Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1705: : You are nothing in my eyes

"It seems to be lost mountains in front."

"It is said that this place has a natural magnetic field, forming a large psychedelic array, which can make it difficult for people to pass through."

"Yes, I've been in this place before, and I suffered heavy losses."

"If it weren't for my last time, I carried a magic weapon that can stabilize my mind, I'm afraid I can't pass through this place yet."

When Xue Shanling and others came to the Lost Mountain Range, they immediately sighed with emotion.

It is not the first time they have seen this place.

When they told one after another what they had encountered before, Ye Xiaohu also observed this place.

Because of this place, it was not the picture that Ye Xiaohu saw in the cut gate of the Jiao Jiao Mountain at that time. Obviously, the location of the entrance to the cut gate of the Jiao Jiao Mountain also changed a bit from that time.

Can make the teaching cut off, and the person who can get out such a psychedelic formation at the entrance of the cutting mountain gate is certainly not an ordinary person.

As Ye Xiaohu looked dignified, a group of people suddenly came across from him.

This group of people is naturally Yao Zhonglong and others. When they came out, they immediately looked at Xue Shanling with a high spirit: "Are you the Xueshan Ling in Lanling Xianmen?"

"it's me."

Xue Shanling glanced at each other, and found Huangfu Nanshan again, but he did not see Huangfu Nanshan, which made him slightly dissatisfied: "Brother Huangfu Nanshan? Isn't he promising to come to see me?" Why did you suddenly get an unknown soldier like you? "

"I am Yao Zhonglong, why is it the unknown pawn?"

Yao Zhonglong snorted coldly, but he was a ruthless man in front of the door of the Helanzong, placed in the surrounding Xiaoxianmen, at least one of the best peerless geniuses.

However, he is now ignored by Xue Shanling, and even despised it for a while, which made him slightly dissatisfied: "Well, look at you for coming to surrender to my crown prince, I can forgive you just now. It's rude, but you have to kneel down and apologize immediately, otherwise don't blame me for teaching you first. "

Hearing Yao Zhonglong ’s words, the members of the crown prince next to it could n’t help feeling the situation, so they looked at Yao Zhonglong one after another.

But Yao Zhonglong ignored them, as if he had made a decision and would not change it.

"Let Lao Tzu apologize to you, do you deserve it?"

Today's Xueshan Zero is no longer the former Xueshan Zero. Now that Xueshan Zero is under the guidance of Ye Xiaohu, Xiuwei has risen a lot.

So he took a deep breath, and then took out the magic weapon before it: "Forget it, I still take the initiative to contact Brother Huangfu Nanshan and ask him what the **** is going on."

Xue Shanling glanced at Ye Xiaohu, seeing that Ye Xiaohu did not object to the decision he just made, so he was relieved and took out his magic weapon to contact Huangfu Nanshan before and wanted to continue to contact Huangfu Nanshan.

But his magic weapon had just been taken out, and before he had started, he saw Yao Zhonglong on the opposite side, slashed with a sword and a fairy light, and smashed the magic weapon in Xue Shan's hands on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Xue Shanling couldn't help but change his face. Yao Zhonglong said on the spot: "I've surnamed Yao, I have endured you once, but you are now provoking five times and looking for fault with me. Is it a bully? "

"How about provoking you?"

Yao Zhonglong said disdainfully: "If it were not for you to take refuge in my crown prince party, then Lao Tzu will now take someone to destroy your Lanling Immortal Gate, so the people at the entrance of the interception mountain gate will make you completely cool."

"You are so deceiving."

Seeing that Yao Zhonglong was so abominable, Xue Shan couldn't help but be furious, and the person who directly led the Lanling Xianmen would have to step forward and fight with the crown prince led by Yao Zhonglong.

Seeing this scene, Yao Zhonglong relentlessly snorted: "On the basis of your three immortal magic methods in Lanling Xianmen, the inferior talent is cultivated as a person who is not influential in my Helan Sect, even together What's the point of shooting? So when I'm not angry, I still sign the contract and accept my arrangement. "

Yao Zhonglong laughed, unmoved.

In his history, only those who were eliminated by He Lanzong would join the low-level Xianmen cultivation like Lanling Xianmen. People like this are simply not worth his attention.

"Okay, a arrogant Herlan Sect, a domineering princeling, a lawless Yao Zhonglong, you are really lawless."

"Yes, the people of Lanling Xianmen are not taken by you, but what about our dark night Xianmen?"

"It's a copy of our ghost valley fairy gate, I want to take a look at Brother Yao Zhonglong, can you be as calm as the beginning."

"Yes, you have the ability, Brother Yao Zhonglong, to deal with so many of our alliances alone, I want to see what you have."

For a time, the people who Ye Xiaohu had told Xue Shanling had come out of the crowd.

They didn't want to come out so early in the beginning, but when they heard that Yao Zhonglong was so rampant, and they did not take these people who were eliminated by Heranzong into their eyes, they couldn't help but stand up one after another. Xue Shanling.

Yao Zhonglong, who was still breezy, suddenly became very embarrassed when he suddenly jumped out of these immortal gates.

Because he originally thought he was only aiming at Xue Shanling, but now it is a joint effort against the entire Lanling Xianmen, then the situation becomes complicated.

Even the members of the crown princes around him became anxious.

Just when they did n’t know how to deal with it ~ ~ After all, Yao Zhonglong, who was used to the big winds and waves, took a deep breath and came forward again, and said to Xue Shan zero: "Huh, what's the matter? ? My talent can't beat me, so I plan to use the advantages of many people to hit me? "

"If you really have the ability, then I can give you a chance to challenge me fairly."

I saw Yao Zhonglong's eyes turn around, then looked at Xue Shan zero provocatively: "I only have the ability, and I don't need to use the tactical winning garbage."

"Since you are determined to die, then I will fulfill you."

Xue Shanling glanced back at Ye Xiaohu, and as a result, Ye Xiaohu kept nodding, which made Xue Shanling completely relieved.

So Xue Shanling, who represents Ye Xiaohu's identity and his subordinates, killed Yao Zhonglong with a smug look, and said to Yao Zhonglong across the sky: "Don't you think that you joined the Helanzong and you are invincible? Today I I will tell you that Yao Zhonglong is nothing in front of me. "

(End of this chapter)) Book friends, pay attention!

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