Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1664: : Qingxuzong

"what happened?"

When Miss Tang saw Ye Xiaohu stop, she couldn't help but stop, and asked in a puzzled way: "This place is relatively empty, and we will be caught by those monsters if we delay it."

"No, we don't have to go any further."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then stretched his fingers to the sky and said: "If I am not wrong, this should be the blood bodhi tree."

"This is Blood Bodhi?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's analysis, Ms. Tang couldn't help but look up at the tree trunk, and then she was ready to take off, picking up the blood bodhi and said, "That's still stunned, so picking up the blood bodhi is right."

"no need."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and sighed: "If you feel it carefully, you will find this place, only the breath of blood, but no any immortal surging. Obviously, the blood bodhi has been taken away first."


Suddenly hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Miss Tang was taken aback, and hurried up.

After a few seconds, she carried a tree branch and returned to Ye Xiaohu's side, and said with a decadent face: "Mr. Ye, let you guess right, the blood bodhi was indeed taken first."

Ye Xiaohu did not respond to Miss Tang, but took the branch of the blood bodhi behind him and observed it carefully in front of Miss Tang.

After a few minutes, Ye Xiaohu observed it, and then handed the tree branch to the treasure hunter.

"Fortunately, it is not too late for us to come. The person who stole the bodhi fruit has not yet gone too far."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then said to Miss Tang: "If we come out now, there is still a chance to catch up."


Miss Tang looked back and said: "We don't need to call Nanli Shangxian and they, after all, those people can steal the blood bodhi, then the fighting power must be very tough, if only the two of us cooperate, I am afraid it is difficult to win."

"If I am not wrong, the reason why Nanli Shangxian was stopped by the group is that it is related to the people who invaded and steal the blood bodhi. So those people, those monsters ... will never let Nanli Shangxian. They took the opportunity to leave this place. "

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "If you continue to waste time in this place, you will only be fooled by them and miss the best time to steal."

"If that is the case, then I will leave them a signal!"

Miss Tang hesitated for a moment, and then agreed to Ye Xiaohu ’s proposal, so he took off directly, and said to Nanli Shangxian and others: "You, you will follow us in the direction of our departure, we will go first step."

Suddenly hearing Miss Tang's words, Nanli Shangxian and others felt tight in their hearts, but they were helpless because they were trapped by the monsters and could only fight desperately.

"Miss Tang, please take a step first, and we will rest assured you immediately."

"The old man quickly resolved the **** in front of him, and then went back to you."

"Miss Tang, have you found the blood bodhi? If so, then the old man will not drag these monsters."

"Since these monsters have no meaning, then they will die!"

"Kill, kill all the monsters that are blocking the road, and meet Miss Tang as soon as possible."

Nanli Shangxian and others were in a hurry, but they came to receive the task, but in the end they failed to do anything. What kind of task was this completed?

At that time, when the task is handed over, if Miss Tang gives them a bad review, then they will not get any resources and rewards at all.

So Nanli Shangxian and others could no longer control themselves, so they stepped up their output and began to desperately thoroughly.

But Ye Xiaohu and Miss Tang did not even know they were desperate.

At this moment, the two of them, with the help of the treasure hunt gopher, step by step approached the place where the blood bodhi is located.


"Someone is fighting in front. Let's be more careful. Let's take a look at the situation first."

"Yes, don't worry, otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will have a very bad influence."

"If the opponent is too strong, then we can only wait for Nanli Shangxian and they come to take the shot. If they are not strong, then we can directly take the shot and take the blood bodhi."

After a brief exchange of opinions between Ye Xiaohu and Miss Tang, they immediately walked together carefully and walked towards the goal step by step.

Soon, the two Ye Xiaohu found a good perspective and could clearly see everything in front of them.

Under such circumstances, the two of them hold their breath and try not to show them that they are peeking at the fighting in this place.

At this time, Miss Tang was the first to see the situation in front, and could not help but stunned: "Actually the disciples of Qingxu Sect, how do they know that there is a blood bodhi in this place?"

The place where Helanzong is located ~ ~ There are three large gates, which jointly control this side of the land.

In the past, Helanzong was the smallest, but when the crown prince began, Helanzong ranked second. The third is the Golden Dragon Gate, and the first is the Qingxu Sect behind the person in front of him.

"Something is wrong."

Miss Tang said embarrassedly: "That person, if I am not mistaken, should be the master of the inner gate of the Qingxu Sect. The body is very powerful. I am afraid that it is one of the top ten of the inner gate. of."

After Ye Xiaohu nodded, there was no expression.

Because Ye Xiaohu can detect that the opponent's cultivation is particularly powerful, and has reached a terrible point. Even if Ye Xiaohu wants to win, he has to pay a certain price.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu was surprised, and the Flame Spirit Bird who was fighting against them actually released a special flame attack.

The flames enveloped the enemy like a fireball.

"Small fire, is it really you?"

Ye Xiaohu was surprised, it was actually a big fireball.

It was a special spell when Ye Xiaohu took care of the Flame Spirit Bird, and taught the Flame Spirit Bird to practice.

Since the practice is successful, the Flame Spirit Bird will basically use this trick when confronting people.

So when Ye Xiaohu saw this scene, he was ready to rush over to meet with him and confirm his identity.

But just when Ye Xiaohu stood up and was ready to act.

But seeing a shock beneath the ground, it was like an earthquake.

Immediately after a dragon roar, it came up from below the ground, and immediately followed by a lower-level disciple of the Qingxu Sect, was swallowed by a huge dragon mouth on the spot. (https: //)

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