Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1629: : Zhang 1 yuan's careful machine

"Damn it, the people of the Prince's Party are really lawless."

"That place was obviously the place our Barbarians discovered first, but as soon as they passed, they wouldn't take it away anymore, and they beat us fiercely."

"Damn, the crown princes are too arrogant. If I can, I really want to destroy them all."

"Forget it, after all, it's the crown prince party. Their leader is the brother-in-law, not you and I can match it, so it's good that they didn't kill us."

Another day or two.

Within the playing field of the Newcomers' League of Herlanzong's inner disciples, a relatively secluded place, a group of people from the main party have complained.

"That great accomplishment, I am afraid it will be the biggest accomplishment in this rookie league. If we miss this accomplishment, I am afraid it will be out of nothing."

I saw an inner disciple stand up unwillingly, and then walked in front of Zhang Yiyuan and said: "Brother Zhang Yiyuan, you are our backbone. I don't know if you have any solutions?"

Hearing this person's inquiry, everyone looked at Zhang Yiyuan.

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Yiyuan could not help but sigh and said to his subordinates: "Like you have discussed before, I have no way, because they are the crown princes, they can be lawless, arrogant, deprived Everything about us robs us of the immortal we found and drives us like a dog. "

When Zhang Yiyuan spoke, his tone kept changing. Although there was no particular excitement, the people who heard him around showed a bitter smile.

Because they knew that Zhang Yiyuan said that there was no problem, that is the fact.

Some of the original hopes at this moment were also wiped out by Zhang Yiyuan.

"Brother Zhang Yiyuan is right, the Crown Prince is not something we can contend with, let's admit our fate!"

"What can I do if I don't admit my destiny, after all, Xu Qianshan of the Prince's Party has already reached such a terrifying state. I am afraid that no one is his opponent in this rookie league."

"It's terrifying, as long as he is there, let's admit defeat!"

"Also, most of the time has passed, and many people have surrendered and left. Since that is the case, then what are we left to do, let's return together!"

Most people choose to give up, but there are still people who are clenching their teeth and showing an unwilling expression. Obviously their emotions are bad now.

Under such circumstances, everyone smiled bitterly.

"If you are not reconciled, there is actually a way to try."

Seeing that everyone was in a trough, Zhang Yiyuan knew that he could not continue to hit them, so he took a deep breath and stood up on the spot to continue: "Actually, we have another way to try to defeat defeat."

"any solution?"

Suddenly heard Zhang Yiyuan's words, the members of the barbarism party who had not left, all looked at Zhang Yiyuan and said: "Brother, you said directly!"

"I believe you must have heard Ye Xiaohu's name after going out?"

"Have you heard that?"

"This person is our opportunity, as long as he is willing to help us, then we have the opportunity to turn over the princelings."

Zhang Yiyuan was excited for everyone and introduced Ye Xiaohu in detail.

When everyone knew Ye Xiaohu's ability, Zhang Yiyuan vowed to conclude: "So I believe that as long as we can find Ye Xiaohu and persuade him to cooperate with us, then we can definitely complete the task and **** it. Those immortals. "

Zhang Yiyuan didn't trust Ye Xiaohu very much, but when he saw Ye Xiaohu, he knew that Ye Xiaohu was his only chance.

So he hit the morale of his teammates before, just to let them accept the fact of Ye Xiaohu as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Yiyuan's introduction, the people of the Barbarians nodded one by one, and they all approved Zhang Yiyuan's judgment.

Because they are now dead horses and live horse doctors, as long as there is a first-line opportunity, they will try their best to try.

"But Brother Zhang Yiyuan, the venue for this newcomer contest is too large, we may not be able to find Ye Xiaohu in a short time?"

"Yes! Now the princelings have set off to the ultimate place of creation. I believe that it will not take long before they can take down this creation. Even if we find Ye Xiaohu, I am afraid there is no way."

"We can't hydrolyze near thirst, we still have to think of other ways."

"Yes, Ye Xiaohu is an outsider after all, what should we do if he has any wicked intentions? Don't then, when a group of wolves have just been ostracized, a hungry tiger is provoked."

Seeing someone, still worried expression, Zhang Yiyuan could not help but sneered: "Original Dun Dun ~ ~ If you don't want to, then you can leave without participating."


The man scolded by Zhang Yiyuan couldn't help but smile with embarrassment: "Brother Zhang Yiyuan, you know, I want to say nothing, but I don't mean that."

"Shut up when you know you have nothing to hide."

Zhang Yiyuan reprimanded his companion, and then asked other people: "Do you have any other opinions?"

"No more."

Zhang Yiyuan said so, they naturally have no comments.

So they closed their mouths one after another, so Zhang Yiyuan satisfactorily took out a special rung, and put a hair inside the rung.

If Ye Xiaohu is in this place, you will definitely find Ye Xiaohu's breath in that hair.

"In a hurry, I will quickly find Ye Xiaohu."

I saw Zhang Yiyuan snorted, and then driven his fairy power, relying on Fu Luo's power to find Ye Xiaohu's whereabouts.

This is a special magic weapon that Brother Zhang Yiyuan searched for in the ancient ruins of the ancient heavens. There is no specific effect, but the means of finding people are not ordinary.

"Huh, why don't you stay in the trap?"

Zhang Yiyuan glanced at Fu Mi, according to his past understanding of Fu Mi, Fu Mi should guide them to find Ye Xiaohu. But now Fu Mi is not acting, but standing blankly, releasing the light constantly, which makes Zhang Yiyuan puzzled: "Is there something wrong with this Fu Lu, so there is no way to guide me where to leave Ye Xiaohu." ? "

This made Zhang Yiyuan's face look ugly, because he had already boasted of Haikou just now, but he faced such a result.

But when Zhang Yiyuan was annoyed, he suddenly heard the original Dun Dun who was reprimanded by himself and said in surprise: "Who are you and when were you in this place?"

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