Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1704: : Special arrangements

A special space within the cut-off mountain gate space. Three inch room

I saw Huangfu Nanshan put his magic weapon down seriously, then carried his hands on his back and flew directly to a towering giant tree, looking out at the night sky.

I saw him in deep contemplation, and apparently encountered something difficult.

At this time, here is a report by someone: "Brother Huangfu Nanshan, brother Yao Zhonglong is back."

"Oh, Brother Yao is back?"

Huangfu Nanshan's expression was overwhelmed, so he jumped directly from the treetop, and came to the base camp in three and two steps.

When he came back, he immediately saw a familiar person and couldn't help but excitement: "How about Brother Yao, what clues do I ask you to look for?"

"Brother, I did not live up to your expectations this time, Brother."

I saw Yao Zhonglong's face calm, and said proudly to Huangfu Nanshan: "I have already found the destination smoothly according to your command, I can basically find a way to enter the cut-off mountain gate."


Huangfu Nanshan laughed happily and clenched his fists tightly: "This time I can finally live up to the task this time without disappointing the prince's expectations of us."


Yao Zhonglong said with a smug face: "Brother, now we have locked in the target and determined the direction, so why not act now and rush towards the target immediately?"


Huangfu Nanshan immediately turned around, and then said to his left and right: "Everyone is the core member of my prince party. I must know the purpose of our visit this time, so I won't say more. In order to complete the task the prince gave us, This time we must grab the inheritance of cutting off teaching before others. "

"Brother Huangfu, rest assured!"

"This time the people who entered the mountain gate of interception, our Crown Prince Heranzong has the most proficiency and is also the earliest looking for clues, so there is nothing that can defeat us."

"Huh, this time the mountain gate is cut off, our princeling party is imperative. If anyone dares to stop us, then we will kill without pardon."

"Yes, no matter who is standing in front of us, we have to move them one by one, absolutely not leaving a piece."

The princelings were very excited.

This made Huangfu Nanshan feel that the military heart was available, so he commanded on the spot: "Although we have more power, but we can't handle it at will, we still need to make some arrangements."

"Please ask Brother for instructions."

Other members of the crown princes have stepped forward and said to obey Huangfu Nanshan's arrangement.

This made Huangfu Nanshan very satisfied, so he thought about it seriously, and then said to a member of the crown prince party: "Don't take part in this mission, Brother Xue Baoyu, you lead a few disciples and go out to contact other The forces, let us hold on the potential threats, and try our best to make us feel at ease to break the cut-off mountain gate and get the precious inheritance inside. "


Brother Xue Baoyu was obviously slightly disappointed, he did not participate in this special task.

But he also knew that this time his task was also very important, so he didn't think much, he agreed on the spot, and then ordered a few to leave with his good people.

After he left, Huangfu Nanshan ordered a few more people and arranged them one after another, so that they all had their own tasks to perform.

After all the tasks were arranged properly, Huangfu Nanshan nodded with satisfaction, and then led most of the remaining members of the princeling party to walk directly into the depths of the mountain gate of interception and inheritance.

But when they were about to leave, they saw that Huangfu Nanshan suddenly stopped his footsteps and then patted his forehead: "I was so excited that I almost forgot one thing."

"What's the matter?"

Yao Zhonglong froze for a moment, and then asked nicely: "Can I need my brother to solve it?"

"Brother, you solve it, it is indeed a good candidate."

Huangfu Nanshan stared at Yao Zhonglong for a second, then thought suddenly, suddenly felt that this arrangement was indeed feasible.

So he faced Yao Zhonglong with a solemn face: "That's it. Before you came back today, Xue Shanling of Lanling Xianmen contacted me, and under some pressure, he decided to trust me and agreed with me. See you in a place. Originally I was planning to see him in person before you returned. But now because you are back and bring such critical news, I am afraid there is no way to see Xue Shanling. Under such circumstances, I would like to invite Brother Yao Zhonglong to visit him in person and to include him as an external force in my crown prince party. "

"no problem."

Yao Zhonglong had just completed a big task, and he was the one who was contented with pride, and he saw with a look of excitement: "Do n’t say he is a Xueshan zero ~ ~ I can count ten or eight Take it. "

"Then please you Brother."

Huangfu Nanshan nodded with satisfaction, and then commanded Yao Zhonglong to say: "But you can't carelessly, because Xue Shanling of the Lanling Immortal Gate is not an easy generation. He had previously refused me to pull, Now I am under pressure to contact me and plan to turn to me. I suspect that it is fraudulent, so you should be careful. If the other party is sincere and willing to turn to my princeling party, then you must show that it is established and remember to press People, affect the elder brother ’s strategy throughout the day. If he did not intend to surrender, but had ulterior motives, then you do n’t have to be polite, give me a direct shot to kill him. "

"Brother, rest assured!"

Yao Zhonglong didn't worry, and said confidently: "If he really dares to play anything, then I will let him know why the flowers are so red."

"then you go!"


At the command of Huangfu Nanshan, Yao Zhonglong left directly.

After he left, Huangfu Nanshan stood on the spot again, thinking about the matter seriously.

As a result, Huangfu Nanshan thought left and right, always feeling that this task would not cause any problems.

After all, Yao Zhonglong's position in the Crown Prince is quite high, and his cultivation practice is also very solid. It is definitely not that ordinary people can confront at will.

Even if Xue Shanling was in front of Yao Zhonglong, he was not vulnerable.

After thinking of this, Huangfu Nanshan couldn't help but suppress his inner worries thoroughly, and then said to the right and left members of the Crown Prince: "Everyone can go out, can we build immortal merits this time and become the core backbone of the future Heranzong Look at your performance this time. "

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