Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1641: : Fierce argument

Xu Qianshan is dead.

That was the inner door of Heranzong, but it was the core backbone of the Prince's Party and the outstanding talents that the Prince would focus on in the future.

He was once given the hope, but now inexplicably died on this inner door rookie contest, which is simply unbelievable.

"Impossible, this must be fake news."

"Yes, Xu Qianshan may be dead, but we have so many core backbones in the crown prince party, why did none of them appear."

"Fairy Qin Yun, what about June Sword Sovereign?"

"Which is not the dragon of man, even if a person is folded inside, there will be a second person who escaped from birth."

The members of the crown princes questioned unwillingly.

Under such circumstances, the long tiger glared: "Fairy Qin Yun also died in the test space. As for June Jianzun, a few days ago, because he was seriously injured, he left the new test space in advance. . "

Hearing the words of the elder, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but stunned slightly.

He finally understood why they had never seen June Jianzun in a battle with Xu Qianshan and others before.

According to common sense, no matter what kind of problems he encounters, after discovering the Holy Baptist Pool, he will let go of everything and come to help, and share a slice of the soup.

It turned out that June Jianzun encountered a threat, so he left the test space in advance.

However, June Jianzun is undoubtedly the top ten master in this newcomer test competition.

So who will hurt him?

Suddenly Ye Xiaohu thought of a possibility in his mind, so he looked at Zhang Yiyuan standing beside him.

I saw Zhang Yiyuan shrugged his shoulders, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "At first, I discovered June Shengzun together with June Jianzun, but I brought more people at that time, so killing June Jianzun was caught by surprise. , Beheaded many of them. But because of this, he was escaped by him and attracted Xu Qianshan and others. "

"So it turns out."

Ye Xiaohu finally understood why Zhang Yiyuan would be so emotional when he discovered Zhang Yiyuan.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was overwhelmed, the elder of the inner door who went to investigate and saw that the crown prince was becoming more and more unruly, so he dissatisfiedly snorted: "Come a few people, go to the June sword Respect the inner disciples who have returned before, and we will start ranking soon, and reward those who have received the token. "


At the command of the elders of the inner door, an inner door deacon of Helanzong immediately turned around and went to the place where the former returnees temporarily rested and closed their doors.

After they left, Zhang Yiyuan couldn't help but face Ye Xiaohudao: "This time the crown prince party can be described as a heavy loss. It is estimated that only June Zun Zun is alone, because he returned early because of the injury."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and did not immediately express an opinion.

However, he did not speak cautiously, but instead more deliberately said to listen to the princes.

So when the crown princes heard Zhang Yiyuan's words, they were immediately irritated by Zhang Yiyuan, so a core member of the crown prince suddenly stood up and said: "Elder, I feel there must be ghosts among them. And this time the newcomer In the contest, only Zhang Yiyuan, the barbarian party, remained intact and led most of his divisions within his party to return. So I urge the elders that you can deal fairly and avenge our brothers who died in the crown princehood. "

This person's words were immediately praised by members of the Crown Prince.

So, one after another, the crown princes stepped forward and defended their own interests.

Seeing this scene, the Barbarians and their partners were naturally unwilling to be suppressed by the Crown Prince, so they all stood up and looked at the members of the Crown Prince.

"Fart, you said it has something to do with our barbarism party, so does it matter?"

"That is, what evidence do you have to do with our barbarism party, is it because our barbarism party members have returned alive?"

"Oh, if that's the case, isn't it because we have so many parties, and it's all related to the death of your princelings?"

"The fortune-telling of the members of your crown prince party, don't our fortune-telling party members' fortune-telling not count? It is reasonable that we should die as well and be buried with your princeling party?"

The Barbarians were naturally reluctant to launch counterattacks.

Under such circumstances, the elder of the inner door could not help but frown.

Because he could not offend both sides, but he was more willing to stand on the side of the prince, so he took the initiative to ask Zhang Yiyuan: "Master Nephew, what the **** is going on?"

"Who knows what evil wind the crown prince smokes?"

Zhang Yiyuan would naturally not admit that he had annihilated the crown prince, so in the face of the inquiry from the elders of the inner door, Zhang Yiyuan couldn't help but smile lightly: "I just heard that the members of the crown prince are under the leadership of Xu Qianshan ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ went to find a holy pool. As a result, an accident occurred on the road, and may have died in the hands of the guardian monster of the holy pool. "

Wash the holy pool.

Hearing Zhang Yiyuan's words, the elder of the inner door could not help but exclaim, because he deeply understood the importance of washing the holy pool for an ordinary person.

So he took a closer look at Zhang Yiyuan, and found that Zhang Yiyuan's body was transparent. At first glance, it was different from the past. If he had nothing to do with the Holy Baptist Pool, then such an elder would never believe it.

But in this large public, even if the elder of the inner door saw the doorway, he was not willing to say it directly, because that would cause him unnecessary trouble.

"Since this is the case, then you will go to the elder hall with me later and report what you see and hear ... Report to the elders so that the elders have a number in mind."

"Yes, the disciples understand."

Zhang Yiyuan is also not a fool. He knows his status, and the other party cannot be too cruel.

Under such circumstances, as soon as he heard the prepared answer, he immediately lost the last trace of worry in his mind.

"Since they died in the hands of monsters, then we naturally have no way to continue to judge. The rest is still left to the law enforcement personnel to go to the review and argument."

The elder of the inner door directly came out to push the boat, temporarily got rid of the matter, and then continued to do his work.

After waiting for a while, Ye Xiaohu's ears flickered because he heard the familiar footsteps.

Sure enough, when Ye Xiaohu saw the other party, the other party also saw himself. He burst into tears and burst into a big hug with Ye Xiaohu. Then he loosened Ye Xiaohu's shoulder and said, "Xiaohu, I know you will He returned without incident. "

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