Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1662: :plan management

Jingle bells.

I saw a sound of collision and remembered that Nanli Shangxian and others who were standing around all stood up from their seats.

Even when it was Yang Chu, a ghost knife that had been very calm before, when he saw this scene, the expression of the whole person became dignified, and the hand holding his fairy sword was also tight.

"you lose."

I saw Ye Xiaohu burst into a bang, and then took back his big sword.

But Nan Chuanxiu, who was standing opposite Ye Xiaohu, had a pale expression at this moment.

I saw him groaning, his body flew directly a few meters, and finally hit the wall, before stabilizing his body.

Although he still has the power to fight again, he also knows that Ye Xiaohu did not kill the killer, otherwise he was not killed just now, but was directly killed by Ye Xiaohu.

Although Ye Xiaohu said three tricks on his mouth, he actually lost to Ye Xiaohu in one move, which made Nanchuan Xiu slightly a decadent.

"how did you do that?"

"I remember, when I was one hundred years old, I was just a fairy. But your boy, how can you reach such a point at the age of one hundred?"

"Are there celestial beings on your ancestors, so they will be celestial beings?"

"Only in this way can you grow so fast, which really makes us look at each other."

If at first they despised Ye Xiaohu, but now they dare not continue to despise Ye Xiaohu.

Because through the battle just now, Ye Xiaohu has gained their recognition and became part of them.

Under such circumstances, they dare not continue to despise Ye Xiaohu.

Even among these people, the highest cultivated Nanli Shangxian, looking at Ye Xiaohu's gaze, also had a bit of intriguing gaze.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu retracted his gaze placed on Nanchuan Xiu, and then glanced at the other people and walked through the aisle: "If you guys are like Nanchuan Xiu and want to test me, then please shoot, I Ye Little Tiger followed one by one. "

"Ye Xiaohu?"

When Ye Xiaohu self-reported, one of the four shows suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Ye Xiaohu, saying: "I've always been curious who the Helanzong will come. I never thought it was Megatron. Ye Xiaohu of Longmen. "

Ye Xiaohu asked curiously: "Do you know me?"

"I don't know."

I saw that person sighed, then stood up from the seat and said: "But I am old with the Golden Dragon Gate, so I came to the Golden Dragon Gate for a while before coming to the chaotic land, so I learned something about you , I did not expect to see you in this place, it was a fate. "

"Jinlong is okay?"

Hearing this person's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Jin Jian's boy, how is it now?"

The sword sword scholar smiled and said: "Everything is good for Jin Jianxian, and now the Golden Dragon Gate has been gradually improved under the control of the Jin family, and I do not know how many times it is stronger than it used to be."

Just when Ye Xiaohu and Shen Jian scholars intend to continue to communicate.

Sitting on the side of Nanli Shangxian, I could not help but cough a whisper: "You guys, we are here to perform the task, not to narrate the old. See if we ask Miss Tang, if you can go Alright? "

Ye Xiaohu and Divine Sword Scholar glanced at each other, then nodded and looked at Miss Tang.

Under such circumstances, Miss Tang smiled slightly: "The strength of you is superb, I have seen Tang, I believe that this task can be completed. However, before performing the task, I still want to remind you that this time The mission is very dangerous. If you want to quit, you should quit now, otherwise you will quit when you arrive at your destination. "

"Don't worry, Miss Tang, we will be ready when we take this task again."

"Life and death are destiny, we have already prepared."

"The Fire Spirit Bird is powerful, but with the strength of the six of us, he can definitely defeat him."

"Miss Tang, you can rest assured that we can help you get things."

Ye Xiaohu didn't speak, but also slightly forehead, believing their words.

At this time, Miss Tang said with satisfaction: "Since this is the case, then take advantage of this effort before departure, let me introduce you to the situation on the ground!"

I saw Miss Tang summoning a map from the magic weapon of space.

The map is a hand-drawn map with some blood on it. Obviously, there should be a heavy story behind this map. However, after so many years of practice, Ye Xiaohu and others have been used to similar things, so they have long been accustomed to it.

"This is our destination, Maple Valley."

"In the Maple Leaf Valley, there is a huge hill. At the center of the hill is our goal this time. But above the hill, there is a firewood ~ ~ in this firewood, just There are Fire Spirit Birds. They put all the surrounding creatures under their jurisdiction, so they do n’t allow any life to sneak into their territory and steal their stuff. I have delegated several people in the past. Fold in their hands. "

"However, their death also shed a path for us. As long as we do as planned, there is at least a 50% probability of getting the target item without stimulating the anger of the Fire Spirit Bird or leaving before it is discovered . "

I saw Miss Tang, who was constantly pointing on the map, introducing a mission goal.

Immediately afterwards, he expressed his plan and asked Ye Xiaohu and others to find his plan.

Ye Xiaohu has never been to this place, so he did not come up with his own suggestions, so he followed the plan of Miss Tang.

Without the stabbing Ye Xiaohu, other people would not have any meaning, so Miss Tang soon finished the order, and then said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "Do you have any objections?"


Ye Xiaohu and others glanced at each other, and voices of approval followed.

In this way, Miss Tang sighed with relief, and then said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "If you have enough rest, then we can go on the road now."

Ye Xiaohu and others stood up and nodded, then followed Miss Tang to the place where the portal was located.

Because flying monsters are too sensitive, it is easy to arouse the anger of the flame spirit bird, so Miss Tang has long been unaware of a transmission station, which can transport Ye Xiaohu and others to the destination.

So Ye Xiaohu and others stepped inside the transfer station and left the chaotic land in an instant.

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