Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1663: : Towering Giant Tree


It is convenient to have a transfer station. Ye Xiaohu and others felt the blink of an eye, and people came to an unfamiliar place, surrounded by **** breath.

Obviously this place is more terrifying than the chaotic land, and there are killings everywhere.

"This place is full of monsters and beasts, so everyone should be careful when you act, don't make any special noises, so as not to provoke powerful monsters."

"There are several monsters among them, you must pay attention, don't provoke."

"Especially the earth dragon beast is a variant of the earth dragon family. It is very terrifying, and its cultivation ability and combat effectiveness are not much weaker than the flame spirit bird."

"If you encounter something special, don't say anything, let alone make a claim, and ask me directly."

Immediately after the transfer station was over, Miss Tang immediately called Ye Xiaohu and others to her side, and asked Ye Xiaohu and others to take them one by one.

When he was sure that he hadn't ignored anything, he satisfactorily took out something and handed it to Ye Xiaohu and others one by one.

"This is a kind of demon scent. I spent a lot of money on it, and I invited a very good pharmacist in the chaotic land to make special herbs. As long as you hold this thing, then as long as it is not excessive, the general demon There is no way for the beast to show you. So when you encounter a problem, immediately ignite this demon incense to escape. "

Miss Tang introduced the situation of spices, and then said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "If you have no other problems, then we will act separately now to avoid getting together and being caught by the flame spirit bird. . "

"I understand."

"Relax, we will reach our destination smoothly."

"Blood Bodhi, this time we won."

"Come out, see you later."

Swish swish.

When Miss Tang's words fell, some people immediately rushed out and rushed directly towards where Blood Bodhi might exist.

Although the Tang family was almost inquiring, they knew the approximate location of the blood bodhi.

But there is no way to really lock the blood bodhi, so this still requires them to explore carefully step by step, and finally complete the theft of blood bodhi.

When Nanli Shangxian and others left Ye Xiaohu's side, Miss Tang Tang frowned: "Mr. Ye, why don't you come out yet?"

"Not in a hurry, just wait for a while."

If the flaming spirit bird was really the life he took care of in the ancient heaven, then it would definitely not be so simple to steal the things it guards.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu believes that there must be some means of arranging flame spirit birds to prevent human exploration and theft.

So Miss Tang learned from Ye Xiaohu and set her sights on Nanli Shangxian and others together.

Under their observation, they soon found that Nanxian and others were moving forward quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they came to the destination not far away and may be close to the target at any time.

Just when Miss Tang frowned, thinking that Ye Xiaohu had made a mistake, a shock wave suddenly burst right in front of him.

"Damn, who is it?"

"What is this and why is it so hard."

"Dare to stop me, it's terrible."

"No one can stop me and get that reward."

For a time, Nanli Shangxian immediately released the horrifying cultivation behavior, and siege toward the enemy in front of him.

There is a first person, then there is a second person.

I saw 66 continued Xu Yang, a ghost knife, and others, who also encountered obstacles, so they carried their fairy tools one by one, and went towards their enemies.

However, as their battle continued, more and more monsters and monsters showed anomalies in this place, so they went crazy away from Shangxian and others.

"Still stunned, let's quickly go and help them all at once."

After seeing this scene, Miss Tang was slightly unable to sit still, so he turned around and said Ye Xiaohu roughly: "Once they die, then the two of us are left, and there is no way to get the blood bodhi."

"No, I feel it better."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and then said seriously to Miss Tang: "Don't you think that with their firepower to hold down the enemy, can we find Blood Bodhi more calmly?"


Miss Tang was a little hesitant, so she glanced at Ye Xiaohu and said: "So what do we do in your opinion to maximize the benefits?"

"Don't care about them, while the two of us are taking advantage of those monsters, they can do it first and complete the task immediately."

Ye Xiaohu pointed in one direction, then said to Miss Tang: "Go, there are the least monsters in this direction. As long as we are more careful, we can calmly rush to the destination."

"Hope you don't lie to me."

Miss Tang glanced at Ye Xiaohu, and at the situation again ~ ~ He judged Ye Xiaohu's words and had certain credibility, so she nodded and agreed to Ye Xiaohu's proposal.

Under such circumstances, he trailed behind Ye Xiaohu and followed Ye Xiaohu toward the destination step by step.

In the process, she saw Ye Xiaohu summoned special lives from her space magic weapon, and allowed them to explore towards the front.

Miss Tang, who saw this scene, could not help but stunned: "What is that?"

"A special kind of treasure hunt."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, then said to Miss Tang: "After a while, we will follow them and we can definitely find our goal."

"No, it ran away."

When Ye Xiaohu introduced the situation to Miss Tang, Miss Tang's gopher suddenly found that the gopher had disappeared into Ye Xiaohu's and her own eyes, which made her feel panic.

"Relax, he can't run because he has a spiritual connection with me."

Ye Xiaohu greeted him, and then said to him: "Just follow me, we will reach the destination in a moment."

After Ye Xiaohu's voice fell, he directly followed the trail of the treasure hunt gopher and rushed towards the front.

Along the way, Ye Xiaohu met many monsters and beasts, but each time he was taken out by the treasure hunt gopher unhurriedly, so he was not revealed by those monsters.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu and others moved forward quickly.

Soon came to a relatively empty place, and in this place, there is a towering giant tree, let people glance at the past, I feel something different.

However, Ye Xiaohu came to this place and stayed still. Instead, he stood quietly and looked at the top of his head. (https: //)

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