Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1640: : Xu 0shan they are all dead

"Guess who can win this inner door newcomer contest?" "Then guess? This time the crown prince party is elaborately prepared, and there is also a secret weapon like Brother Xu Qianshan, which one do you have in the inner door? Partisans, can you compete with them? "" This ... you say that, there really isn't any party that can compete with them. It seems that this time, the Prince's Party has to gain momentum again. It is estimated that no one in the inner door can. Contend with them. "" I'm afraid it's not too second to continue this way. In the future, where do we have a place for free repairs? "" Yes! No. When the next time the Crown Prince returns, we still send it to ourselves. " Let ’s swear allegiance to the prince! ”Among the inner doors, some casual practitioners missed words. Obviously, their mood is very low now, and the same major parties in the inner door have complicated moods one by one. Because they knew that their good days were not far away, they had received inside information recently, and the prince returned the message thousands of miles away. He was very dissatisfied with the parties within Heranzong. Apparently the prince wanted to sort out and eliminate the parties that did not submit to his inner door. If this is true, then waiting for the return of the prince is the end of these opposition parties. What's more, the person in charge of the crown prince party will never wait for the crown prince to come back. The major parties believe that as long as this newcomer contest raises the crown prince's momentum for another day, then the opportunity will immediately trigger a thunder attack, allowing everyone to submit to their feet. While they were burning with anxiety, a group of people came from a distance and saw that they arrogantly pushed the person who was blocking them in front of them, and then came to the position where the portal first entered. "This time, there are only ten winning places in the newcomer competition. It seems that other parties will have another chance." "Yes, our prince party this time, but Brother Xu Qianshan and others have shot, so I I believe these ten places will be occupied by our princelings. "" Yes, our princelings will show their might this time, let everyone know that our princelings are the first party in the inner door, so everyone dare not dare Continue to compete. "Just as the princelings were all excited, they saw the portal and began to teleport. Immediately after a strange repair, came out of the portal. As soon as this person came out, there was a big storm. Because according to the management of the past, a loose repair like this, it is difficult to support the present without fail before returning alive. But the emergence of this loose repair is like an opportunity. When he appeared, 66 continued to have the second, third, fourth ... loose repair, or people from small parties appeared. As soon as they appeared, they immediately wept with joy, apparently happy that they could survive and return to the inner door of Heranzong. "Congratulations to Brother Wang Ming, you are back." "Brother Chen Linlong, you actually survived, and there is a breakthrough. This is really a gratifying thing!" "Woo, Brother Han Hanzi, you are really alive, the slave family is really too Happy. "" Great, you actually survived, then our little party, finally added another genius, we will lean resources on you in the future. "Come and see the lively inner disciples, when they After seeing a familiar person appear, they immediately stepped forward to greet them. Those people are also not arrogant, and after nine lives, they pay more attention to their feelings, so they faced tears in response to the people who came to greet them. After a brief exchange, a group of people appeared in 66. These people did not appear one after another, but more than a dozen people at a time, more than two dozen people appeared, so when they appeared, it brought shocking eyes to many people. "That's the genius of Sword King. I didn't expect him to survive. In this way, the status of the Sword King party is estimated to be a new level, and it can even challenge the second-ranking barbarian party." "What do you think? Did n’t you see that the Barbarian Party has survived a lot of people? And you see that they are all energetic, and it is estimated that the harvest is not small. ”“ It ’s strange, so many repairs have come back today, and still There are so many small parties, but why have n’t you seen the members of the prince party? "" According to past cases, the most people appearing at this time should be members of the prince party? "Faced with an individual Doubt, this made the Crown Party unable to sit still. So they all sneered, and their responsible person sneered: "You wait and see! This time, our princeling party is estimated to be the finale, because our princeling party represents the pinnacle of our Herlanzong Fighting power. "The princelings were very dissatisfied, even secretly taunting those who just mocked the princeling ~ ~ silently in their hearts, waiting for future opportunities to find revenge and teach them hard. However, after Ye Xiaohu and others showed up, no one showed up for a long time. This made the members of the princeling party more concerned, feeling that they felt uncomfortable. I just kept going like this, and finally someone couldn't help it, so I actively asked the elder who was in charge of the inner door newcomer contest: "I would like to ask the elder, can you arrange a person to take a look, members of our princely party seem to be in the test space , I have encountered any trouble, so I have never been able to return. "" You make sense, the old man went to see it in person. "If it is replaced by the request made by others, then as the elder of the inner door, he will not let go In mind. But instead of the suggestions made by the members of the princeling party, the elder would not dare to disobey and refute it, not to mention that he himself was a high-ranking princeling party, and naturally wanted to see what happened. Under such circumstances, he nodded directly and promised to come down, then directly leaned into the portal and entered the room for newcomers to test. Seeing this scene, the member of the crown prince could not help but refute: "You are waiting, our members of the crown prince, it is estimated that following the secret treasures of Brother Xu Qianshan, there will be no return. But there are With the help of the elders, they will be able to return immediately. "But they didn't have a long time to be proud, the portal is now unstable, and obviously the energy is about to run out. So they waited anxiously, and after more than an hour, the elder who had left before finally returned to the eyes of everyone. I saw that when he came back, his face was very pale and said: "Xu Qianshan they are all dead." (End of this chapter) genius address of this site: ... Fiction Net:

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