Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1636: : Death of Xu 0 Mountain

"Don't you feel late?"

But when Xu Qianshan ordered his subordinates, Zhang Yiyuan, who came from outside, could not help but sneer: "If we are not prepared, why would we suddenly attack?"

"you guys?"

Xu Qianshan froze for a moment, and at this time he heard a sound of fighting in his ears, which made Xu Qianshan glance back quickly.

As a result, he saw members of the barbarism party who were waiting for each other, killed from all sides, and directly blocked the princelings.

A long-lasting essence, full of immortality.

One has just gone through a war, and his body has consumed seven, seven or eight.

In the same situation, you don't need to guess to know who can win.

Under such circumstances, Xu must not continue to sit in the mountains and watch the tigers, wasting his chances. He must take the offensive and take the lead in solving Zhang Yiyuan or Ye Xiaohu.

Only in this way can he gain first-line vitality.

But just when he was acting, Ye Xiaohu had come to him, less than ten meters away, and said: "You are too careless, you should act immediately at the beginning, not those of your men, so today Must die. "

"If you want to kill me, then you have to see if you have the ability."

Xu Qianshan did not know why Ye Xiaohu was so confident, but he knew he was desperate, otherwise it would be difficult to leave this place.

He is not a fool.

So he believes that Ye Xiaohu and Zhang Yiyuan are not fools, so when both sides make moves, they must be prepared for a long time.

Under such circumstances, Xu Qianshan slammed on the spot and turned directly to kill Zhang Yiyuan.

Because he didn't know Ye Xiaohu, or he didn't particularly understand it.

Therefore, if you directly shoot at Ye Xiaohu, it is easy to fall into a state of pinch, so you will fall into Ye Xiaohu's strategy.

So from the beginning, he chose to fight against Zhang Yiyuan.

Because he and Zhang Yiyuan are old opponents, the two sides have been fighting from the outer door to the inner door. Everyone knows how many pounds or two.

Under such circumstances, Xu Qianshan is confident that even if he is injured, he will kill Zhang Yiyuan with a single blow.

And even if Zhang Yiyuan cannot be killed, then he can directly abolish Zhang Yiyuan, making him lose his combat power in a short time and make it difficult to pinch himself.

As long as there is no Zhang Yiyuan's help, Xu Qianshan believes that he can beat Ye Xiaohu one-on-one.

"go to hell!"

"Zhang Yiyuan, the battle between you and me can finally come to an end."

Just as Zhang Yiyuan wanted to kill Xu Qianshan all the time, Xu Qianshan wanted to kill Zhang Yiyuan all the time.

It was only because of the barbarism party and Zhang Yiyuan ’s eldest brother, so Xu Qianshan had no chance.

But now it is different. In this place where the bird does not shit, then a person died, and no one went back to investigate.

Xu Qianshan, who understood this, directly killed Zhang Yiyuan by means of thunder: "Thunderbolt."


"If you are hit, then I will indeed die, but it is a pity that I expected you to do this early in the morning, so I have prepared accordingly."

Zhang Yiyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and then in the shocked eyes of Xu Qianshan, he directly pinched a French seal: "Shifting shape and transposition."


What the **** is this?

Although I don't know, what kind of spell is this?

But Xu Qianshan was keenly aware that the situation was a bit bad and wanted to prevent Zhang Yiyuan from casting this spell.

But when he shot, Zhang Yiyuan, who had already been preparing for it, had successfully completed this French seal.


I saw a wave of space fluctuations. Zhang Yiyuan, who was originally standing within the range of Xu Qianshan's attack, had disappeared in place, and was replaced by Ye Xiaohu.


Xu Qianshan, who suddenly saw this scene, couldn't help but be surprised

At this moment his killing trick has been formed, and temporary change is no longer possible, so Xu Qianshan can only bite the bullet and eager to kill Ye Xiaohu with one blow.

"Good fairy method, but unfortunately it's nothing in front of me."

There are thousands of immortals in Ye Xiaohu's mind, and each one is above Xu Qianshan's immortals.

So Ye Xiaohu cracked Xu Qianshan's thunder and thunder without any effort at all.

What's more, the nine-turn shocking sword that Ye Xiaohu just practiced can restrain Xu Qianshan's sword move. So Ye Xiaohu stood in the same place, took a deep breath quietly, adjusted his state, and then spurred Xu Qianshan with a sword in his head: "Five turns: the strong wind sword move."

Along with Ye Xiaohu's low drink, the big sword in his hand crossed a strong wind mark, and murdered Xu Qianshan brutally.

"What sword trick is this?"

Xu Qianshan looked at Ye Xiaohu violently, and quickly resisted with the most powerful thunder.


The two sides collided together and ended up tying a tie. No one had any help. This made Xu Qianshan look at Ye Xiaohu with a surprised look: "It turns out that your swordsmanship ~ ~ is nothing more than nothing. What's the big deal? "

"I also think so."

Which Chengcheng wanted to face Xu Qianshan's inquiry, Ye Xiaohu responded with a slight smile to Xu Qianshan: "So I didn't put all my hopes on this set of sword moves, but ..."

Ye Xiaohu Nunu mouth, motioned behind Xu Qianshan.


Xu Qianshan suddenly remembered that he was not one-on-one on the ring, but one-on-two in the wilderness.

So Xu Qianshan quickly turned around, wanting to glance behind him.

But when he turned around, there was a cold sword edge, containing powerful fairy power, which had penetrated his body and began to destroy his vitality.

Xu Qianshan, aware of this, couldn't help but say pale: "So you were the bait at the beginning, and the purpose was to let Zhang Yiyuan kill me personally?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "Because I believe that your vigilance against me is far above that of Zhang Yiyuan, so he has a higher probability of killing you personally, and he is more calm, so why not do it? "

"I hate it!"

Xu Qianshan grinned bitterly, and then fell directly to the ground in embarrassment, there was no way to stand up, because the vitality in his body had already passed away a little bit clean.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yiyuan gestured towards Ye Xiaohu, and then he walked to Xu Qianshan's body, and looked at Xu Qianshan's head with a sword, wiped out Xu Qianshan's soul, and then faced the humanity of the Crown Prince. : "Xu Qianshan is dead. Do you still want to continue to resist the corner and fight against Zhang Yiyuan to the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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