ye Xiaohu sigh, and continued to ask other people, "What about you?"

"I don't have the idea of ​​a dog egg, but I feel that I am alive enough."

"A few tens of years old, and you have eaten so many tigers, you may be able to live a few tens of years, or even a hundred years in the future, which is enough for me. Otherwise, I will live for tens of thousands of years. , Hundreds of thousands of years ... to be honest, I'm afraid I can't stand it, and one day I will go crazy. "

"Fairies are good and can fly away, but that's not what I'm after, so let it be given to others."

"The old man is old, I just want to watch my grandchildren a little bit elder, as long as the immortal and the like do not have to count me as an old man."

These people are ordinary farmers, in their eyes, life, cultivation, strength ... has never been their first choice.

In their view, only being happy and staying with their families every day is the happiest thing for them.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu did not force them to accept their ideas.

After all, there is still time. In the future, if they want to change their minds, then Ye Xiaohu can also help them change their destiny.

So Ye Xiaohu chatted with them for a while, and sent them away from this special space.

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