Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1669: : Start with rewards

"How's it going?"

"Catch up with the flame spirit bird, have you found the blood bodhi?"

"What happened to these people, why did they die in this place?"

"Hey, you look at their clothes, there seems to be something different, like a disciple of a large sect."

Soon after the flame spirit bird left, Nanli Shangxian and others escaped from the envelop of the monster.

Those monsters also seem to know that Flame Spirit Birds and others are about to leave, so their mission has been successfully completed, and naturally will not continue to embarrass Nanli and Shangxian and others.

Therefore, Nanli Shangxian and others would rush to Ye Xiaohu and Miss Tang.

But when they came to this place, they did not see the flame spirit bird, the battle traces of Ye Xiaohu and Miss Tang, but the battle traces and corpses of other people.

This made them very puzzled, especially Nanli Shangxian, only to see him turn his eyes, could not help but think of something, so she looked at Miss Tang and said: "You will not leave us outside and call a group of people Right? "


Miss Tang knew that Nanli Shangxian had misunderstood, so he smiled and shook his head: "You misunderstood, in fact, these people are disciples of Qingxuzong. But, before they saw me, they liked me Tang The influence and resources of the family in the chaotic land, so I want to force me to turn to the Qingxu Sect. Later when they were rejected by me, they wanted to **** the blood bodhi, and then use the blood bodhi to threaten me. Unfortunately, they eventually failed Yu Kui was intercepted here by Flame Spirit Bird and Earth Dragon. "

"Wait a minute, you said earth dragon?"

If there is only the Fire Spirit Bird, then there is nothing, but when they hear the Earth Dragon, they immediately get nervous and say, "Where are they, will they still be around?"

"They are gone."

Miss Tang glanced at Ye Xiaohu and saw that Ye Xiaohu seemed to be thinking about something, but did not take this matter at all, so she could only say it by herself: "The purpose of the earth dragon and the flame spirit bird staying in this place , Is to guard the blood bodhi. Now that their task has been completed, they will naturally leave with blood bodhi and return to the holy land of demon clan. "

"gone back?"

"That's great."

"I thought it was going to be a big battle, but don't worry now."

"This place, without the guarding of the flame spirit bird and the earth dragon, will no longer be a dangerous place."

Nanli Shangxian and others sighed with emotion after a while.

But after vomiting, the ghost knife Yang Chu couldn't help but say: "Since the mission has failed, then I will not go back with Miss Tang, I will fly directly back to the mountain gate."

"Not urgent."

Miss Tang held Yang Chu, the ghost knife, and then said to all of them: "Although the flame spirit bird and the earth dragon, the carriers carried a lot of blood bodhi flying away. But with the help of Mr. Ye Xiaohu, we successfully discussed I asked for a blood bodhi, so nominally, it is considered to have completed this task. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry, it is best to return to the chaotic land with me before leaving. "

Miss Tang's words immediately set off a storm.

An immortal asked for a blood bodhi with a master of the demon clan. This is absolutely rare in the history of immortals in the past tens of thousands of years.

For a time, ghost knife Yang Chu and others paid attention to Ye Xiaohu for the first time.

If they knew Ye Xiaohu before, it was all a nickname, then at this moment they looked at Ye Xiaohu's gaze, and a little more patience looked.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu withdrew his thoughtful eyes and said: "Everything is a fluke. I have also helped the monsters, so I have some fate with them, so they will sell me a favor and give it to me. A blood bodhi. "

It is also a skill to have friendship with the demon clan.

For a while, Nanli Shangxian and others nodded and accepted such a result.

After all, this time the mission rewards are very rich, and they are also very important. Now that they have recovered, they will naturally not be willing to give up.

"Since everyone has no other opinions, then we will return to the land of chaos now."

Miss Tang was obviously prepared, took out a special jade card on the spot, and threw it directly onto the ground.

An instant portal appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu and others.

Immortals who have reached the level of Xuanxian naturally will not be afraid of this, so everyone has stepped forward and entered the portal directly.

When their vision was restored again, they had returned to the chaotic land.

So under the leadership of Miss Tang, a group of people quickly flew to the location of the Tang family mansion.

The change in this scene has made many people see it in the chaotic land, and there has been a lot of discussion for a while.

But Ye Xiaohu and others did not care.

I saw that they returned to the Tang family and were received by the employees of the Tang family, and arranged to drink tea in the living room ~ ~ Miss Tang turned around to get this task reward.

"Mr. Ye, we need to communicate more in the future."

"This time, the old man accounted for you, Mr. Ye. You will have the opportunity to repay in the future."

"Mr. Ye, if you go to our station in the future, you must contact your son."

"Mr. Ye, if we have a chance, we must learn from each other."

Nanli Shangxian and others stepped forward to communicate with Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu responded to his sons one by one.

At this time, Miss Tang took the things and assigned them to Nanli Shangxian and others: "I have arranged accommodation for you, you can swallow the elixir directly here, or you can choose to leave After this place, swallow it again, but there will be more and more threats, after all, this place is a place of chaos. "

Ye Xiaohu and others glanced at each other, and finally gave up leaving. They chose to refining the Elixir of Tangjia directly, and then left after waiting for improvement.

But when Ye Xiaohu was about to leave, she was stopped by Miss Tang: "This time, thanks to the help of Mr. Ye Xiaohu, so I added something to the reward. I hope Mr. Ye will be satisfied."

"Thank you."

Ye Xiaohu seemed to have a look at Miss Tang. Although he didn't know what Miss Tang had added, in general, he was quite satisfied.

So he took his own task reward, directly under the guidance of the servant, came to the room that Miss Tang arranged for him, and after repelling the servant, and arranged a defensive formation, he was satisfied with the task reward the study.

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