Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1655: : Little Sheep

Inside the **** shop.

The man who collided with Ye Xiaohu head-on, withdrew his gaze on Ye Xiaohu's back.

"Old Xue, who is that person?"

I saw him glance around, and then his eyes glowed with excitement: "Old Xue, you are making a fortune, and how are you doing?

"Cough, nothing, just met a Kaizi."

I saw the boss of the **** shop, smiled for a lifetime, and then stretched out his hand, all of the things in the **** shop were included in his own space magic.

Immediately after he turned around, he walked toward the inside of the warehouse: "Xiao Chen, please entertain Liu first."

"It's the boss!"

The staff of the **** shop obviously also knew this unexpected guest.

So at the command of the boss, he quickly prepared something to entertain the guests and brought them to the guests.

"Xiao Chen, your **** shop is really rich today!"

"So many things, I guess they are all unowned, should they be dead?"

"According to your boss's personality, it is estimated that this time he will slash the price again?"

"My dear, those things add up to an estimated four or five billion elixir?"

The old Liu in the chaotic land, muttering to himself, kept mumbling.

At this moment, Xiao Chen, who was in charge of entertaining him, couldn't help but say proudly: "Senior Liu, you may have misunderstood this time. The thing that the kid brought was worth 15 billion elixir. What a terrible task to kill, so anxious to deal with those elixir, so our boss finally solved it with 14 billion. "


My obedient.

Fourteen billion.

This number is too huge, so the old Liu who had collided with Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but stroke the scar on his cheek and licked his lips and said: "That kid is probably not the one in our chaotic land. ? "

"Looking like that, it should be either the people in our chaotic land, or the people who came to sell their stuff."

The employees of the **** shop carefully thought about their meeting with Ye Xiaohu, and the tone when Ye Xiaohu spoke, so they concluded: "Yes, he looks like that, like those who come to our chaotic land and perform what tasks The gate sent the children. "

Do the gates send children?

When he heard this word, Lao Liu was a little worried.

However, his ambition soon covered his heart and lungs, so old Liu stood up directly and said: "I'll leave if I have something, and I'll come to your boss to talk about it."

"But Mr. Liu, your thing is due."

The staff of the **** shop stopped the old Liu who was anxious to leave, and then said seriously to him: "If you do n’t take enough elixir to redeem within three days, then your **** shop will follow your death. When dealing with it, do n’t blame me for not informing you in advance! "

"I know."

Lao Liu glared fiercely at the staff of the **** shop, and his eyes rolled: "Within three days, I must have enough elixir to come to your **** shop to exchange."


After the words fell, the ferocious old Liu in this chaotic land turned directly and left the **** shop.

"Don't say for three days, even if it is given to you for three years, you may not be able to get together, otherwise you still use it as our **** shop?"

The employees of the **** shop stood in the **** shop and spit out a sudden.

Immediately walked to the place where old Liu just sat, and put away the meal just put in that place, then poured a cup of tea alone and slowly enjoyed it.

At this moment, the boss of the **** shop walked out of the warehouse, glanced at his employees, and then coughed: "Are you the boss, or am I the boss? Why did I work sweaty in this place, Instead, your kid is tasting tea there? "

"Oh, of course you are the boss, and you are invited to sit here."

Seeing the dissatisfied expression of the boss, the employee of the **** shop dared to continue sitting, quickly jumped from the chair, and gave up his position to his boss.

After the boss of the **** shop recovered his face, and sat down quietly.

The employees of the **** shop immediately poured a cup of fairy tea ceremony for their boss: "Boss, please drink tea."


Seeing his employees, the expression of something coming up, the boss of the **** shop nodded slightly satisfied, and then said: "What about the old Liu who just came? How did I sort out the goods, and the old man left again Alright? "

"Lao Liu was in a hurry and left in a hurry."

The staff of the **** shop responded faithfully: "But before he left, he said that let our **** shop help him keep the dead thing, and he said he could redeem the elixir within three days."

"Fart, what does his old Liu do, don't I know? The thing he deserves, but it's worth a hundred million valuables ~ ~ Just like his dangling man, he's estimated to have redeemed his life Do n’t go back, let alone three days, unless he has any partial wealth ... "

When the boss of the **** shop finished speaking of partial wealth, the whole person was still.

Seeing this scene, the employees of the **** shop stunned: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"No, no, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter."

I saw the boss of the **** shop, put down the things in his hand, then stood up and walked around and turned around and asked: "Xiao Chen, what did Liu Liu say in our shop?"

"He didn't say anything?"

The employee of the **** shop puzzled: "He didn't ask about anything other than the status of the **** sale."


Being able to open a **** shop in this chaotic place, the boss of this **** shop is naturally not ordinary people, and there are many backers.

So when he heard the words of his employees, he could not help but stunned: "It is estimated that he is staring at the person who deals with us and wants to rob him directly while the kid is out."

"Ah! What shall we do?"

The **** shop employee swallowed and said, "Boss, do you think we need to notify each other?"

"Notice, do you think he will believe it? Not to mention if he remembers you too, how about our **** shop?"

The boss of the **** shop glared fiercely at his employees, with a hateful look on iron.

But he also knows that it is not time to talk about this matter, so he went back to his room, simply packed his bags and instructed, "Look at the shop, I will go out to avoid it now, and I will come back after the matter is resolved. . "

(End of this chapter) ()

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