Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1637: : Who cares what he does after his death

"Run quickly."

"My God, Xu Qianshan is dead."

"How can we be their opponents?"

"Yes, I can't stay in this place anymore, everyone leave this place quickly."

When Xu Qianshan died in front of them, the members of the princely party who were still very arrogant just now lost their calmness, so they all pushed away the enemies in front of them like a dog of the family, and then fled towards the outside.

But the barbarians had long been ordered by Zhang Yiyuan.

What's more, they are waiting for work, even if they lose their first move at the beginning, they will catch up later.

"Dare to stop me, really looking for death."

Especially a fairy headed by her, when she saw someone appear in front of her and blocked herself from moving forward, but her face changed.

In order to escape from birth as soon as possible, she directly waved her arrow, cast a sword flower, and stab a member of the barbarism party on the spot.


The member of the barbarian party, without any reaction, was pierced by the fairy on the spot and said: "Blink away to the old lady."


I saw the fairy wield the fairy sword hard, and throw away the members of the barbarian party, and then continue to leave.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but look back at Zhang Yiyuan and said, "Who is that person?"

"Apart from Qin Yun's shrew, who else can so ignore the existence of my barbarism party?"

I saw Zhang Yiyuan sneered, then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, you are guarding in this place, I personally went to capture Qin Yun."

Zhang Yiyuan stomped his feet, his body disappeared directly to the spot, and went straight to the Taoist Qin Yun fairy in the distance.

After glancing at Zhang Yiyuan's back, Ye Xiaohu was not too worried.

So Ye Xiaohu regained his sight and watched the battle at the scene.

Because Qin Yun and Zhang Yiyuan left, Xu Qianshan died on the spot again, so now in this place, Ye Xiaohu is already the only person who is above everyone else.

"If you want to kill me, then you have to pay a certain price."

"Damn it, Lao Tzu fights with you."

"You are so desperate that you are going to kill them all."

"Don't you be afraid, do you know what you are doing today?"

"Master Prince knows what you have done today, and will definitely avenge us and destroy your barbarism."

The members of the Prince's Party, one after another, complained unwillingly, obviously they did not want to die.

But in the face of their threats, the Barbarians said with sarcasm: "Are you stupid of us? If we are not prepared, how can we deal with you? What's more, as long as we kill you all , Then no one will know what happened today. "

When I saw the people of the Barbarians, they tried to destroy all of them.

So a member of the Prince's Party couldn't help but darken his face, biting his tongue secretly, releasing the life and blood of his body: "If you want to wipe us out, it depends on whether you have this skill."

"not good."

"He's going to explode, everyone should be careful."

"Flash fast."

"That's the level of Xuanxian at the level of Xiaosheng detonating himself, so don't take it easy."

Seeing this scene, the members of the Barbarians were backing away with a wry smile, trying to avoid this crisis.

But their actions were obviously too slow. When they retreated, the people who detonated their bodies had already completed the final cohesion, and they roared wildly: "Miscellaneous, let's die together!"

The members of the Crown Prince roared wildly.

But at this time, Ye Xiaohu flashed and appeared in front of him: "Everything is over, once you explode, you will die without a burial place, the soul will be completely destroyed, and there will be no reincarnation. "

"It's all death anyway. Who cares what he looks like after death? Even if there is an afterlife, it's not my consciousness?"

The members of the Prince's Party, directly grasped, Ye Xiaohu, who suddenly appeared in front of him: "Since you have sent them yourself, then accompany me to die!"


I saw that the members of the Prince's Party, after screaming on the spot, directly detonated their own life and blood.


A loud explosion sounded loudly, but the picture imagined by everyone did not happen.

When the explosion passed, the person who previously detonated his body still stood on the spot and looked at Ye Xiaohu in horror: "You ... how did you do it?"

"It's very simple, cut off the circulation of meridians in your body, the supply of essential blood, then you can't explode."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then stared at the members of the Prince's Party, said: "I want to know the question, I have successfully answered you, so you can die."

After Ye Xiaohu greeted him, his left hand exerted a little force, and then in the unbelievable gaze of the Prince's Party members, Ye Xiaohu punched him directly.


A member of the Prince's Party was beaten by Xiaohu on the spot.

After others saw this scene, they couldn't help but become paler, obviously they could hardly believe such a result.

The team stopped self-exploitation and killed the opponent on the spot. How powerful is this person?

"Brother Ye Xiaohu's magical skill is in the world."

"It is worthy of being the first genius of the outer door and entering the inner door of our peerless arrogance."

"Your talent like this can definitely be called a prince, one of the most powerful geniuses of Heranzong."

Members of the Barbarians Party praised Ye Xiaohu one after another.

But in the face of their praise, Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay ~ ~ Now it's not time to compliment me. Solve them early, and we will share the resources earlier."


Upon Ye Xiaohu's instructions, the barbarians screamed and killed toward their enemies.

But in the face of Ye Xiaohu's strong shot, the Prince's Party members have already lost their fighting spirit.

So after a brief period of support, they chose to atone for death and bid farewell to this life.

Just solved them, and before I waited for Ye Xiaohu to wash the place where the holy pool was located, I saw Zhang Yiyuan carrying the head of Fairy Qin Yun and came back, and threw it to the ground, saying: "Qin Yunxiu has improved a lot compared to the past. It took me a lot of effort to kill him, but I was not late. "

"Just kill it."

Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, and was very satisfied with the result. After all, he was not the prince ’s opponent, and he still had to avoid direct collisions. So Ye Xiaohu said to Zhang Yiyuan and others: "Go, since the enemy has already laid back, then we are It ’s time to share the fruits of victory. "

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