Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1627: : Copy memory

"You are running!"

"Don't you run fast before?"

"Running now, as long as you can escape from our hands, then we will let you go today."

"Being obedient, isn't it good to wait for us to post?"

Early the next morning.

Ye Xiaohu just beheaded a group of people who wanted to take the token from his own hand. Hearing a loud noise, he directly thought of Ye Xiaohu who was practicing.

So Ye Xiaohu gave up practicing and immediately hid in the dark, staring at the source of the sound.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu saw a person and fled to the place where Ye Xiaohu was. This made Ye Xiaohu's face slightly surprised, and could not help but wonder: "That is Liu Guanyue?"

"its not right!"

"Liu Guanyue has the immortal method that I taught, it can't be so weak, just can't hold on in the past day?"

The Helanzong inner disciple contest is a total of seven days.

Within these seven days, all inner disciples can exert various means to gain their own ranking.

Those who were eliminated on the first day are basically destined to leave Heranzong.

But the people who are eliminated the next day are not very good one by one, and they will not get too many resources in the future, unless you leave with the token and directly get the top ten ranking, there is no other way.

When Ye Xiaohu was surprised, he saw a group of people rushing out from behind Liu Guanyue and directly surrounded Liu Guanyue in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Liu Guanyue couldn't help but smile pale, obviously he felt that he had failed.

"Hateful, hateful, angerful ... If you can reincarnate, then I see you, the sword masters, you must kill the blood and you will never let any of you go."

Liu Guanyue roared, and then stared at the people who surrounded him: "You guys face up and claim to be the dead rival of the Crown Prince and compete for resources with the Barbarians. But I never imagined that you are the first one I turned to the princeling party, completely abandoned my original vows, and violated the original decision. I was blind before, and I believe you bastards. "

Liu Guanyue was very sad and indignant, as Ye Xiaohu expected.

Liu Guanyue, who has learned the nine-turn shocking sword, is not comparable to the average person even if he only understands the fur. What's more, these people, the main party of the sword, are not his opponents at all.

So at the beginning, Liu Guanyue didn't even take the sword masters' eyes into consideration, or even cooperated with them, accomplishing a lot of things against the crown princes.

Under such circumstances, Liu Guanyue even had plans to join the crown prince party in the future and regard the main sword party as his support.

But before an hour, they found a special fairy in a secret place, very precious.

Therefore, not long after obtaining Xianzhen, these sword masters abandoned their original covenant and directly shot Liu Guanyue, directly hitting him by surprise, causing Liu Guanyue to be injured on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, these swordsmen did not give up, and chased after Liu Guanyue.

With this passing, Liu Guanyue's body was gradually unable to eat up, so that even now the strength to escape is gone, and he can only sigh.

"The crown prince will inevitably inherit the grand rule in the future, and is destined to become the helm of my Helan Sect. Our main party of swords is just to know the current affairs as Junjie, and turn to the prince in advance.

I saw the person in charge of the Jiandang Party, with a pale face refuting Liu Guanyue: "A ant like you will never know the great dream of our Jiandang Party, let alone the terribleness of the Crown Prince, so Still obediently. "

"Come on."

Liu Guanyue's face was black, and then her eyes looked cold: "It is simply impossible for me to admit defeat."

"In this case, don't blame me for being cruel."

The person in charge of the Jiandang Party glanced at the people around, and then stared at Liu Guanyue: "Give me, take him down, I still have questions to ask him."

Facing the fierce fighting between the sword masters, Liu Guanyue could not help but sigh, and then exhibited the nine-turn shocking sword, and responded with all his strength.

"There is also a good set of swordsmanship. After I win you, I must copy your soul and get the core mystery of this set of swordsmanship."

"Yes, as long as we practice this set of swordsmanship, then our combat effectiveness can certainly be doubled."

"Yes, everyone shot together."

"Never let him run away."

For a time, the people of the main party of the sword, their eyes flashed red, and they rushed to Liu Guanyue crazy.

At the beginning, Liu Guanyue could use the nine-turn shocking sword, but unfortunately Liu Guanyue's body was far inferior to the beginning, so with the deduction of the fighting time, Liu Guanyue's combat power also declined a little bit ~ www. ~ So that at the last moment, Liu Guanyue couldn't even display the nine-turn shocking sword.


When Liu Guanyue's sword moves were flawed, the person in charge of the sword main party directly volleyed Liu Guanyue's body with a sword and crushed Liu Guanyue on the spot.

Swish swish.

Immediately afterwards, other members of the main swords party controlled Liu Guanyue one after another.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge of the sword main party couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "How about, what else do you have to say now?"

"I have nothing to say."

Liu Guanyue snorted and closed his eyes directly, coldly said: "You don't have to continue to talk nonsense, you can kill me!"

"If you want to die, there is no problem. I will succeed you in a while."

I saw the person in charge of the sword main party, and I went directly to Liu Guanyue step by step, with a cold expression: "But before that, I will first copy out the swordsmanship and Ye Xiaohu's message. After copying this question, it is You are dying. "

"I see. It turns out that everything is for Brother Xiaohu. No wonder you will try to catch me alive."

When Liu Guanyue heard what the person in charge of the Jiandang Party opened his eyes on the spot, and stared at the person in charge of the Jiandang: "But you do n’t think about it, because I will not fulfill you."

Liu Guanyue burst into a scream, without the seal Xiuwei's body, exuding an indescribable breath directly.

I noticed that Liu Guanyue's breath changed, and the members of the Jianzhu Party couldn't help but change their face, because they immediately guessed what Liu Guanyue was going to do, they could not help but exclaimed on the spot: "Crazy, Liu Guanyue, you are a madman, actually An irrelevant person would rather die. "

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