Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1649: : Nangong Lingyu

"Ye Xiaohu left."

"Absolutely nothing wrong, our people see it with their own eyes."

"Quickly report Brother Huangfu to Nanshan."


Almost when Ye Xiaohu left, someone found Ye Xiaohu's whereabouts through a special method, so he quickly turned his head and went straight to the site of Huangfu Nanshan.

And after briefly reporting on the situation, he stood aside respectfully.

"He can only be a brave person, so offended our princeling, how dare he leave without any reason?"

Huangfu Nanshan snorted, then said to the person who came to the report: "You go to rest first, and then let Nangong come to me."


Hearing Huangfu Nanshan's instructions, the person who came to report immediately turned away.

After a while, Nangong Lingyu was summoned, and came to the place where Huangfu Nanshan was located: "Brother Huangfu, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to do with you."

Huangfu Nanshan first let Nangong Lingyu sit down, and then smiled at Nangong Lingyu: "Nangong Shidi, you and I joined the prince party together. Now I am the first person under the prince ’s door, but you have just entered the core circle Do n’t you feel annoyed? "

"Senior Huangfu, you are so tall, and my Nangong Lingyu is just an ordinary person."

Nangong Lingyu glanced at Huangfu Nanshan. He didn't understand why Huangfu Nanshan suddenly called himself and said such a thing again.

So he responded cautiously: "Nangong Lingyu is very satisfied with his current status."

"Nangong, Nangong, you are good, but you are too cautious."

Huangfu Nanshan glanced at him, and then directly took out a jade slip and handed it to Nangong Lingyu: "Brother Nangong, take a look."


Nangong Lingyu took it over and read the contents carefully.

Soon he finished reading, so his face calmly said: "Since Brother Prince, has decided to break through and rebuild our glory of Herranzong, then as a core member of the Crown Prince Party, we must naturally do our best to help Brother Prince complete Great goal this time. "

"Yes, this is our duty, but ..."

Huangfu Nanshan asked in a low voice: "But how much chance do you feel that Brother Prince's plan will be successful this time?"

"Nine out of nine."

"I want to hear the truth."


"This is the bottom of your heart?"

"... the fifty percent?"


Huangfu Nanshan withdrew his gaze placed on Nangong Lingyu, then looked up at the sky, and then said: "Obviously in your mind, this value is still high. But under my repeated persecution, you can tell this value. Obviously, this value should be close to your inner value. "


I saw that Huangfu Nanshan crushed a magic weapon on the spot, and then said cautiously: "Since this is the case, then we have the qualification to fight."

I saw Huangfu Nanshan walking back and forth a few steps, and then muttered to himself: "In another three years, it will be the day when my dean and core disciple return from the outside of Helanzong. At that time I will personally come forward and take the initiative to find They cooperate. But before that, I still want to solve the problem of party disputes between internal doors, so there is no way to take care of other things. "

The speaker may be unintentional, but when he heard it, he said in a daze: "If Brother Huangfu Nanshan, you have something embarrassing, but you have to do something, then you can leave it to my brother to handle it."

"Okay, brother, I will wait for you again."

After Hecheng wanted to hear Nangong Lingyu's words, Huangfu Nanshan took the opportunity to say decisively: "I found you Brother Shi today, in addition to telling you what Brother Prince is thinking, there is one more thing to solve the problem of Ye Xiaohu. "

"It's Ye Xiaohu again?"

Nangong Lingyu couldn't help frowning: "Last time, I asked Xu Qianshan according to the requirements of the meeting, and Xu Qianshan still missed. Obviously this person named Ye Xiaohu should not be an ordinary person."

"Yes, this Ye Xiaohu should be a master with good luck, some special means, and even someone secretly protecting him."

Huangfu Nanshan snorted: "Otherwise, he will not be able to annihilate the dangers three times or five times. But I hope his fate will end here, so I want to delegate you a new mission, that is, to chase down Ye Xiaohu and kill me. Die outside. "

"Am I going in person?"

Nangong Lingyu had some concerns: "Brother Huangfu, will there be some minor problems, and can you complete the task if you change others?"

"Before I summoned you to come, I naturally considered other people. But when I thought of Xu Qianshan, I found that I absolutely couldn't do that, because if I did that, I would probably fail again. Then, wait for Ye Xiaohu to complete the task Return, then it will be more difficult to target. "

Huangfu Nanshan shook his head and sighed: "Only by killing him, then I can rest assured. And your Nangong Lingyu has a strange treasure, and cultivation has reached the fifth level of Nine Saints Xuanxian Much higher than Ye Xiaohu, you can definitely kill one blow and kill Ye Xiaohu. "

"I understand."

Nangong Lingyu thought for a moment and realized that it was Huangfu Nanshan's decision not to give Ye Xiaohu another chance.

Just as Nangong Lingyu nodded, Huangfu Nanshan took out a special token from his own hands and handed it to Nangong Lingyu: "If you are the next mission, then you can hold this token. , To find Ye Xiaohu's trail. "

"Letter Token ~ ~ or Brother Huangfu, you are far-sighted."

The letter token is a symbiotic token. When the two tokens are separated, they are inextricably linked. This can facilitate the other one to find its own half.

So when Nangong Lingyu saw this letter token, she grasped the search for inverted leaf Xiaohu in her heart and raised a level, so Nangong Lingyu stood up directly and said: "Since Huangfu Nanshan, you trust me so much, then I left now, and after Ye Xiaohu left, I killed him in a wilderness. "

"I'm at ease when you do business."

Huangfu Nanshan walked over, patted Nangong Lingyu's shoulder, and then pointed at Nangong Lingyu: "I will lay a banquet for you in the inner door, especially to celebrate after you return."

"no problem."

Nangong Lingyu turned around and left, and all kinds of words left behind said: "Brother Huangfu, please hold the nervous Luo banquet, because my Nangong Lingyu will definitely come back with Ye Xiaohu's head in less than three days. "

(End of this chapter)

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