Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1639: : The eyes of a grudge

Sunrise and sunset, time goes by.

Soon he came to the Helanzong inner door rookie contest, and finally decided the day of ranking.

So Ye Xiaohu, who had been shut down in the basin, gradually regained consciousness, and the whole person became energetic.

But when Ye Xiaohu opened his eyes and looked at himself, he saw one after another glare.

"What are you doing?"

If Zhang Yiyuan and others want to start with Ye Xiaohu, then it is estimated that they have already done so, and it is impossible to stand by and watch.

So Ye Xiaohu asked them quietly while watching them.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu was surprised to find that the eyes of Zhang Yiyuan and others continued to linger on his body, which made Ye Xiaohu think of a possibility, so he was cold and said: "You will not be watching Did you go to me? Let me first declare that I only like women, not men. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Zhang Yiyuan could n’t help but turn around and said: “You still have to put on your own clothes before you talk! Otherwise, we are really easy to move and start pursuing you crazy.”

"you guys……"

Ye Xiaohu was shocked. Whatever Zhang Yiyuan was saying, he quickly summoned a piece of clothing and quickly put it on.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yiyuan couldn't smile lightly, but the people around him who were quite the main party were all emotional.


"It is worthy of a generation of arrogance and has absorbed so much water from the holy pool."

"People can't compare with each other, if you compare, you can definitely be angry."

"Fortunately, it is not an opponent, otherwise I really want to be killed by a strong one, because Ye Xiaohu is too strong."

Hearing the feelings of the Barbarians, Ye Xiaohu, who was neatly dressed, could not help but frown and turned, saying, "What is this, like washing the pool water of the Holy Pond, only I, Ye Xiaohu, enjoyed it, but you did not enjoy it."

"We enjoyed it."

Faced with Ye Xiaohu's rebuttal, Zhang Yiyuan nodded, but at the same time he extended his hand and pointed to the place behind Ye Xiaohu: "But you take a look first, and then the pool water of the holy pond."

"What happened to the holy pool?"

Ye Xiaohu froze a little, then looked down at the place where the holy pool was located.

As a result, he saw that the place where the holy pond was washed was full of clear spring water.

However, there is no trace of divine power in this spring, but it is as plain and ordinary as a normal spring, which makes people see it without any color.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu was surprised to find that the place where he practiced the most spring water was the most clear.

But leaving Ye Xiaohu's side, the spring water was relatively turbid and scarce.

And where Ye Xiaohu stayed before, there was a small vortex that gradually disappeared, which all seemed to herald that this place was absorbing frantically just now, the holy power around it.

The result is self-evident. Compared with Ye Xiaohu's previous practice, he inadvertently exerted too much force. In addition to absorbing the holy power around him, he also absorbed the holy power around Zhang Yiyuan and others, thereby reducing them. The absorption of the Holy Power, so their eyes, will be so murky.

After understanding the causes and consequences, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then said to Zhang Yiyuan: "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be like this. If I knew it in the morning, then I would definitely control the absorption of the Holy Power."

"Forget it, now it's too late."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu already knew where his problem was, Zhang Yiyuan smiled lightly and responded to Ye Xiaohu casually: "Although we envy you for absorbing so much divine power before, we have absorbed a lot less Holy power. But we also know that that is where your talents and physical conditions are placed. On the contrary, it is impossible for people like us to want to absorb so much Holy Power. "

Zhang Yiyuan groaned, then turned around and spread his hands.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but ask curiously: "How long have I been closed and how long have you been out of the customs, how is the situation outside now?"

"I'm closed, almost a day?"

"I am better than you, about a day and a half."

"It's only a day and a half, and what it's worth is far inferior to Brother Zhang Yiyuan's three days."

"Brother Zhang Yiyuan is really powerful, but as long as he can repair the marks in the body and expel the erysipelas, then I will be satisfied."

While answering questions, the Barbarians had a heated internal quarrel.

Fortunately, Zhang Yiyuan stopped their actions on the spot, and then responded to Ye Xiaohu, saying: "I have been arranging people to investigate the things outside, and it has been investigated clearly. Since Xu Qianshan and Fairy Qin Yun were killed by us, The power of this place has plummeted, and it is not even as good as the union of many small forces ~ ~ Only June Jianzun is left, although it is very sturdy, and it has beheaded several disrespectful to the crown prince party. People, but there is still no way to stop the decline of the princeling, so he led the princelings, directly withdrew from the core circle, and found a place where the bird does not **** and took time. "


Originally Ye Xiaohu also planned to annihilate all the princes in this place.

But June Jianzun lost the desire to avenge Xu Qianshan and others, and found a remote place to hide away, then Ye Xiaohu naturally had no way to catch him back, he could only sigh helplessly, and then said to Zhang Yiyuan: "I have calculated the time, should it be the time to return now?"


Zhang Yiyuan nodded and said to Ye Xiaohu: "Now the portal is open, right in the center of this place. If you don't have anything else to do, Brother Xiaohu, then we can start our journey now and return to the inner door."

"about there."

Ye Xiaohu's body is better than in the past. I don't know how many times.

The power of Xishengchi not only expels the traces and erysipelas in Ye Xiaohu's body, but also repairs the damage caused by Ye Xiaohu's return to the earth before.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu's body reached an unprecedented peak state, and the practice can be described as a thousand miles.

So when Ye Xiaohu heard Zhang Yiyuan's words, he immediately responded to Zhang Yiyuan and said: "There is nothing in this place that can make me miss."

"So let's go!"

Zhang Yiyuan then called on the guard standing at the door, and simply assigned them some holy water to wash the holy pool. After making sure that everyone had harvested, he went to the portal with satisfaction and returned directly to the inner door of Heranzong. A rookie league.

(End of this chapter)

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