Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1656: : Being stared at

In a place of confusion, there are all kinds of sneaky kidnappings. Some of them embraced together to form a huge team in order to get the most benefit. At this moment in this chaotic land, within the top ten forces. In the **** shop with Ye Xiaohu, the old Liu who had a close relationship couldn't help but smile, and asked a guard in front of him: "Little flag, is the boss awake now?" "No." Standing at the door guarding Xiaoqi, obviously hate the old Liu who came to ask. So he glared at Liu, and said seriously, "Lao Liu, you know, it's time for the boss to play with women, so I advise you to leave this place before the boss is still angry, don't continue In this place, they are messing around and disturbing our brothers' several jobs. "" Look at your little flag, how can you be angry? "When Liu heard the little flag, he knew what the little flag was thinking, but he was not angry, who Let him be a hob meat? So he continued to look at the small flag with a smile: "Small flag, you listen to me, but this time I brought a huge sale, I believe the boss will be very interested." "Fart, you said the same last time Yes, as a result, I did it for you on the spot, but it turned out to be a small, unremarkable task. As a result, the boss, Bai, went on a trip, and it also made our brothers suffer a lot of skin and flesh. " The dissatisfied sneer said: "So this time, we will continue to be fooled anyway and be fooled by your old Liu." "You look at you, why don't you believe it?" Old Liu saw the small flag and looked at him The expression of oil and salt couldn't help but sighed helplessly: "Small flag, this time I absolutely did not lie, and it is a big deal of tens of billions of elixir, it is definitely worth trying." "Ten billions? "Small flag pouting, still unbelieving:" Are you stupid of me? With tens of billions of elixir characters, is that something you and I can provoke? "" Yes, absolutely, because I have figured it out before ,Correct It should be a newcomer from a new place, and the cultivation is not very deep. "Old Liu explained as he wiped the Tumo Xingzi in his mouth:" So as long as the boss is willing to shoot, he can definitely put the kid in the hand. Ten billion elixir got it. "" Come on, no matter how you are a white tiger, I won't believe you again this time. "But the small flag still didn't believe it, and said directly:" You quickly get away, don't disturb us to continue on duty "Guard." "Fart, this time my old Liu definitely didn't lie." "I saw it in the **** shop with my own eyes, a large list of 14 billion." "You quickly give way to Lao Tzu, otherwise delay With such a big list, can you afford it? "" Big Brother, Big Brother, I'm Lao Liu! I now have a major sale and want to meet you in person, but the small flag in charge of guarding is just not to let go I passed. "Old Liu was also anxious, so he shouted loudly while rushing in, trying to wake up the boss. This made the small flag angry. He absolutely old Liu would never give him a face again, so he never restrained himself and said directly to old Liu: "It seems that today I do n’t teach you a hard meal, you do n’t know my little The flag is great. "Zi La. The small flag directly exhibited a stern school and greeted Lao Liu. Old Liu ’s Xiu Wei, although not as tall as a small flag, was better than his cunning, and he practiced a good and flexible technique, so he leisurely flickered in the hands of the small flag. In this way, old Liu shouted, while the resistance of the small flag attacked, the two sides hit a half a catty, and no one could help anyone for a while. The longer the time dragged on, the more violent the inner heart of the small flag was, and he roared: "Old Liu, if you don't leave, then don't blame me for the killer and kill you directly." "You kill me, I also want Meet Boss. "Which Cheng Xiang Lao Liu will not give up, continue to shout loudly inside:" Boss, Boss, your most loyal little Liu, brought a huge message. "" Find death. "See Lao As Liu refused to listen, the small flag no longer restrained his fight. So he directly exhibited his most fierce killing tricks, wanting to kill old Liu directly. "I'm going, do you guys really play?" Seeing that the small flag really wants to kill himself, the old Liu has some anxiety, and quickly displays his absolute magical power to resist the attack of the small flag. Just when the battle between the two sides was about to touch, Xiaoqi, who had been fighting, suddenly heard a majestic voice in his ears: "Enough, Lao Tzu has been beaten by both of you, and now I give it to Lao Tzu. ~ ~ Boss! "" Head! "Lao Liu and Xiaoqiu glanced at each other, and stood at the same place, not daring to violate the opinion of the big brother. After a while like this, a burly, mountain-like man, carrying a woman's body, walked to the side of the small flag. thump. I saw him killing the woman's body in front of the small flag: "Immortal, this lady would rather die than accept it, and it has already dissipated. You will find a place to arrange a soul extermination array for me later, I will let her Those remaining souls were wiped out too. "" Yes! "The little flag nodded and took the woman's body away. After watching him go, old Liu Cai complained: "The little flag is becoming more and more unreasonable. I have explained it, and he will stop me from seeing your brother." "Who let you do things?" Not reliable? "The man who looked like a short mountain glared at old Liu and said:" Say! If the things you said this time are still false, don't blame Lao Tzu for the old feelings of the past. "" Which Dare, this time I am absolutely accurate on the old Liu, but I have seen it with my own eyes. "Old Liu Cancan smiled, and then introduced the pictures he saw today in detail. A man like a low mountain, after listening, said: "Where is that man now?" "Where is the rest in the inn." "Are there any outsiders?" "He is alone, there is absolutely no helper." "Interesting, these big The disciples of the martial arts seem to have forgotten the terrible place of our chaotic land. They dare to come to our chaotic land and experience alone? "I saw a man like a low mountain, and stood up and walked out:" Old Liu you go to call the brothers, we will go to the inn for a while, this gold owner, by the way, grab some oil and water and come back. "(End of this chapter): //../b//. Genius Address of this site: ... Fiction Net: .. ()

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