Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1670: : Meeting 1 will Ye Xiaohu

Some elixir.

Some fairy medicines.

Some fairy tools.

These things are some additional rewards, which are not very important to Ye Xiaohu.

The thing that really made Ye Xiaohu care was the climbing panacea.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the mission reward, Ye Xiaohu found the so-called climbing panacea, and there were still two, which made Ye Xiaohu very satisfied.

But just as Ye Xiaohu was about to pick it up and climb over the Shendan to swallow, he suddenly discovered a problem.

Because under this climbing magic pill, there is actually an obscure note.

The note is very small, but there is a lot of writing on it.

"It's strange. Nowadays, it's all using God's consciousness to spread the word. Why does Miss Tang want to store a note in this?"

Ye Xiaohu wouldn't believe that Miss Tang would be so negligent, or that this note is a fairy law book.

Because this note is a very common note, there is no special place.

So with such a curious thought in mind, Ye Xiaohu directly used his own consciousness to cover the note, scanned the contents of the note, and his face became cold instantly, and Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly. : "Sure enough, this time the task is ghost, no wonder there will be a prized panacea as a reward."

The note clearly stated that this time the mission reward was given by the Crown Prince Herlanzong Party. The purpose was to lure Ye Xiaohu out of the mountain and find a chance to kill Ye Xiaohu.

Originally, Miss Tang was just holding a try mentality, so she agreed to the request of the crown prince.

But in the process, Miss Tang found that Ye Xiaohu's person was good, and really helped him get the blood bodhi, which made Miss Tang's heart more complicated.

Therefore, when she went back to take the Elixir, Miss Tang thought for a moment, and finally decided to use such a method to remind Ye Xiaohu that it was benevolent.

When Ye Xiaohu's consciousness was over, the note left by Miss Tang had disappeared in an instant. Obviously, she was also worried that Ye Xiaohu would betray him and use this note to find the crown prince.

So he left a means on the note, as long as the consciousness was swept away, it would be destroyed immediately.

"Interesting means."

"A good crown prince, I am really dying of my heart!"

Originally, Ye Xiaohu thought that he had left Heranzong and could temporarily get a temporary peace, but he never expected to encounter Nangong first, and then discovered this mission again. There was also the shadow of the crown prince.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu snorted sternly: "Since you want to die, then Ye Xiaohu will fulfill you."

Ye Xiaohu is not a good person, not to mention meeting a tyrant like a princeling?

So Ye Xiaohu snorted, "Don't you want to come and kill me? I want to see if you kill me, or if I come to kill you."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a moment, and suddenly had a plan.

So Ye Xiaohu went directly to the depth of the floating island space, and arranged a time-accelerating formation on the spot, then checked it and climbed the Shendan.

If there was no reminder from Miss Tang, then Ye Xiaohu would have swallowed it directly, but with Miss Tang ’s reminder, Ye Xiaohu would have to be cautious.

"Hey, there are some problems."

Sure enough, Ye Xiaohu just observed for a while, and found that there is something different in this climbing panacea.

If it is an ordinary person, then there is no way to discover.

But Ye Xiaohu, the ruthless man who practiced the elixir with Taishang Laojun, can naturally find that this is different, and can't help but sneer: "If you want to hurt me, you are still tender."

I saw Ye Xiaohu snorted, and then used the method of refining, and removed the special place on the climbing Shendan, so that there was no problem in climbing the Shendan.

So Ye Xiaohu picked it up again and climbed the Shendan, swallowing it on the spot.

When Climbing the Divine Pill into the mouth, Ye Xiaohu felt that there was endless immortal power, flowing in his body, directly helping him to start impacting a higher level of realm.

Ye Xiaohu was so pleased that he quickly urged the five elements of the golden body to absorb immortal power to improve his cultivation.


the other side.

Shortly after Ye Xiaohu left, two mysterious gods appeared mysteriously beside Miss Tang.

"How's it going?"

"Has the boy with the surname Ye have gone to practice in the room?"

I saw a glance at Miss Tang, and immediately asked with concern.

Under such circumstances, Miss Tang could not help but take a deep breath, first greetings: "Second Uncle, Chen Bo."

Immediately after Miss Tang, she thought for a while: "I have given him the mission rewards as you ordered, and Ye Xiaohu has no slight doubts ~ ~ I have already gone to take the Elixir Room cultivation. "


I saw Miss Tang's second uncle, with a look of joy on his face: "If that is the case, then let's do it now and kill him directly. When I am, we can take his head and go to Heran Zong found the Prince's Party to worship the mountain gate, successfully joined the Prince's Party, and changed to one official and one half. "

"Not bad."

On the other side, Chen Bo could n’t help but laugh and stroked his beard and said: “I thought that Ye Xiaohu, who had been summoned by the crown prince to kill me, should be a fierce figure, but I never thought of it. It ’s such a weak chicken, it ’s really unbearable. I really do n’t know how he survived the attack of the Fire Spirit Bird and the Earth Dragon. ”

"Uncle Chen, second uncle, this Ye Xiaohu is not an ordinary person."

Seeing his second uncle and Chen Bo, so contemptuous of Ye Xiaohu, Miss Tang couldn't help but be cautiously reminded: "I personally saw how Ye Xiaohu recaptured the blood bodhi, so such a person is absolutely unusual, if we care , It is easy to fall into the passive. "

"Relax, we have been prepared for a long time, and we will definitely not let that boy defeat defeat."

Miss Tang ’s second uncle said with a smug look: “I ’ve done some hands and feet within that panacea. As long as he swallows, then I guarantee that he will die this time.”


Hearing the words of her second uncle, Miss Tang grimaced and could not help feeling some helplessness.

Just when he was worried about Ye Xiaohu, he saw his second uncle, who had stood up directly and greeted Chen Bodao: "Come on, Brother Chen, let's go to meet Ye Xiaohu for a while now."

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