Looking at the tree demon falling to the ground, Xu Qianshan's face became much better.

At this time, the person who was instructed to leave before walked back with joy: "Brother Xu Qianshan, the rumor is true. There is really a holy pool in that place, and there is a lot of holy water in it."


Suddenly hearing such exciting news, Xu Qianshan jumped directly from the ground and said: "How is that place, is there no danger now?"

"Brother Xu Qianshan, don't worry. Before I came back, I specifically checked around to make sure there were no problems in that place."

Xu Qianshan's younger brother is obviously also a wise man, so he knows why Xu Qianshan let him step forward to check the way to wash the holy pool.

So when Xu Qianshan asked, he immediately said his judgment.


"Just washing the holy water of the holy pond, you only need to wipe it on your body, you can greatly improve your physical strength. Then, we will go back to the inner door, soak in the fairy pond, then you can definitely reach the top within a hundred years. . "

"This is a great opportunity, even the elder brother Prince has never encountered it."

"Yes! So we must not fault this opportunity."

So the crown princes all stood up from the ground and looked greedily at the place where the Holy Baptism Pool was located.

Under such circumstances, Xu Qianshan ’s confidant, who had previously explored the holy pool, could not help but turn his eyes: "Brother Xu Qianshan, you just rest in this place. I am alone and I bring those springs Just come back. "

This person is very clear that, with his cultivation and status, if everyone passes, then there is nothing at all.

But if he went alone to wash the spring water of the holy pool, then he had the opportunity to secretly secret some of the spring water of the holy pool.

"no need."

However, Xu Qianshan is not an ordinary person. He has a clear understanding of his men, so he will not believe how faithful he is to the younger brother who cleans the holy pool before applying.

So he sneered, then said to everyone: "You all stay, I just go alone."

Hearing this person's words, everyone was dumbfounded.

Obviously Xu Qianshan is not a good person. It is indeed very wrong to let him go alone.

But they have no way to refuse, who makes Xu Qianshan the strongest man in this place.

So they bowed their heads one after another, not to see Xu Qianshan who left.

When I saw Xu Qianshan without any objection, I couldn't help but walk in the direction that my little brother came back.

As a result, after just a few steps, Xu Qianshan heard a smug laugh behind him.

This made Xu Qianshan stunned for a moment, then stopped his footsteps: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you being too greedy."

The person who wanted to find a way for Xu Qianshan before suddenly laughed loudly: "But I don't know that I have embarked on a road of no return."

"What do you mean?"

Not only was Xu Qianshan forced, but the other members of the crown princes also looked dumbfounded, and had no idea what was going on.

At this time, the people who helped Xu Qianshan to explore the road could not help but kill Xu Qianshan directly: "Prince Party trash, you can die now."

"No, not right."

Looking at his younger brother, he suddenly hit himself at a speed that ordinary people can't do. Xu Qianshan suddenly surprised: "Damn, you are not my younger brother, who are you?"

"Your little brother is here."

When Wu Qianshan was shocked, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him, followed by the body of a young brother Xu Qianshan, who was thrown over from a distance.


Xu Qianshan glanced at the person who was thrown over, and it turned out to be his younger brother.

There are now two of my own younger brothers, so one of them must be another fake. And this fake is obviously someone who has just sneered and attacked himself.

"I don't care who you are, you will definitely die today."

Xu Qianshan was furious, he was the first time to encounter such a situation, so he raised his hand directly, released a fairy, and rushed to the little brother who was thrown over.


Xu Qianshan's younger brother was beaten by Xu Qianshan on the spot.

After solving his little brother's trouble, Xu Qianshan walked step by step to the humanity he just reported to him: "Boy, who the **** are you, if you confess now, maybe I can spare you, otherwise you will die today."

"I am your uncle Ye Xiaohu."

A plan that Ye Xiaohu saw had failed, and naturally he did not continue to be patient.

I saw Ye Xiaohu sneered, then dismissed the illusion on his body, revealing his original appearance, and then punched Xu Qianshan with a punch: "Now you can die."

"It's you, Ye Xiaohu!"

Xu Qianshan was furious. He hadn't gone to Ye Xiaohu yet. Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to come to the door and let himself suffer a loss.

This made Xu Qianshan unbearable, so he turned and killed Ye Xiaohu directly: "In the same day, I didn't have a chance to kill you, but today I think you can't escape Ye Xiaohu.

"Is that right?"

But just as Xu Qianshan spoke, another familiar voice resounded, followed by Zhang Yiyuan killing Xu Qianshan from the blood mist: "With me Zhang Yiyuan, I want to see if you Xu Qianshan There are three heads and six arms that can block the two of us. "

"you guys……"

Xu Qianshan was taken aback. He finally understood why Ye Xiaohu would find this place. It turned out that Zhang Yiyuan was standing behind him.

But want to let Xu Qianshan just give up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Obviously that is impossible, so Xu Qianshan slammed directly and killed Ye Xiaohu, wanting to capture the thief and capture the king first.

Unfortunately, his plan was under Ye Xiaohu's control, so when he attacked himself, Ye Xiaohu immediately used his tactics to block.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

After a series of blocks, Ye Xiaohu in the defensive position gradually appeared to retreat, which made Xu Qianshan look overjoyed because he saw the hope of winning.

But he knew that Ye Xiaohu had not yet lost, and everything had not been fixed.

"Still stunned, quickly solved Zhang Yiyuan, and then came to help me."

Because Xu Qianshan knew that Ye Xiaohu hadn't revealed his true skills, and he didn't dare to care about his injuries, so he directly called for help: "I will deal with Ye Xiaohu first, so as to avoid any variables."

(End of this chapter)

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