Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1650: : Spy who sees his identity

Nangong Lingyu had just left, and a few people came out of the dark corner.

I saw that they arched their hands first, it was a greeting to Huangfu Nanshan.

"That traitor accepted the mission?"

"Well, I didn't expect that the little white face of Nangong was actually a spy of the barbarians?"

"Fortunately, the spy we placed inside the barbarism party passed back such precious information, otherwise Nangong Lingyu will continue to leak more of our secrets."

"But I don't understand one thing, why did Brother Huangfu tell Brother Sister the command of the Prince to listen to this spy?"

I saw people who came out suddenly and asked Huangfu Nanshan one after another.

Under such circumstances, Huangfu Nanshan could not help but stroked his chin, and then looked at the humane looking around: "Why not?"


Hearing Huangfu Nanshan's response, everyone had some coercion.

But just as they were forced, Huangfu Nanshan continued to add: "Do you think that within our crown prince party, is he the only spy of Nangong Lingyu? No, I tell you the truth, there are other people appointed. So no matter how we hide the news, it will be leaked out. If that is the case, why should we hide it? "

"And in the jade slips of the Crown Prince, there is not much to say too much, then everything is our previous plan and policy of the Crown Prince, but only strengthened the tone."

"But now that I preach this thing through Nangong Lingyu's mouth, then I can achieve some unexpected goals."

"I'm going to knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, so that those who haven't expressed their opinions have to express their opinions at this moment."

Huangfu Nanshan's somber face made people standing around him suddenly feel a chill.

They have known Huangfu Nanshan for many years, so they know that every time when Huangfu Nanshan is like this, it means that someone is going to be out of luck.

"But why did Nangong have to hunt Ye Xiaohu?"

Saw only one person and worriedly said: "If he knows our plan and allows Ye Xiaohu to leave and grow, how can we manage ourselves?"

"Will not."

Huangfu Nanshan smiled faintly, and then said with ease: "Nangong Lingyu is not a fool. He has been lurking in our crown prince for so many years and naturally knows the power of our crown prince. So when the prince made up his mind, he represented my crown prince. It is necessary to sweep the Liuhe, so I believe he will make changes. And Ye Xiaohu has so many mysteries, Nangong Lingyu has already been tempted, otherwise he will not take the initiative to command Xu Qianshan and secretly ask Xu Qianshan for Ye Xiaohu. It ’s time for the distribution of interests. "

Hearing the speculation of Huangfu Nanshan, the people in the house laughed loudly, and obviously they felt that Huangfu Nanshan was quite right.

As they laughed, Huangfu Nanshan continued to add: "And even if Huangfu Nanshan could not kill Ye Xiaohu, then we still have the opportunity to continue to kill him. Moreover, as long as Nangong Lingyu shot Ye Xiaohu, then he had no way. Back to the barbarism party camp, because Zhang Yiyuan is a vengeful person, and Zhang Yiman has always followed Zhang Yiyuan. "


Nanshan, his emperor, is now forcing Nangong Lingyu to fall to their princelings instead of continuing to lurk inside the princelings as a secret spy.

Hearing Huangfu Nanshan's command, everyone at the scene thought about it carefully and immediately said: "Brother Huangfu is high."

"What is the relationship between you and me, why should I flatter me at this place?"

Huangfu Nanshan responded calmly to the other party, and then continued to add: "Before Nangong Lingyu's brother returns, trouble you first to use all the power in your hands to help Nangong Lingyu's brother promote it all at once, and secretly open to some people who are not good for me To clean up, I do n’t want to see too much garbage in the future, which will affect the development of our crown prince party. "

"I understand."

"Let us handle this matter!"

Immediately after Huangfu Nanshan arranged again, he dismissed everyone and left alone.


Ye Xiaohu, on the other side, did not know the plan of Huangfu Nanshan at all.

After he left Heranzong, he went along the way according to the coordinates named on the token.

This walk took a few months.

this day.

Ye Xiaohu came to a mountain, so he stopped.


It was at this time that a special monster, who had always been in front of Ye Xiaohu, released a terrifying roar and wanted to swallow Ye Xiaohu.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu was not surprised, but grinned: "Look at the situation where you know I am hungry, and take the initiative to come to let me taste it, so I decided to spare your life."


Seeing Ye Xiaohu's such a big talk, the monster standing opposite Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but roar wildly, and at the same time, with a paw, he fiercely grabbed Ye Xiaohu's door.

"Good to come."

Faced with this scene, Ye Xiaohu did not have the slightest fear and fear, but calmly sprinted toward the front and instantly came behind the monster.

噌 ~ ~ Immediately after the sword fell from his hand, he directly cut the back hoof of the monster and cut off a piece of tendon meat on the spot.


After Ye Xiaohu cut off a piece of tendon meat with a sword, the movement of the monster was affected to a certain extent, but he did not completely lose his combat power.

So he turned around and rushed towards Ye Xiaohu frantically, trying to kill Ye Xiaohu again.

But it is a pity that what he will face next is still Ye Xiaohu's horror sword move.

啰 啰.

Two swords drifted over again, and another piece of tendon flesh according to a demon, also fell into Ye Xiaohu's hands, which made Ye Xiaohu satisfied: "Two pieces of meat should be full in seven or eight."


Seeing Ye Xiaohu still staring at himself, where the tendons and flesh are more developed, the monster that was fierce and evil, could not help but step back in fear.

This time he dared not continue to fight with Ye Xiaohu, so he directly used his forelegs to escape from Ye Xiaohu's sight in an instant.


Watching the monster escape, Ye Xiaohu did not catch up, but sighed to set up the fire, and at the same time smoked the tendon meat he had just obtained.

After waiting for a while, the tendon meat gradually released a meaty fragrance. Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu was content with the roasted meat, tore off a piece of it and tasted it, and then raised the meat to the distance and said: " Brother, you have followed me, is it time to show up? "

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