Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1628: : Sword Master Party

"Hurry up."

"Seal his cultivation behavior, don't let him explode."

After seeing Liu Guanyue's performance, the person in charge of the main party of the sword couldn't help but change his complexion, and quickly ordered his party to seal Liu Guanyue.

In such a situation, everyone acts.


Facing such a situation, Liu Guanyue could not help but snorted, and then closed his eyes again, giving up the struggle completely.


But just when he was about to explode, he found that his body did not feel any pain, as if nothing had happened.

This made Liu Guanyue surprised, and then his face darkened, because he knew he had failed to explode.

Because a powerful force poured in from the outside, and began to close his cultivation practice, it was difficult for him to continue to detonate the energy in his body.

"who are you?"

"How did you show up, why didn't we discover your existence before?"

"This is what our sword master party is doing, not a small person you can intervene."

"Leave this place early, otherwise don't blame us for ruthlessness."

The person in charge of Jianzhu Party snorted, and gave up on Liu Guanyue, and began to stare at the people who came suddenly.

But in the face of their pressing, under such circumstances, the person who suddenly came, but gently opened his mouth and sneered, "You don't want to copy the memory, do you want to find me?"

Brother Hu?

Suddenly hearing this familiar voice, Liu Guanyue's face could not help but stunned slightly, so he opened his eyes instantly and glanced in front of him.

Sure enough, he saw a familiar figure and grinned on the spot to show a satisfied smile.

"Take care of the wounds. I have seen the matter just now. Let me deal with the rest!"

Ye Xiaohu instructed Liu Guanyue, and then stared at the person in charge of the Jianzhu Party, and could not help but say deeply: "Come, hand over your space magic weapon, and then leave this place one after another, I can put you alive."

"So you are Ye Xiaohu."

But when I suddenly heard the conversation between Ye Xiaohu and Liu Guanyue, the person in charge of the Jianzhu Party showed a calm smile, followed by raising the sword in his hand, and said directly to Ye Xiaohu's head: "Originally I wanted to find You, but since you came over in person, then fall down obediently! "

Before the action, the Sword Master Party had obtained the secret instructions from the Prince's Party, so they felt that they must help the Prince's Party to complete the mission.

Only when the mission is completed will the sword master party occupy a prominent position in front of the crown prince in the future.

"If you want to fight me, you must have that ability."

Ye Xiaohu snorted and waved the big sword in his hand directly, killing the sword party's humanity on the spot: "Since you are stubborn, then one is counted, and I will die for Laozi!"

I saw Ye Xiaohu sneered and pierced the head of the sword master party with a sword.

The person in charge of the Sword Master Party is really good in cultivation, and has reached the level of sainthood.

But this kind of practice is nothing in front of Ye Xiaohu.

Moreover, the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands has been raised to the level of a half-step Tianjun, and it is not something that ordinary people's fairy soldiers can contend with.


Therefore, there was only one collision, and the sword held by the person in charge of the main party of the sword was cut off by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu flew a tail, he stabbed the head of the main party of the sword.


The person in charge of the sword main party, without any struggle, fell to the ground on the spot and whistled.


Ye Xiaohu did not stay at all, followed by one sword after another, one after another stabbing towards the people behind, one sword over the other.

Under such circumstances, members of the main party of the sword fell to the ground one after another.

The lucky ones who survived were also very pale, not knowing what to do.

"Please, do n’t kill me."

"I don't want to die yet."

"We did not intentionally oppose you, but the Crown Prince ordered."

"Yes, grievances have debts and you have the main responsibility. You should go to the prince party to take responsibility."

People from the main party of the sword looked pale to Ye Xiaohu and wanted to ask Ye Xiaohu for mercy.

But under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could not help but take a deep breath, then stared at them and said: "Forget it, let's hand over the things in your hands and leave."

"Thank you, thank you."

Suddenly hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the members of the Jianzhu Party were overjoyed, and couldn't help but surrender the magic weapon of space, and then fled vaguely.

After they escaped, Liu Guanyue could not help but stood up and looked at Ye Xiaohu: "Brother Xiaohu, you should not let them go."

"A group of cats and dogs are not worthy of my attention."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, did not put the escaped members of the Jianzhu Party in his eyes, and then stared at Liu Guanyue: "How are you, can you continue to practice?"

"I ... I'm afraid it won't work anymore."

Liu Guanyue smiled bitterly, glanced at his body, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "My body is too injured and it is difficult to recover in a short time. Even if it is barely sustained, it does not make any sense, even if the ranking is poor It ’s better than wasting time and wasting your life, so it ’s better to just opt ​​out. ”

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then began to check the magic items one by one to see if there was a token in it. As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that the token did not see, but saw many special fairy medicines.

But Ye Xiaohu also understands that after all, the number of tokens is too small, there are only ten, and it is impossible to have one.

So Ye Xiaohu sighed, then took out the previously obtained token from his storage magic weapon, and handed it to Liu Guan standing beside him: "You hold this token, and you can at least rank after returning The top ten ~ ~ no longer need to struggle. "


Liu Guanyue surprisedly said: "But you gave me the token, Xiaohu, what will you do in the future?"

"Relax, there is still time."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, not taking this matter to heart, and then said calmly: "Moreover, I still have time to continue to get tokens."

"But the longer the time, the less the number of tokens."

"But I haven't left, Crown Prince, Sword Master Party ... Those geniuses haven't left this place, so everything has a chance."

"I understand."

Liu Guanyue took a closer look at Ye Xiaohu, and knew that Ye Xiaohu was not fooling himself, so he took a deep breath, and then took the token that Ye Xiaohu handed to him, directly released the signal, and left the league space directly.

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